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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130

"Katherine!" Tessa's face twisted in anger as she yearned to give Katherine a slap across the face.

London stared blankly at the situation. It was only after she came back to her senses that she stood up

furiously and grabbed the cup on the table before splashing its contents on Katherine.

Never in a million years would Katherine allow herself to be splashed. She was just about to make a

move when she heard a familiar and cold voice. "The Leigh Family really is imposing."

When London heard that voice, her hand trembled, and the contents of the cup in her hand spilled onto

the ground as she quickly turned her head and looked behind her.

The man behind her had a cold expression while wearing a custom-made suit and half of a golden

mask on his face. Though he was sitting in a wheelchair that made him a head shorter than the rest, it

still made him inexplicably terrifying, and most people didn't even dare to meet his gaze.

London's heart jumped fiercely as an urge to kneel down and submit to him rose in her. After she came

back to her senses, she was suddenly filled with shame and anger.

Unfortunately, before she could open her mouth to speak, she heard the man say nonchalantly, "Since

when did they allow just anyone to come in?"

Just then, the manager of the cafe trotted over. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked

at London and Tessa before replying quietly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Levisay. I'll take care of it right away."

"Starting today, these two are not allowed to enter any of our cafes," Joaquin added indifferently.

"Yes, yes, I-I'll inform our staff immediately." The manager repeatedly agreed, not even daring to raise

his head to look at Joaquin.

"Ha, who do you think you are? Do you make the rules? Sweet Cafe is a global franchise. Do you think

that you can really do the ridiculous things you're saying by paying off the manager of a random store?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After a brief moment of astonishment, London had already come back to her senses, and she looked at

Joaquin with disdain, wanting to see how he was going to be humiliated.

However, Joaquin didn't spare her a single glance and only looked at Katherine in exasperation, gently

scolding her, "Why didn't you call me when you were being bullied? Since you're going to marry me,

you're the mistress of the Levisay Family, and anyone who bullies you is equivalent to bullying me. Do

you understand?"

The corners of Katherine's mouth jerked fiercely. She wanted to step forward and crack his head open

to see what was inside. Did he have worms for brain? She had just warned him not to move around to

prevent the wound from reopening, but as soon as she turned around, he had come running out again.

"Why are you here?" Katherine looked at Joaquin icily, her gaze upset.

Feeling inexplicably guilty from her look, Joaquin raised his hand to cover his mouth and coughed.

Although she was both angered and amused by his behavior, Katherine got up and walked toward him

before placing her hands on his wheelchair. "I'll take you back."

"Okay." Joaquin nodded and gave Tessa and London another look before letting Katherine push him


Right after the two left, Tessa and London felt their legs give in and nearly fell to their knees.

At this moment, the manager of the cafe walked over to drive them away. "I'm sorry, but we can't serve


"You…" London growled, turning red from fury.

"That man is the CEO of our company. Unfortunately, I have to tell you that Sweet Cafe is indeed

owned by him." The manager looked at them sympathetically as he told them the brutal truth before

ordering a waiter to politely invite the two out.

Meanwhile, Katherine pushed Joaquin out of the cafe. It was only after she left the square that the

feeling of being watched finally disappeared.

Katherine was just about to turn around when she heard Joaquin's voice ringing in her ears. "Don't look


"Why are you here?" She thought that it was unusual for him to show up in this place. After all, he

couldn't have kept an eye on her after taking a liking to her and come over because he knew that she

was being bullied, right?

Joaquin pursed his lips and fell silent for a long while. After a brief hesitation as he debated between

telling her the truth or hiding it from her, he chose to come clean in the end. "I received a message from

Area Seven and found out that a member of the organization that poisoned me was here, and their

target is you, so I came here."

"I'm their target?" Katherine was stunned. However, she soon understood that her identity must have

been exposed.

She had been very cautious after returning to the country and had not revealed her identity in public in

case any outlaws abroad came looking for her after learning her whereabouts. However, she didn't

expect that even though she had been so cautious, she had still been given away.

"Yeah." Joaquin nodded, sizing Katherine up suspiciously as he asked, "Who exactly are you to have

all these people targeting you?"

"Maybe it's because I'm your fiancée. Mr. Levisay, why don't we call off the engagement? I've really

been in constant trouble ever since I got engaged to you. Tell me, how many people have I been

bothered by in just a short period of time?" Katherine touched her chin and pondered seriously for a

moment before she looked at Joaquin with a stern expression.

The corners of Joaquin's mouth twitched as he looked at Katherine speechlessly. "I'm just a useless

member of the Levisay Family. I don't even have the right to succeed my family."

"Tch. So what if the CEO of Sweet Cafe Corporation doesn't have the right of succession to the Levisay

Family?" Katherine laughed mockingly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Joaquin suddenly felt like he had shot himself in the foot. "I was just lying to them."

"Oh, then I was just joking with you." She smiled.

He immediately fell silent.

In the meantime, Ben had been waiting for them in the parking lot. When he saw Joaquin and

Katherine approaching him together, he froze for a moment and asked Joaquin reflexively, "Mr. Levisay,

did you come here specifically just to…"

Before he could finish, he was immediately met with Joaquin's cold, piercing gaze, causing him to seal

his mouth shut meekly, not daring to finish his words.

Then, Jeremy got out of the car, and the two of them lifted Joaquin into the car together before

Katherine followed them inside. The moment she got in, she immediately began peeling Joaquin's

clothes off while Jeremy looked at them in surprise, unable to believe his eyes. He subconsciously

turned his head to look at Ben, only to see that Ben did not look shocked in the slightest.

Joaquin raised his hands and looked helplessly at Katherine. "There are people watching. Even if

you're craving my body, you don't have to be so impatient, right?"

She jolted fiercely, then shot him a vicious glare. "If you continue spewing any more nonsense, I'll strip

you naked before tossing you out of the car. Don't you want your wounds to heal?"

Joaquin only smiled and looked at her, remaining silent.

Katherine unbuttoned his clothes, and sure enough, his bandage was covered with blood. Although

Joaquin had stayed in his wheelchair and did not move much, the journey from the hospital was

bumpy, so it was impossible for his wounds to remain unscathed.

Thinking that, she reached out and poked him heavily in his wound. When she remembered that he

could not feel any pain, she stopped in anger.

"Are you that concerned about me? I guess you do like me." Upon seeing her huffy expression, he was

amused and could not help but tease her.

"I treat our pet dogs the same way," Katherine retorted with a scoff.