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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128

"Hmm?" When the indifferent old man heard the names of the herbs Katherine was searching for, his

eyes twinkled with amusement.

There weren't many that would use a Millennial Gentiana Scabra and a Green Dribble Gramineae. At

the very least, it would be impossible for the named herbs to find their place in the local modern era of

medication. However, the olden days were different. These herbs were the optimal herbs in a certain

formula for curing poison, especially against the ones that were specialized in inflicting neurological


"And how should I address you?" Putting away his earlier belittlement, the old man spoke respectfully

to Katherine.

"Can you do it?" Katherine didn't answer and only repeated the question once more.

"I can. However, it'll take up to three days before I can get it into Hovington." When the old man noticed

Katherine's displeasure, he dared not inquire any further and only answered what he was asked.

"That's too long. At the very least, I want it in one day." The reason why Joaquin had lost his sense of

pain was that the poison had already invaded his cranial nerves. Should the poison not be neutralized

soon, he would be utterly ruined.

"That would be…" The old man hesitated slightly.

After a brief thought, Katherine took out something from her pocket and tossed it over to him.

Though the old man didn't see what was tossed over to him, he instinctively reached his hands out to

catch it. When he laid his eyes on the item he caught, his expression immediately changed as he shot

up from his chair. Almost kneeling to her, he said, "Your—"

"Deliver what I want as fast as you can to No. 731 Honor Street. I trust that you will not divulge what

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you shouldn't be divulging?" Katherine warned him with a stern expression which caused the old man

to immediately swallow back whatever he wanted to say.

With a frightened expression, the old man looked at Katherine before taking another look at the badge

in his hand and failed to get himself together. It was only when she had left the house did he

immediately make a phone call to arrange for the herbs to be brought into Hovington.

After she was done with her business there, Katherine went straight back to Ben's clinic.

Meanwhile, Joaquin was leisurely lying on the bed while reading something off his phone. When he

heard noises coming from the door, he looked toward the door with his eyebrows raised as he was

surprised to find Katherine by the door.

Without saying a word, Katherine came toward him and grabbed his hand to take his pulse before she

crudely undid his clothes to check on the recovery of his wound. After she finished checking him, she

couldn't help but mock, "You should be thankful for your loss of sense of pain. Otherwise, you'd be

suffering here now."

"So I should be glad?" Joaquin smiled.

Katherine pulled a chair over to the side of the bed and sat down. "How were you poisoned? That kind

of poison is very rare. Ordinary people won't ever come across them in their whole life. Just what did

you do?"

Joaquin's eyes only flickered briefly as he kept his silence against Katherine's question.

Unbothered by his silence, Katherine continued, "From your condition, I suppose you were poisoned

close to a decade ago."

"Are you that interested in me? Don't tell me that you've really fallen for me?" Joaquin said playfully

with a mischievous smile.

Yet, Katherine only continued to stare at him while propping her chin in one hand. Since Joaquin's

mask had completely hidden his face, she was slightly tempted in taking off his mask to see the face

behind the mask. Nevertheless, it was just a passing thought, as she didn't act on it in the end. Then,

she dismissed her thoughts and stopped staring at the man before she said indifferently, "It's just

personal curiosity. After all, Zephyr isn't circulated in the market much."

"You know of it?" Joaquin was caught off guard. He had already been surprised by the woman in front

of him numerous times, but he had never thought that she would even know about Zephyr. Perhaps

she even knows about… His thoughts trailed off before he asked, "Do you know what sort of person

would be able to procure such poison? Or perhaps what organization?" He looked at her with fiery


Katherine looked at Joaquin strangely, as though he had just asked a ridiculous question. "Since this

poison was destroyed not long after it was concocted, there weren't many that got their hands on it.

Besides the maker, I would guess that only a few of the veterans from the Vermillion Alliance still have

some in their possession."

"The Vermillion Alliance?" Joaquin became even more surprised.

Noticing Joaquin's expression, Katherine froze briefly before she realized she had said too much.

Then, she simply shut her mouth and refused to continue talking.

However, Joaquin had already come to a conclusion after looking at how she reacted but chose to let

sleeping dogs lie. Back when she delivered Xyadin to him, he already had his suspicions about her

connection with the Vermillion Alliance. Now, his suspicions were proved to be true.

"Since your wounds seem to be recovering well, I'll take my leave here." Although Katherine had only

sat with him for a bit, she felt uncomfortable as she could feel Joaquin's eyes on her. And so, she stood

up and made her way out the door.

"Don't you find it pitiable for me to be alone here? Won't you keep me company, my dear fiancée?"

Joaquin gave her the googly eye.

It was, however, in vain as Joaquin's mask was in the way, so Katherine pretended not to have noticed

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as she rolled her eyes at him before she turned away. Just as she opened the door, Ben, who was

eavesdropping the entire time, was caught off guard as he fell into the room. Looking at the sorry state

he was in, she looked back at Joaquin with a smile and said, "Look, your company has arrived." Then,

she walked away with big strides.

Suddenly feeling a shiver in his back, Ben became tense as he sneakily turned his eyes to Joaquin.

When he saw clearly just what kind of expression Joaquin was wearing, he immediately felt that his life

was in danger. "Ah… I-I forgot that I still have some very important things to deal with in Area Seven. I

gotta go." Having said that, he left with great haste, as though he had slammed on the gas pedal.

Only after everyone had left did Joaquin chuckle in amusement.

Katherine wasn't in a hurry to go home after she got out of the clinic.

Now that some time has passed since Hebert's recovery, there should be some reaction on Tessa's

part right about now. Counting the timing in her head, Katherine determined that trouble was on the

horizon and that it was coming very soon. With that, she decided to take a drive around the city.

When it was three in the afternoon, Jorge's phone call came just as she expected. The chill in her eyes

grew colder as she looked at the ringing phone. It was only after a few beats did she answer the call

with a tone tinged with anxiety. "Dad, did something happen? You seem to be trying to reach me


Jorge's discontentment disappeared for the most part when he heard what his daughter said. Sneaking

a glance at Tessa who was right in front of him, he said gently, "Kathy, here's the thing. There's actually

some guests at home now. Are you free to come back now?"

"It's not convenient for me right now, Dad. Joaquin was injured and admitted, so I'm at the hospital

accompanying him right now," Katherine said miserably.

"The hospital? Is it serious? Is he alright? Which hospital is he in? I'll bring the guests with me to visit

him as well." Upon hearing that Joaquin was injured, Jorge grew anxious.

"I don't think that's convenient. The Levisay Family wants to keep things under wraps. Dad, are the

guests there to meet me?"