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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 125
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Chapter 125

"What do you mean?" Seeing Lisa's gloating expression, Jorge had a sinking feeling in the pit of his

stomach. Subconsciously, he dreaded to know the answer that was about to come out of her mouth.

Unfortunately, it was already too late for him to regret it.

Lisa looked at him with a sneer on her lips. "It's Katherine, that dear daughter of yours. She really is

quite something. Not only is she the new boss of the Cornell Group now, but she's even changed the

company's name to the Olsen Group. The way I see it, it was on purpose that she agreed to come back

and get married. She's come back to take revenge on us!"

Jorge looked very ghastly as he stared hard at Lisa while digesting her words. Katherine is the new

boss of the Cornell Group now? The Cornell Group has become the Olsen Group? Whatever the

answer was, he had a hard time accepting it. He subconsciously retorted, "W-What nonsense are you

talking about? How could Kathy possibly…" However, as soon as he spoke, he realized that he couldn't

refute Lisa at all. Katherine might not have the ability to acquire the Cornell Group by herself, but

Joaquin did. Joaquin has stood up for Katherine more than once. It should've occurred to me that

there's something more to this.

Inwardly, he was overwhelmed with regret, but he didn't regret asking Katherine to return from Fontan

and get married to Joaquin. Instead, he regretted having mistreated Katherine. If he hadn't listened to

Lisa's persuasion and treated Katherine harshly, would things have turned out differently by now? "It's

all your fault, you vicious b*tch! Would Kathy hate us so much if you hadn't mistreated her? And now,

not only are you in trouble, but you're dragging the entire Cornell Family down with you! Why would I

be so blind as to fall in love with you back then?" The more he thought about it, the more enraged he

became. In a fit of rage, he jumped out of the couch and pounced on Lisa to hit her.

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Lisa's eyes popped as she stared at Jorge in disbelief. Never did she think he'd be so shameless. At

this very moment, the only thing he actually thought of was to shift all the blame onto her! "Jorge

Cornell! How could you have the cheek to accuse me? You're the one who coveted the Olsen Family's

wealth and power back then, so you purposely set Elsie up and tricked her until you ended up marrying

into her family as a live-in son-in-law, no? How foolish of me to have always believed you! If I'd known

earlier that you were such a person, I'd never have married you and killed Elsie with you! I've had

nightmares about Elsie coming back to take revenge on me every single night over these years!"

Caught unprepared by Jorge's attack, she was brought to the ground. However, unwilling to admit

defeat, she came to blows with him instead.

The pair subsequently scuffled with each other. By the time the servants at home noticed it, their faces

were already black and blue.

Ethan kept shaking his head as he looked on. After instructing the servants to pull the couple apart, he

turned around, went out, and gave Katherine a phone call. "Miss Kathy, Lisa came back just now and

quarreled with Jorge. They even had a fight, and I heard them talking about what had happened to

Miss Elsie back then. Turns out that they really were the ones who killed her!" As he spoke, he couldn't

help wiping his tears with his hand. He was an old member of the Olsen Family who had spent his

whole life working for the Olsens in the first place. He watched Elsie grow up as a child. And now, he

felt terrible at the thought that Elsie's death was premeditated.

Meanwhile, Katherine was standing in the president's office on the top floor of the Cornell Group. The

large French window was wiped clean and shiny, allowing her to enjoy the landscape outside by

looking from here. The sun was shining brightly, but her heart was cold. After a long silence, she

replied impassively, "I got it." Then, she hung up the phone.

She had never believed that Elsie's death was an accident. Unfortunately, she had never found any

evidence to prove it. And now, it was her chance that Jorge and Lisa were tearing into each other. She

had been enduring everything patiently over these years. Even after returning to the country, she still

pretended to be innocent and harmless just to make the couple let their guard down so that they'd give

themselves away. After waiting for such a long time, she finally had the opportunity to find out the truth.

After giving a few instructions to her assistant, she took the car key, intending to return to the Cornell

Residence to see how badly Jorge and Lisa were quarreling with one another.

However, as soon as she stepped out of her office, Ben called.

She knitted her brows subconsciously; Ben was probably calling her at this hour because something

had gone wrong with Joaquin's wounds. After a moment's hesitation, she answered the phone, asking,

"Do you need my help or something?"

Ben stole a glance at the man who was reclining on his sickbed while reading the document in his

hands. Feeling a headache creeping up, he replied, "That's so smart of you, Miss Cornell. I do need

your help with something. Could you come to my clinic right now?"

"There shouldn't be any problems with Joaquin's wounds if you treat them according to what I told you.

So, why do you call me?" Katherine had entered the elevator and was going straight down to the

underground parking lot.

Ben hesitated for a moment before explaining honestly, "I did treat Mr. Levisay's wounds according to

what you'd told me, but nobody knows what happened to him yesterday. His wounds got infected, and

he caught a bad fever. I told him to cooperate and let me do a checkup on him and treat his wounds

properly, but he wouldn't listen to me…"

Katherine raised her eyebrows. How Joaquin have such a headstrong moment? Well, I've never seen it

before. After checking the time and pondering how much longer Jorge and Lisa would fight, she

decided to go and check on Joaquin first. No matter what, she and Joaquin were an engaged couple at

the moment. If anything bad were to happen to him, she'd also be affected. "I'll be there in a minute,"

she said before hanging up the phone. After getting into the car, she started the car and left the Cornell

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Group's building.

Joaquin's wounds had indeed gotten infected, and he was running a high fever. However, when

Katherine arrived, he was sitting on his sickbed and reading a book while showing no signs of being

seriously ill at all.

Katherine gave Ben a dirty look, upon which the latter raised his hands with an innocent expression.

"Miss Cornell, I really am innocent. This has nothing to do with me," he said.

"Ha!" Katherine let out a sneer before going over and forcefully grabbing Joaquin's wrist. After taking

his pulse, she knitted her brows and stretched out her hands to strip off his clothes.

Joaquin coughed uneasily with a hint of frailty in his voice. "Even if you have feelings for me, you don't

have to be so impatient, right? I'm still wounded."

Ignoring him completely, Katherine quickly stripped off his clothes and removed his bandage to

examine his wounds. She had stitched up the wounds herself, but now, it was obvious that the wounds

had been torn open, which proved that this wounded man was by no means well-behaved and had

done strenuous exercise despite his injuries.

Katherine's expression darkened somewhat. She purposely poked Joaquin's wound twice, only to

frown again when she saw how imperturbable he looked as though he didn't sense anything. She

turned her head and asked Ben, "What's his situation now?"

"What?" Ben didn't realize what she meant for a moment; he was still in a state of shock after listening

to what Joaquin had said just now.

"I'm talking about his nociceptive system." Katherine frowned while sounding somewhat impatient.

Only then did Ben come to his senses. "His nociceptive nerves have always been relatively dull. What's

wrong? Did something wrong happen?"

"He's not just slow in responding to pain now. He's lost his sense of pain completely." Katherine

straightened up with a grave expression. After darting a look at Joaquin, who behaved as though

nothing had happened, she couldn't help but massage her temples. She had rarely encountered such a

disobedient patient in her life.