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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135

"Is it worth that much?" Surprised, Katherine raised her eyebrows and tugged at the wedding dress on

her body.

It was made of special material that was a rare commodity on the market. Just the cost of the material

for making this dress alone probably was through the roof.

Even though Katherine had had a rough estimate of the value of the dress when she tried them on, she

had still underestimated it.

100 million.

Am I actually wearing 100 million?

This was way too extravagant for me!

Joaquin could tell what she was thinking as he looked at her.

He brought a hand up to massage his temples and he sighed. "You can have it auctioned after the

wedding if you want to."

"Righto," she replied agreeably.

There was no way she would say no to money.

Katherine had a lot of things she wanted to do, and each of those things would require a huge amount

of financial support in order for her to accomplish them.

However, her straightforward answer only further fueled Lily's temper.

"Are you broke or something, Miss Cornell? You are even selling your own wedding dress?!" Lily

mocked in a sarcastic tone.

Hearing that, Katherine gave the woman a strange look. "I am broke. Well, at least I am not rich

enough to take 100 million lightly. Do you not care about 100 million, Miss Sutton? You sure are rich!"

Lily immediately choked when she heard that. She then looked at Katherine with a dark expression on

her face, but she couldn't utter a word.

100 million? Lily's current net worth wasn't even near 50 million.

She was practically boiling by now. Her plan to ridicule Katherine had ended up with her making a fool

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out of herself.

She wasn't thick-skinned enough to continue staying here now that everyone was throwing odd

glances at her.

Still enraged, she finally turned around and scurried away.

Hera had enjoyed herself watching the whole thing unfold from the side. She only quietly scolded Lily

for being stupid after the latter left the scene.

She then walked over with a smile, glanced at Katherine and Joaquin before smilingly parting her lips.

"We can go home if you have found the dress. Kathy, according to traditions, the two of you aren't

supposed to meet before the wedding. I will have the driver send you back to the Cornell Residence


"There's no need for that," Joaquin unhesitantly replied before instructing Ben to bring him into the

fitting room.

Katherine, too, quickly went and got changed as she was uncomfortable in the dress.

Joaquin didn't only prepare a wedding gown for Katherine. In fact, he had considerately made 12

dresses according to Katherine's size.

She didn't try them all on. She only took a quick look, and proceeded to leave with Joaquin when she

was satisfied with them.

Hera's face twisted in anger as she watched the couple get into the same car.

As Katherine got in, she couldn't help but laugh when she thought about Lily's reaction. "You are a

fashion designer as well?" she mused, to which he nodded.

"I learned it for a few days because I was free."

Ben was driving in the driver's seat when he heard Joaquin's words. He almost stepped on the gas

pedal and sent the three of them into the green belt by the side of the road.

Noticing this, Joaquin calmly glanced over at him, his eyes seemingly warning Ben.

The latter immediately spotted an aggrieved look on his face.

Joaquin was an annoyingly impressive person. He did study fashion design for a month back in his

earlier days, but he eventually stopped because it was too boring for him. However, his teacher

submitted a piece he designed for fun to an international fashion design competition, where he actually

won first place. Everyone was trying to find out who the design industry's dark horse was then.

Unfortunately, the only thing people knew about him was his pseudonym; no one knew who he really


That single piece was sold internationally at a staggering price of 50 million pounds.

That was why Lily wasn't exaggerating at all earlier. It wouldn't be surprising if Katherine's dress was

sold at 100 million—in pounds—if the public were to find out that it was designed by Joaquin.

However, Katherine didn't know all these. She believed whatever Joaquin told her.

After Ben sent them back to Soulin International, Katherine glanced at Joaquin and reached out to

lightly press on his wound. The man's breath swiftly hitched as he glared at her.

When she saw the look on his face, she commented, "Running amok when your injury isn't even

healed? You must be dying to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of your life."

The pain had drained him to the point where he couldn't reply. He only managed to hold himself back

from letting out a pained grunt by clenching his jaw.

She then tossed him a porcelain bottle. "This medicine is good for healing wounds. Use it so that there

are no accidents at the wedding."

He caught the bottle and while he held it in his hand, he quietly watched her get out.

"Mr. Levisay—" Ben greedily peeked at the bottle in Joaquin's hand. "—Miss Cornell sure treats you


Joaquin only calmly glanced at him. "Are you going to start driving back to the clinic any time soon?"

"Right away, sir," Ben quickly answered.

After starting the car, he couldn't help but ask again out of curiosity. "Mr. Levisay, you went to the bridal

shop just to back Miss Cornell up, didn't you? Did you know that Lily Sutton would definitely go there to

make things difficult for Miss Cornell?"

Joaquin only raised his eyes and glanced at Ben. Even though the former didn't speak, the threat in his

eyes was evident.

Seeing that look in Joaquin's eyes immediately made Ben wither as he stopped asking questions.

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After returning to the clinic, Ben hurriedly checked Joaquin's wound. He finally breathed a sigh of relief

when he saw that the wound was fine and not torn. He then took a cotton swab and carefully applied

the medicine Katherine gave Joaquin earlier.

The wound, which pain was unbearable at first, only felt cool after the medicine was applied. The pain

was completely gone. Sure enough, Joaquin was surprised by how well the medicine that Katherine

gave worked.

This medicine…

Ben, too, wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but the wound seemed to have healed considerably after

he applied the medicine.

Scratching his head, he stored away the rest of the medicine, and gingerly asked Joaquin another

question when he saw how pale Joaquin was. "Mr. Levisay, do you need a sedative?"

Joaquin's injury had been throbbing so painfully he couldn't fall asleep without sedative.

"It is fine. You can leave now." Joaquin didn't hold back as he drove Ben away.

Seeing that Joaquin didn't look like he was joking, Ben quickly turned around and left wordlessly.

Now that Joaquin was alone, he reached out to press lightly on his wound. To his surprise, he didn't

feel any pain at all. It did feel slightly itchy; it was as if the wound was healing.

Katherine, on the other hand, took a hot bath, and had comfortably lay down after she returned to

Soulin International.

In a VIP room in Hovington Hospital.

Tessa was standing beside with red eyes and an aggrieved look on her face.

Hebert only continued to languidly browse through the newspaper in his hands without sparing his wife

a glance.


"Who told you to mess with Miss Cornell?" He eventually put down the newspaper and looked up at

Tessa, who only got more upset. "I have been wrongfully accused! I didn't try to mess with her or

anything. I… I only wanted her help because I heard that she has good medical skills. Dear, I have

been with you for so many years. I might not have contributed much, but I have always given my all.

Please, don't kick me out of our house for our daughter's sake. Also, m-my illness is really serious.

Since you are familiar with Professor Muller, please beg him to let Miss Cornell help me."