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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 145
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Chapter 145

"Why can't we go up there?"

As Katherine witnessed Jorge's flustered look, she had a rough idea in her mind.

The Levisay Family had given the Cornells a hefty amount of bethortal gifts, and Katherine deliberately

left them untouched and kept the gift list. The goal behind this lay in what was about to unfold at

Cornell Residence today.

"I-I-It's messy upstairs and disorganized, you…" Jorge opened his mouth without knowing how to


Katherine looked at him with a gentle smile. "It's alright. I'm getting married tomorrow. I'm free today, so

I'm going to clean up the house. In the future, you'll live alone without someone to care for you and I

won't feel at ease."

"I…" Jorge could not think of any other excuses.

Lisa and Rosemary have taken the gifts from the Levisay Family, and some of them were sold by me.

Now, I believe there are not even a third of them left. If Katherine goes up and pursues the matter, how

will I explain?

"Kathy, your grandmother is an outsider after all, but you brought her here—"

"Outsider? Jorge Cornell, use your brain and think carefully. Am I an outsider? The house you live in

was under my daughter's name. Now that she's passed away, Kathy should be the one that inherits this

house. I am Kathy's grandmother, so how am I an outsider?" Jennifer was not a pushover. After seeing

Jorge's hesitation and excuses, she knew there was a problem upstairs.

The more he refused to let her up, the more she wanted to do so.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Get out of the way. Kathy let you live in the house because she's kind. You killed her mother and

hijacked the Olsen Family. You beast doesn't even deserve to live in this world! If I were you, I'd be

dead. How dare you be shameless enough to make a fool of yourself here! You enjoy everything your

daughter brings you and you make irresponsible remarks!" Jennifer viciously cursed while shoving

Jorge aside.

Still, he did not dare to make a move for fear of hurting the old lady. Hence, he could only helplessly

watch them heading upstairs.

Katherine's room was still locked. After she opened the door and examined the inside, she revealed a


Following that, Jennifer went straight in and opened the box on the ground. When she saw the content,

she laughed in frustration. "Jorge is really something. He stole your stuff! How shameless one must be

to be able to do such a thing?"

"Grandma, I didn't take the things with me back then because I thought this day would come,"

Katherine sneered and walked around to take a careful inventory of the room's contents.

Anything valuable and easy to sell was pretty much stolen, and what was left for Katherine was either

invaluable or bad for sales.

Had the duo not returned today, Jorge probably would not carry these leftovers to the Levisay

Residence to Katherine. Instead, they would be regarded as Katherine's gift to the Cornell Family.

"We can't just let them off the hook like that!" Jennifer cursed angrily.

"There's no hurry. Tomorrow, I'll make sure that they spit everything out." Katherine squeezed the back

of Jennifer's hand.

However, the old lady remained furious as she carefully inventoried everything again. The more she

counted, the angrier she became. "This family is really something. What did they even leave for you?

Look at these clothes. Rosemary wore this shirt and stuffed it back! How shameless of her!"

"Grandma." Katherine saw Jennifer turn red with anger and could not help but pull her back.

"You're way too kind. That's why you're prone to bullying, like your mother!" Jennifer exclaimed angrily

while thinking about what she should get for Katherine.

"I don't want you to be sad, Grandma. There's nothing else here. Let's go." Katherine grabbed

Jennifer's arm and made a rare pout.

It was then that Jennifer's heart suddenly softened; she looked at Katherine as her heart ached at the

same time. Subsequently, she sighed and patted her granddaughter's hair before she spoke sadly,

"Your mother said you should get married in style to let everyone know that you're the princess of the

Cornell Family. Now, I'm weak and I need you to support me. So, I'm afraid I can't give you a valuable


"I don't need anything else. I'm content enough to have you give me away." Katherine leaned toward

Jennifer's shoulder.

Then, Jennifer patted Katherine's head. "It's alright. I won't let you suffer any more of this."

When they went downstairs, Jorge was waiting there nervously.

Jennifer glared at him and snorted. "Jorge, you never let me down."

"I—" He opened his mouth and did not know what to say.

"It's alright, Dad. Grandma and I will leave now. Tomorrow morning, I'll stay at home to get married.

Then, I'll return at night." Katherine smiled at Jorge as if she did not care that her gifts were stolen.

Seeing that, Jorge calmed down a little before he responded politely, "Of course. You are my daughter,

so you must get married at home. If you need anything, just tell me. I'll buy it for you."

"It's alright, Dad. I don't need anything else," Katherine answered with a smile and helped Jennifer, who

was about to explode, to leave Cornell Residence.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As soon as they left the house, Jennifer could not hold in her anger anymore. "What on earth? Jorge is

a big bully! Kathy, you must steel your heart. Tomorrow, you mustn't forgive him no matter how much

he pleads! He doesn't deserve your forgiveness!"

"Grandma, you promised me not to get angry." Katherine was helpless as she looked at Jennifer

puffing up, but she did not know how to explain.

The old lady patted her own chest a few times until she felt better. "I just can't swallow that anger. Let's

leave. I will give you more dowry. You don't have a good sibling, and your grandfather and I only have

your mother as a child. After you marry into the Levisay Family, don't let anyone bully you. If Johdy

bullies you, you must tell me. Alright?"

"Okay, Grandma. I got it." Katherine's heart was full of warmth.

As the grandmother and granddaughter arrived at the entrance, Joaquin had already alighted to open

the car door for them.

Seeing Jennifer's countenance, he subconsciously looked at Katherine. Without saying anything, she

merely got into the car.

Although Katherine kept her silence, Jennifer complained about Jorge along the way. At last, Joaquin

knew the reason why Jennifer was unhappy. However, he glanced at Katherine with doubts in his eyes.

Katherine isn't a pushover. When she was plotting against Rosemary, she did not hold back at all. I

don't believe Katherine would let Jorge bully her like this.

Yet, Joaquin only held those thoughts in his heart and did not express them.

At Soulin International, Jennifer returned to her room and came out with a locked wooden box after a

while. Next, she handed the box to Katherine. "Kathy, this is my dowry to you. Please don't mind this

worthless box."


"Accept it. I know my time and don't have a few years to spare. The only person I worry about is you

and Noah. You must live a good life with Johdy from now on. You must communicate with each other

and not hide anything, understand?"