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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

"Is that so?" Joaquin smiled, not pursuing the topic any further.

After Katherine inspected his wound, she reapplied his medication and was just about to say something

when her phone vibrated. When she took it out and glanced at it, she raised her eyebrows in surprise

before making a call back.

"Hello? Is this Miss Cornell? I'm here to deliver a parcel, and I'm already at No. 731 Honor Street, but it

seems like there's no one here. Do you want me to drop it off somewhere else for you, or are you

coming back now?" On the other end of the phone, a pleasant voice sounded.

"I'll come back right now." Katherine answered straightforwardly, then said to Jeremy, "Go back to the

clinic immediately."

Hearing that, Jeremy put the pedal to the metal, the bumpy road bringing a frown to Joaquin's face as

he coldly swept his eyes at Jeremy who was behind the wheel. Meanwhile, Jeremy only pretended not

to feel it, and continued driving in silence.

Half an hour later, they stopped at the entrance of the clinic, where there was a young man in a casual

linen suit holding a box in his hands. Immediately after they arrived, Katherine pulled the car door open

and got out, walking toward him.

When the man saw her, his eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward. "Are you Miss Cornell?"

"Where's the parcel?" Katherine did not answer his question, but her eyes fell on the box in his hands.

That box was made of the finest wood, and it had been carefully processed so that it wouldn't be ruined

easily. Hence, just the box alone was worth a lot of money.

"Here it is. Miss Cornell, I…" The man raised the box in his hands, but before he could finish his

sentence, he felt a weight being lifted off his hands as the box was already in Katherine's hands.

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As she opened the box and saw the two medicinal herbs that were packed inside, the corners of her

lips hooked before she closed it. "There's nothing wrong with the goods. You can go now."

"No, Miss Cornell, I…" The man was still about to speak, but she didn't even give him a chance.

What a joke. The underground trade that was run by the old man was extremely miserly, and it wasn't

easy for her to get the best deal, so she refused to let this opportunity pass her by.

"Is there anything else?" Katherine looked at him quizzically, with an innocent expression.

The man opened his mouth, and though he had a lot to say, when he met Katherine's eyes, he

suddenly lost the ability to say anything, and only subconsciously replied, "No."

"Then why aren't you leaving?"

"All right." Hearing that, he turned around and left.

As Katherine watched the man leave, the smile at the corners of her lips grew even wider. Good job,

old geezer. Putting aside procuring the herbs for me, he even arranged for a naive lackey to deliver the


As she was in a good mood, she didn't take a dig at Joaquin who was getting out of the car, which was

a rare occasion.

"I'm heading to Professor Muller's research institute. Take me there." Katherine walked back with the

box and ordered Jeremy.

"Okay," Jeremy agreed as he nodded happily.

Joaquin turned around and narrowed his eyes at Jeremy, who instinctively sensed the danger and

cowered, stealing a glance at Joaquin.

Meanwhile, Katherine had already gotten into the car. She reached out and knocked on the window,

urging, "Hurry up."

"Coming," Jeremy answered, hurriedly getting into the car and starting it before leaving.

Behind them, Joaquin looked at the departing car for a long time before withdrawing his gaze.

Theodore was not in the institute when Katherine arrived, so she swiped her card to enter her lab and

started refining the antidote. By the time she came out, it was already the next morning. Despite having

not slept a wink the entire night, she was as lively as ever. She left the institute with the medicine

before going directly to Ben's place.

"Miss Cornell? Why are you so early?" Ben yawned as he came to open the door, feeling a little dazed

when he saw her.

"Yeah." Katherine nodded. She didn't say much, and just carried the box into the clinic.

As Joaquin was still asleep, Katherine passed the box to Ben and instructed, "Take out the medicine

inside and give him an injection once a day. After three days, he will be healed."

"What?" At her words, Ben wondered if he was still asleep and therefore did not hear her clearly.

"Stop wasting time," Katherine urged.

He blearily opened the box and saw three test tubes inside, each containing a colorless and

transparent liquid. Without suspecting Katherine of having the intention to harm Joaquin, he went

straight to retrieve the syringe and gave Joaquin a shot.

"Hiss… Ben, do you have a death wish?"

When the needle was inserted into his body, he woke up in pain and frowned at Ben, cursing at him


Meanwhile, Ben had not removed the needle yet. He looked at Joaquin blankly for a moment before

gulping. "Mr. Levisay, y-you can feel pain now?"

"What nonsense. I'll smack you if you keep…" Joaquin was halfway through his sentence when the

sensation suddenly struck him. The pain in his wound was a little too much for him to bear, and it was a

feeling that he hadn't felt for a whole decade.

Is my sense of pain back?

"Seems like it's working well." Katherine touched her chin as she observed Joaquin, who was breaking

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out in a cold sweat, feeling highly satisfied with the antidote she had made this time.

While forcing himself to endure the pain, Joaquin looked at the gloating expression on her face and

instantly came to a realization.

"Y-You did this on purpose?" he asked, drawing a sharp breath.

"Haven't you always wanted to be treated for your illness? That's why I helped you. You don't have to

thank me, but the fees for this treatment are not cheap. Remember to transfer the money to my

account—one hundred million for one injection. No discounts, though." Katherine smiled brightly at him.

To her, he was now a human ATM. After all, he was the CEO of Sweet Cafe Corporation, which meant

that his net worth was at least a hundred billion.

On the other hand, Joaquin was in so much pain that he didn't have the strength to argue with her.

Seeing that Ben was still dumbfounded by the side, he scolded unhappily, "Go get me some painkillers


"Ah, oh, I-I'll do that right away." At his words, Ben completely came back to his senses and stumbled

out to fetch the medicine for him.

As the wounds on his body were deep and in the most painful and sensitive locations, even if he took

painkillers, the effect was not particularly great, and the pain still remained. This time, Joaquin, who

had been out and about because he couldn't feel any pain, could only stay still in bed in the hospital to

recover from his injuries.

As Katherine stood at the side and looked at his weak appearance, her smile grew so wide it reached

her eyes.

Though Joaquin hated it, there was nothing he could do about it.

"All right. In the future, you don't have to worry about having an accident because you can't feel the

pain anymore. I'll head back first. Take good care of yourself. I'll come back to see you another day."

Katherine ignored his glare and gave him a simple instruction before leaving happily, humming a tune

under her breath.