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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134

After Lily looked at the wedding dress Katherine was wearing, she hid the disdain in her eyes before

she offered kindly, "Miss Cornell, is this the dress you will be wearing at your wedding? I heard that you

and Joaquin got engaged in a haste. Did you not have time to get a customized dress? I happen to

have a dress in the store. Would you like to try it on? Just treat it as a wedding gift from me to you and


"I wouldn't want to trouble you." Katherine tugged at the wedding dress on her body.

"Not at all. Deanna, take out the dress I ordered and give it to Miss Cornell. I think she will look good in

it." Lily didn't give Katherine the chance to refuse before she called the store clerk over.

Deanna then ran over. As soon as she heard Lily's words, she subconsciously glanced at Katherine

with disdainful eyes, but still she obediently went to get the dress Lily mentioned.

"Please head over here to try on the dress, Miss Cornell." Deanna huffed. Her disrespect for Katherine

was written all over her face.

Katherine only peeked at her before she turned to look at Lily. "It is alright. I am not used to wearing

someone else's clothes. This dress I have on now is fine."

"Miss Cornell, you don't have to be so reserved or feel shy with me. I have a very good relationship

with Joaquin. It is only natural I do something for him since he is getting married. This dress is a small

token of my sincerity. I will be upset if you refuse me." Lily looked at Katherine with a hurt expression

on her face. The former looked like she would cry if Katherine were to reject her.

Katherine felt the corners of her mouth twitch. She thought it was ridiculous how they had to kick up a

fuss even though she was only trying on a dress. At this point, she was really starting to regret her

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decision to marry Joaquin.

There were too many oddballs around Joaquin. As if Beatrice wasn't enough, there was now Lily as

well. Katherine wouldn't even be surprised if more women popped out of nowhere in the future.

Just the thought alone gave her an immense headache.

"No—" She was about to reject Lily when Ben came out while pushing Joaquin, who was donning a

smoky gray suit. It was particularly difficult to not be overshadowed in suits of this color. However,

Joaquin looked extremely noble in it—it was as if the suit was made just for him.

Lily's attention was taken away just like that. She stared so keenly at the man until she even forgot to

continue ridiculing Katherine.

It went on for a long minute before she subconsciously muttered, "Joaquin, you—"

"Why haven't you changed?" he complained with a frown when he saw that Katherine was still wearing

the same dress he saw her in earlier. His gaze was on her the whole time, and he spared not one

glance at Lily.

Seeing this, Lily quickly explained, "Joaquin, Miss Cornell kept saying no when I told her to try on the

dress I ordered before. Just what is she being so polite for? Aren't you and I too close for her to hold

back? What is mine is also yours. I—"

Without waiting for her to finish, Joaquin calmly interrupted, "I don't think you and I are that close."

An embarrassed Lily looked as though she was being strangled in that instant. Her face became

flushed and even though her mouth was open, she couldn't utter a word standing there.

Katherine almost let a laugh slip as she mused about how Joaquin was still his same old

straightforward self.

"Why didn't you try on a new dress? Do you not like the wedding dress I made for you?" His eyes

returned to Katherine again.

"I haven't had time to try it on," Katherine replied smoothly, ignoring the sour look of Lily's face.

Lily felt uncomfortable, and it was as if she had swallowed a fly. She smiled awkwardly before asking

Joaquin, "Joaquin, did you make the wedding dress yourself?"

He continued to ignore her and not answer her. "Hurry up and try it on then," he muttered. "We can go

home earlier once you are done."

She was filled with hatred at that point. She had a good relationship with him before, but for some

reason, it all changed after she went abroad to develop her career.

She refused to believe that Joaquin truly liked Katherine.

To Lily, Katherine being a Fontanian meant that she had poor hygiene. Furthermore, she was neither

educated nor capable and had no right to stand beside Joaquin either.

Keeping her emotions at bay, Lily turned to look at Joaquin and grumbled, "Joaquin, we haven't seen

each other in such a long time. Why are you so indifferent to me? We—"

Mid-sentence, the man finally lifted his chin to look at her.

Lily hurriedly puffed out her chest to leave the best impression on him, but just as she straightened her

back, she heard his voice that was cold and without a hint of warmth. "Miss, it is very rude to keep

interrupting someone else when they are talking. Has your family not taught you basic etiquette?"

Her face instantly turned pale when she heard this. Wobbling, she looked at him and began, "Joaquin, I


"We are not close and I don't want to talk to you. Please get out of the way. You are blocking my view,"

he deadpanned, his eyes still emotionless as he looked at her.

Lily might be deceiving herself into believing that they were close, but anyone could see that Joaquin

absolutely did not miss her one bit.

As hurt as she was, she was more upset about the inequality.

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Even if he lost his status as the heir of the Levisay Family, he was still someone other men couldn't

compete with. It was precisely because Lily knew how capable Joaquin was that she was unwilling to

let him go.

Katherine had already been brought away by the store manager to try on the dress. She only walked

out of the dressing room with a blank expression on her face as she walked out holding the skirt half an

hour later.

It was a smokey gray wedding dress with a deep V neckline and a large cutout on the back that

perfectly hugged her figure. The fluffy fishtail-shaped skirt behind her gave her a dignified look.

Katherine had just walked out of the fitting room, but seconds was all it took for her to catch everyone's

eyes. No one could look away from her.

She was simply dazzling.

The dress looked like it was made for her and her alone. Other than her, no one else in this world could

make the dress look so good.

Even Joaquin looked faintly surprised when he saw her step out.

In her high-heeled shoes, Katherine impassively strutted in front of him. "You made this?" she asked


"Do you like it?" From the look on her face, she didn't seem like she liked it a lot.

She pursed her lips and drawled, "It's okay."

"Just throw it away after the wedding if you don't like it. It is not something valuable anyway," he

casually suggested.

Unlike the nonchalant couple, Lily, who was standing aside, was about to jump and explode from

jealousy. "Joaquin, don't you know your designs' current market price? Just a drawing alone is worth

over 10 million! If this wedding dress of yours is put up for auction, you can even sell it for 100 million!


"Was I talking to you?" The moment Joaquin coldly glanced at her, it made her shut her mouth even

though she was reluctant. Lily's jealousy-filled eyes, however, were now shooting daggers at Katherine.