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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129

"Yes. The guests are here to meet you. It's Mrs. Leigh and her daughter. The ones who came by our

home the last time. They said that they have something urgent to discuss with you. They look quite

desperate." Under Tessa and London's watchful eyes, Jorge hurriedly put in a few good words as he

thought of the benefits that they had promised him.

"Me? I'm just an ordinary person. How can I help them?" Katherine feigned astonishment.

"That's…" Jorge was lost for words.

"Mr. Cornell, this daughter of yours is truly an unfilial one. You're personally making a call to ask her to

come back, yet she's still trying to play coy. Looks like your position in this family isn't all that." London

grew slightly displeased as there wasn't even a shadow of Katherine around even after her father had

been nagging for her to come home. If it weren't for her mother's condition, she wouldn't have come

here only to suffer at the whim of some child.


"Dad, with how they're acting, I doubt they're coming to meet me for a good reason. Anyway, if there's

nothing else, then I have to go. Joaquin's calling me." As Katherine heard how arrogant London was

through the phone, she immediately ended the call.

With his mouth slightly gaped, Jorge was about to say something but couldn't bring his voice out in the


"Mr. Cornell, what did she say?" Tessa inquired eagerly.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Leigh. Because my daughter's fiancé has gotten into an accident, so…"

"Excuses. She just doesn't want to come back. Mom, we have no need to beg for her help. With how

big the country is, surely we can find someone who can cure your condition. That Katherine girl only

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looks impressive, but I doubt that she has the ability to cure you," London said in utter irritation.

However, Tessa glared at her child in displeasure and said, "She's someone who can even cure your

father's illness."

In the end, London could only swallow the retorts she was about to make about Katherine under her

mother's glare.

As Tessa did not dare to throw a tantrum in Jorge's presence, she politely thanked him and left some

gifts for the family before leaving with London.

When the mother-daughter pair left the residence, London snapped, "Mom, why are you being so nice

to them? If you would just arrange for someone to tie that Katherine up and bring her to you, I doubt

that she would dare to be this disobedient in treating you."

"Cease your nonsense. If you're not happy having to accompany me here, then you should just get lost

and go back to Kyoland," Tessa chided unhappily with a dark expression.

Although London was feeling reluctant, she didn't dare continue talking.

After Tessa made a few phone calls and found Katherine's current location, she ordered her driver to

send them there. She absolutely needed Katherine's help in saving her no matter what, as she loathed

having to do a resection. Not only was her position in the family on shaky grounds, but she doubted

that Hebert would even spare her another look should her body have any 'defects.'

In a certain café, Katherine was leisurely having tea when the staff welcomed a new customer.

Following the staff's greetings, Tessa entered the café in a hurry with London in tow. The moment she

found where Katherine was sitting, she went straight over to her.

"Miss Cornell, I'm really sorry for taking the liberty to come up to you." Tessa's attitude was quite polite,

though her smile seemed slightly stiff.

Taking a sip of her tea, Katherine raised her head and took a glance at Tessa before she asked blankly,

"Do I know you?"

At that, Tessa choked back her annoyance as she found the situation difficult to bear. Nevertheless,

she could only suppress her emotions when she thought about her condition. "Miss Cornell, we've met

once in the hospital. I'm here to apologize for how poor my attitude was back then, so much so that I

ended up offending you. Will you be the bigger person and forgive me?"

"But, I'm not a bigger person." Katherine blinked dumbfoundedly with an innocent look.

Tessa was on the verge of vomiting a mouthful of blood as she thought just why Katherine's answers

were not only conversation-killers but also extremely hard to stomach. Since she felt a surge of anger

rising and she knew she had to hold it in, the expression on her face was a wonderful sight to behold.

On the other hand, London couldn't keep her temper in check any longer as she saw how arrogant

Katherine was being. Then, in a fit of anger, she said, "Katherine Cornell! You'd better show some

respect here. My mother is part of the Leigh Family! She's already paying you enough respect by

asking for your help politely, yet you continue to make a fool out of—"


Before London could finish her sentence, Tessa had turned to her with a furious expression and

interrupted her by slapping her right on the face.

Holding her cheek with one hand, London looked at her mother in disbelief. "Mom, you…"

"Shut up! Get down on your knees and apologize to Miss Cornell, now!" Tessa was angry to the point

where she was breathing heavily. It was hard enough for her to grovel to Katherine for a favor, yet her

actions were rendered invalid due to the words of her own daughter. Right now, all she could think

about was how she wanted to vent this anger on London.

Looking at the drama the mother-daughter pair had put on for her, Katherine smiled a little.

Although London was reluctant, she still kneeled in the end, albeit with hostility in her eyes that were to

the point of contempt, under her mother's watchful gaze. It was then that the customers in the café all

looked toward her. With Tessa wearing a subservient expression and acting to please Katherine, there

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was a sense of unpleasantness for all those who were watching the scene.

"Mrs. Leigh, there's no need to do this." Sneering inwardly, Katherine looked at Tessa and sighed.

"Miss Cornell, I beg you. Please help me," Tessa said as she wiped the corner of her reddened eye.

"But, I'm just an ordinary woman. How am I supposed to help you?" Katherine asked with a puzzled


"If you can cure my husband's illness, then you'll definitely be able to cure my condition. Please, I beg

you, Miss Cornell. I'll agree to whatever conditions you ask. Just please help me." As Tessa was

begging Katherine for help, she was about to drop down to her knees and beg.

However, what Katherine said next managed to stop Tessa from doing so. "But, I'm not the one who

cured your husband."

"W-What?" Tessa widened her eyes in disbelief.

"I'm not the one who cured your husband. Did your husband say it was me?" Katherine looked at Tessa

with her head slightly tilted to one side.

Tessa immediately went through her memory and confirmed that Hebert had indeed made no mention

of Katherine. But, the doctors said… It was then she understood that she was being deceived by her

husband from the very beginning. He must have wanted to take his revenge on me, so he orchestrated

this whole thing! This Katherine is not capable at all! It was all a sham! It was all so that I would be

humiliated! The more she stewed in her thoughts, the angrier she became. Then, the politeness in her

eyes vanished as she looked at Katherine and asked, "So you're simply just a piece of trash? You

know nothing of medicine at all?"

"Right. Didn't you investigate properly? I'm just a piece of trash that couldn't even graduate from

college. So, how could I have the medical knowledge to bring about a miracle?" Katherine nodded with

great vigor, as though she was unashamed to be called a piece of trash.

"Since you don't know anything about medicine, then…" Tessa said indignantly.

"I've never said that I have medical knowledge. Weren't you the one who kept saying I do?"