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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 133
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Chapter 133

"There are quite a few more videos here. I think you should watch them all. I'll leave the laptop for you.

Take care of yourself." Seeing that Joaquin was not in the right mood, Katherine didn't stay for long and

left the laptop behind before she got up and left.

Many of the information inside was confidential, so it was not appropriate for her to look at it, but if she

gave it to Joaquin, there would not be much of a problem.

Katherine left abruptly, and it was only after she left that Joaquin moved the cursor to play another

video. Each of the videos were gruesome, and he recognized each and every one of the people in the

videos as undercover agents from Area Seven.

In the past few years, many undercover agents had died in Area Seven, and most of their corpses had

not been recovered. He had thought of countless possibilities and how they had died, but when he saw

the videos of their deaths, he felt a wave of indescribable sadness and anger rushing through his heart.

The more he watched the videos, the angrier he became, and the more he despised those


"Mr. Levisay." Feeling the heavy atmosphere, Ben opened his mouth and spoke after a long silence.

The sudden voice pulled Joaquin back from the verge of losing control, and he turned his head to look

at Ben at the doorway with red eyes.

Upon meeting his gaze, Ben felt his heart tighten abruptly, feeling as if he was being stared at by the

Grim Reaper. He gulped and looked at Joaquin, secretly thankful to Katherine for instructing him to

come in and take a look as she left. If not, Joaquin might have fallen into his own pit of torment, unable

to escape.

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"Mr. Levisay, someone from Area Seven is here. Do you want to see them?" he asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Joaquin closed the laptop and answered indifferently.

Not long after, a tall and sturdy man came in. He first glanced at Joaquin before walking up to him, his

face cold and expressionless. "Colonel Levisay, I'm here because I've been arranged to take over your

position. This time, your mission failed, resulting in the death of a number of elites in Area Seven. The

higher-ups are furious. Besides, after evaluating your injuries, you need to rest for six months at the

very least. During this period, you should take it easy and focus on recovering."

Joaquin did not say anything. He looked at the man in front of him and only replied hoarsely after a

long time, "All right."

The man spoke a little longer to Joaquin, and after he handed his tasks over, the man left. Joaquin sat

on the bed, leaning his back against the headboard as he looked in the direction of the door, deep in


This time, Ben did not dare to go in and disturb him.

Two days later, Katherine looked at Hera in front of her with a dumbfounded expression. "Mom, I'm

sorry but what did you say?"

"Silly girl. Why are you so confused? You and Joaquin will be having your wedding in a few days.

What's wrong? Don't tell me you don't want to get married?" Hera gave Katherine an angry look before

she chided her.

Katherine had really forgotten. I haven't had a wedding with Joaquin yet? But we already act like an old

married couple.

"The wedding is just a few days away. What's going on with that kid, Joaquin? I haven't been able to

contact him these days, and I haven't seen him either. Have you seen him lately?" Hera asked


"Oh, he's been caught up in something recently, so he's quite busy. Don't worry, though. He'll definitely

show up on the day of the wedding." Katherine assured her perfunctorily.

Seeing her behavior, Hera only assumed she was being stubborn, and didn't ask any more questions.

After that, she took Katherine to the bridal store. The dress had been reserved since some time ago,

but as the wedding was held in a hurry, it wasn't tailor made and was only altered from an existing

dress in the store. Katherine was urged by Hera to change into the dress inside, and although she was

reluctant, she obediently went in.

After putting the heavy wedding dress on, Katherine came out from the fitting room while lifting the

dress hem.

Hera, who had been spacing out, had a flash of jealousy in her eyes when she saw the gorgeous

Katherine appear before her.

"Miss Cornell, you look absolutely gorgeous in this dress. In fact, I have a favor to ask. Would you like

to be our model? We would like to take a few photos of you. In return, we'll waive the fee for your

wedding photos. Moreover, our company will cover all the follow-up shots on your wedding day, and we

can also pay you 50,000 for every photo. What do you think?"

When the manager of the wedding store looked at Katherine, her eyes grew wide, and she immediately

stepped forward with a smile and began negotiating with her politely.

Katherine tugged at the hem of her skirt and looked at the manager as she went on and on with the

offer. She actually wanted to tell her that she didn't care that much about the large sum, and that it was

really uncomfortable to wear this dress. She rarely wore clothes like these; she was more of a T-shirt

and jeans person.

"About that… I…"

"I don't think my wife is so poor that she needs to work as a model for your store." Katherine was just

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about to refuse when a crisp, clear male voice sounded indifferently.

A little surprised, she looked over in the direction of the voice and saw Joaquin, who was sitting in a

wheelchair, at the door. Behind him was Ben, who was smiling brightly at her.

"Why are you here?" Katherine lifted the hem of her dress and walked toward Joaquin.

"We're here for dress-fitting, no?" He looked at her as if his appearance was a matter of fact.

She swept her gaze over the location of his wound, but didn't say anything.

Joaquin's suit was different from hers; his was specially tailored. Upon seeing his arrival, a staff

member immediately came over and led him to the fitting room. Meanwhile, the manager looked at

Katherine regretfully, but she did not dare to continue pestering Katherine to model for her.

As dress fitting was a very tedious and tiring process, it made Katherine even more certain that once

was enough, and she would never go through this a second time. After all, it was too much trouble.

"What a coincidence. Are you here for a dress fitting too, Miss Cornell?" Katherine had just changed

back into her own clothes and was about to wait for Joaquin to come out so that they could leave

together when she heard a nonchalant voice from her left.

Looking over in confusion, she saw an unfamiliar woman whom she had not met before.

Upon seeing Katherine staring at her in confusion, Lily slapped her forehead and said apologetically,

"My bad. You don't know me, do you, Miss Cornell? My name is Lily, and I'm Joaquin's childhood

friend. We grew up together, and we even shared a pair of pants when we were little. Nice to meet


Saying that, Lily extended her hand toward Katherine.

She looked friendly from every angle, but Katherine could detect a very distinct hostility in her gaze.

Is this woman one of Joaquin's admirers?

Katherine shook hands with Lily, unfazed. "Nice to meet you, too."