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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147

"Dragon and Phoenix Jade Pendants, huh? I heard the Levisay Family has an ancestral jade pendant

that is top-quality. It was crafted by court craftsmen back in the day and I wonder if I can look at it


"I heard the Levisay Family doesn't particularly care about this marriage, right? I don't think it's the

same pendant."

"What do you know? That jade doesn't belong to the Levisay Family but to Joaquin's mother, who

brought it with her as dowry. The Foster Family is a century-old family, so the stuff she brought must be

good. Joaquin is Angela's only child, so her dowry must be given to his wife."

On that day, Cornell Residence had plenty of guests. When they heard the voices from upstairs, they

started talking one after another.

Many people looked at Jorge with envy on their faces, so he subconsciously straightened his back with


After Jeremy read the list, someone carried an ebony chest from upstairs. However, after opening the

chest, it was empty inside.

Everyone was stunned at the sight, including Jorge. Then, he finally returned to his senses and his face

turned pale.

At that moment, Joaquin had already put Katherine down and they stood at the stairs while looking at

the person coming down. He smiled while looking at her and softly asked, "Why? Did you take out the

Dragon Phoenix Pendant?"

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"I never opened the box and it's been in the room all this time," Katherine calmly replied.

Soon, Jorge's face turned pale; he felt humiliated despite being proud earlier.

Everyone knew that all these things were kept 'safe' in Cornell Residence. However, the content was

empty and it was easy to guess who the culprit was.

At that point, it felt like there was an invisible hand that was striking him in the face hard.

Yet, this was only the beginning.

Jeremy continued to read the gift list out loud. Everytime he recited an item, someone came downstairs

with another empty box. With each open chest, it felt like someone swung around and slapped Jorge

hard until his head was dizzy and buzzing. He could not come back to his senses for a long while.

Meanwhile, the bride merely wore a smile as she silently watched the empty boxes and crates being

carried down from upstairs.

Joaquin brought a lot of people to help out that day. After a group of people came down with the

chests, they went back up to continue.

Soon, the living room was filled with dozens of empty boxes.

At that point, the living room was as quiet as a pin drop. No one said anything, yet they all looked in

unison at Jorge, who swayed and almost lost his footing.

It was the most humiliating moment in his life.

"Dad, if you're tight and need money, you can tell me. Why are you…" Katherine sighed and looked up

at Jorge helplessly.

Parting his lips, Jorge wanted to make an explanation but had no idea where to begin. His face was on

fire at that time as he was totally embarrassed and humiliated.

The guests' gazes were like knives piercing through him. He wished the earth would open up and

swallow him whole right then so that he could put a stop to the embarrassment.

"Joaquin, I think Dad…" Katherine looked at Joaquin with red eyes and softly pleaded for Jorge.

However, Joaquin coldly interrupted her, "I don't care about the other things. However, my mother's

pendant is to be left to her daughter-in-law. That is an ancestral item passed down from generation to

generation in the Foster Family. I don't care who took it, but you must hand it to me no matter what it

takes. Otherwise, you are a thief for doing so and I will report this incident to the police."

Upon hearing that, Jorge changed his expression, so he hurriedly pleaded, "Joaquin, t-this is a family

affair, so this is not stealing! Today is the big day for you and Kathy, so let's continue with the wedding.

We will settle this after the wed—"

"No. According to the Foster Family's tradition, the Dragon and Phoenix Jade Pendants must be worn

on the wedding day, signifying peace between the couple. We won't proceed with the wedding if the

pendant is lost." Joaquin's attitude was unusually resolute.

"I…" Jorge looked at Joaquin dumbfounded.

The atmosphere in the house suddenly froze. No one spoke and everyone looked at Jorge while

waiting to see how he would solve this matter.

Marriage was an important event in life. Everyone agreed with common sense that Jorge should return

what he had taken to allow the wedding go smoothly.

However, Jorge did not know what to do at all. It wasn't even me who took the pendant! It was Rose! I

can't possibly retrieve it back even if I try.

"Joaquin, look. You can't treat marriage as a child's play. Please go through the process first. I-I

promise I'll definitely send the pendant back to you. Okay?" Jorge shyly came up to Joaquin and spoke


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However, Joaquin did not answer and looked at Jorge with a half-smile.

It was then Jorge's heart thumped as he knew that Joaquin would not let him go.

The groom continued, "It seems like you didn't take the pendant. Since that's the case, let's call the

cops and let them handle it. I will continue my wedding with Kathy, but I must catch the thief."

"I-I…" Jorge was panicking as he was running out of ideas at this point.

Suddenly, Hera, who had arrived late, entered along with her people. Surprised at the quiet house, she

quickly drew her attention to Joaquin.

The groom stood there perfectly without wearing the usual golden mask. He was wearing a custom

handmade suit as if he was a European aristocrat who came out of an oil painting, looking noble.

Stunned, Hera's countenance darkened as she quickly walked over. "What's wrong? Why haven't you

left after you picked up the bride?"

Her sudden appearance surprisingly eased the atmosphere.

However, Joaquin glanced at her and decided to ignore her. His face still fell on the guilty man. "Jorge,

what do you think?"

"It's a big day…" Jorge did not want to call the police because he could only wish to stay in the city if

the incident was spread all over Hovington.

"Dad, why don't you tell us who took the dowry? Today is my big day. W-Why do you have to

embarrass me like this?" Katherine looked at Jorge with red eyes as if she was about to tear up.

At that time, Jorge was flustered and pressured. As a result, he could not hide it any longer. "I-It's your

sister and mother—"

"My mother is dead." Katherine choked out.

Jorge opened his mouth and was annoyed at Katherine's aggrieved look.

He was irritated that Katherine was deliberately saying these words to make things difficult for him,

instead of sharing the burden with him.