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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 146
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Chapter 146

"I know, Grandma." Katherine nodded while looking at the sandalwood chest in her hand as she sighed


Without much nagging, she sent Katherine out, using her tiredness as an excuse.

As such, Katherine came out of the room with the chest in her arms. At that time, Joaquin was still

sitting on the couch in the living room. Seeing that she was here, his gaze fell on the box she was

holding and he raised his eyebrows with surprise.

It's ancient. That chest is worth a lot of money just for the carving itself, not to mention the material.

"You're not leaving yet?" Katherine glanced at Joaquin and asked calmly.

"I spent a day with Grandma and did hard work. Why don't you give me a cuppa instead of kicking me

out? It's too much, isn't it?" He looked at her with a sad puppy face.

Rolling her eyes, she then carried the chest back to her room to put it away before she came out and

poured a glass of plain water for him.


"Tomorrow, we will follow the normal procedure. You will come to the Cornell Residence to pick me up,

have someone read out the gift list, and take away those bride prices."

As soon as he heard that, Joaquin froze for a moment and it took him a while to come back to his

senses. Then, he looked at Katherine differently.

I was wondering why Katherine is being a pushover suddenly. It turns out she's just waiting for this

moment. How will the outsiders think of Jorge if we read out the gift list in front of everyone and it

doesn't tally with the bride price from the Cornell Residence? He greedily sold his daughter's dowry,

after all, so there is no way he will be able to raise his head in the upper-class circle of Hovington

anymore. He wants to make a comeback, you say? That is simply a fool's dream…

"Okay." Joaquin was secretly glad that he had not made an enemy of Katherine. Otherwise, he would

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wake up one random day and still not understand where and how things went wrong.

With a yawn, it was apparent that she wanted to send him off already. Seeing that, Joaquin did not

overdue his stay and made an excuse to leave.

The wedding was scheduled to pick up the bride at 9.00AM. At night, Katherine took Jennifer back to

the Cornell Residence with her. Before 5.00AM the next day, the makeup artist and the photographer

from the wedding planner came knocking on her door already.

Looking at the desolate Cornell Residence, they wore some strange expressions.

However, they did not say much and went straight to Katherine's room to work.

By then, the bride of the day had yet to even wake up, but they dragged her to change into her clothes

and pressed her on the chair before starting her hairstyle and makeup. After two hours, it was done!

Katherine looked at herself with delicate makeup in the mirror and drifted off for a moment, feeling


On the other hand, Jennifer turned her face away and secretly wiped her eyes.

A burst of firecrackers rang out downstairs, accompanied by loud noise. Katherine suddenly became

nervous although she was calm before.

"The groom is here. Hurry up and lock the door," Jennifer calmly commanded as she wiped her tears


The makeup artists hurried over to lock the door. For some reason, they were nervous too.

Soon, Ben's recognizable voice rang from outside. "Katherine, please open the door. We're here to pick

up the bride."

"I'm afraid I can't easily let you take the bride away. You must show some sincerity," Jennifer shouted at

the door after she cleared her throat.

After a moment of silence, Joaquin stood there with a sullen face and said nothing. Ben exchanged

words with the other brothers for a bit before he took an envelope and stuffed it under the door.

"Go. Take a good look," Jennifer instructed the makeup artist.

The makeup artist then went over cautiously and picked up the envelope. After she opened it, she saw

a wad of cash and was alarmed. "Mrs. Olsen, it's quite a lot of money. I would say it's at least twenty


"It's not enough. You didn't show enough sincerity to open the door," Jennifer glanced at the cash and

shouted at the door again.

This time, she even deliberately changed her voice.

"Mr. Levisay, what should we do? They disagree with the amount we gave." This was a first experience

for Ben, so he looked to Joaquin for help.

The groom pursed his lips for a while before he fished out a Gold Card inside his pocket and handed it

to Ben.

When Ben saw it, his eyes widened. "Mr. Levisay?"

"Quick." Joaquin wanted to kick Ben so badly.

Hearing this, Ben hurriedly stuffed the card into the envelope and slotted it under the door.

The makeup artist picked up the envelope again and handed the card to Jennifer.

Finally, the old lady smiled with satisfaction. "Okay, now. Unlock the door for him."

With that, the makeup artist obediently opened the door. Soon, Ben and his brothers noisily came

rushing through the door.

On the other hand, Joaquin straightened the tie on his chest before holding the bouquet of roses and

walking in.

Looking at the man who entered the door, Katherine's mind went blank for a moment as she felt like

she had been struck by lightning.

Joaquin was not wearing a mask today; instead, he wore a faint smile on his clear and elegant face.

The roses in his hand made him look undeniably handsome. However, Katherine could not resist the

turmoil that was in her head.

Can someone tell me what is happening? Why is the man before me the b*stard who violated me at the

hotel that night?

"What should I do? Mr. Levisay, can we pick up the bride now? Is there any more process to go

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through?" Those who followed Joaquin to pick up the bride were from Area Seven. Everyone was big

and rough, and they had no experience in romance. Hence, it was their first time experiencing the

family tradition and they were in a mess as no one knew what to do next.

"Well, you should find the bride's shoes. After the bride wears the shoes, you can take her away," the

photographer on the side weakly reminded.

"Brothers, hurry up and look for the shoes."

Thanks to the reminder, Ben remembered it and quickly waved his hand. A group of people

immediately turned up everything in the room as if they were beasts that had just come out of the cage.

However, the bride was speechless with their behavior.

It was then that Joaquin walked over with the flowers in his hand. When he saw Katherine's shocked

expression, he coughed softly. "I—"

"Mr. Levisay! I found the shoes. Hurry up and grab the bride!" someone suddenly shouted and it

attracted everyone's attention in the room.

A tall man held a single red high heel in his hand while shouting with a big smile.

At that moment, Joaquin felt a headache. He regretted bringing that group of brats to pick up the bride.

They are definitely here to make trouble for me.

Katherine held down her excitement and acted calmly.

After Joaquin took the shoes, he squatted down and put them on Katherine before picking her up and

walking out of the room with quick steps.

"We got the bride! Jeremy, get someone to carry Katherine's dowry." Ben did not forget his mission and

only ordered Jeremy after Joaquin left with a bride in his arms.

As soon as Jeremy heard that, he immediately understood and ordered his men to start carrying the


Jorge watched with complicated thoughts as Joaquin carried Katherine down the stairs.

Before he could get sentimental, he heard a loud voice from upstairs. "One pair of Dragon and Phoenix

Jade Pendants—"