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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 126
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Chapter 126

"What?" Ben looked astounded. He subconsciously blurted, "That's impossible! I've…" Then, he

thought of a certain possibility, and his face became more and more ghastly. "Don't tell me that

something went wrong with the neurotoxin I used last time? Not only did it do nothing to cure his

illness, but it caused him to lose his sense of pain completely? Mr. Levisay, I've told you to ask for Miss

Cornell's help, but you wouldn't listen to me. Look at you now! W-Why didn't you tell me that you'd lost

all sense of pain?"

Joaquin looked indifferent as though this was something trivial that needn't be cared about.

Katherine's countenance changed, and her gaze was somewhat frosty. "You administered that toxin to


Sensing the sudden drop in temperature around him, Ben subconsciously lowered his head, but he

dared not deny it under Katherine's stare. In the end, he had no choice but to brace himself and

explain, "Mr. Levisay's nociceptive nerves are impaired, so his response to pain has always been

slower than that of others. This is very dangerous since his job is very risky in the first place. I told him

at first that I wasn't very confident of curing him, but he insisted that I do it. But I never thought—"

"You idiot!" Katherine snapped sternly before examining Joaquin from head to toe. As she did so, her

face grew more and more sullen. In the end, she was so angry that she didn't even want to speak. "I

still have something to deal with right now. You keep a close eye on him 24/7. If he dares to get out of

bed or move around, inject him with a sedative and let him sleep!" she said to Ben while looking as

black as thunder. Then, without taking another glance at Joaquin, she turned around and left.

After stepping out of Ben's clinic, Katherine calmed down a little. Only then did she start reflecting on

her behavior just now. Why would I overreact like that just now? After basking in the sun for a while to

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clear her head slightly, she got into her car and left.

When her car drove into the Cornell Residence, Jorge and Lisa had calmed down. Each occupying a

couch, they sat there while ignoring each other.

As soon as Katherine picked up her feet and entered, she sensed that something was wrong with the

atmosphere in the house.

Seeing Katherine enter the house, Lisa couldn't help but mock, "How dare you come back, Katherine?"

Katherine looked at her peculiarly. Puzzled, she asked, "This is my home, Madam Sutton. Why would I

be afraid to come back?"

Lisa replied, "Hmph! You've set a trap for the Cornell Family and made the Cornell Group go bankrupt.

Why are you still pretending now?" She hated to see Katherine acting so innocent. It was precisely

thanks to this that she was fooled into thinking that the latter was kind, innocent, and harmless back


Katherine laughed after listening to Lisa's accusations. Then, she asked earnestly in reply, "I've set a

trap for the Cornell Family? Look what you're saying, Madam Sutton. Did I arrange for the Cornell

Family's construction team to do shoddy work and use substandard materials during construction? Or

am I behind the Cornell Family's tax evasion? Would the Cornell Group have gone bankrupt if it'd never

done these things? How could I be blamed for all of this?"

Lisa was rendered speechless for a moment. Indeed, these things had absolutely nothing to do with

Katherine. The Cornell Group was having problems of its own in the first place; it was just that these

problems had been brought to light coincidentally at the same time. She didn't say a word, but her face

was sullen.

Seeing how Lisa looked, Katherine turned to look at Jorge. Seeing how angry he looked, she let out a

sigh and said in a gentle voice, "Dad, do you also think that I'm the one behind these things?"

"Why would the Cornell Group come into your hands?" Jorge looked at her with a frosty expression.

Now he no longer believed that this daughter of his was easy to deal with. I should've realized that

Kathy isn't easy to deal with when Mrs. Leigh came to me back then. She concealed her capabilities

and bided her time for the purpose of taking revenge on me.

"Dad, I intended to tell you about this when I came back today. Joaquin acquired the Cornell Group and

gave it to me as a wedding gift. I'd just learned about this yesterday, and today I was forced to go to the

company. It's all Madam Sutton's fault. She suddenly came over, picked on me, and humiliated me in

public when I wasn't ready, so I…" Katherine said while shooting a glance at Lisa without finishing her


When Lisa heard this, she instantly turned livid with rage. Jumping to her feet, she pointed at Katherine

and swore, "Katherine, stop slinging mud at me! You—"

"Madam Sutton, did you go to the Cornell Group today?" Katherine slowly cut her short.

Lisa froze instantly before looking at Katherine resentfully without speaking.

Seeing her response, Katherine asked again, "Did you humiliate me publicly right away without asking

me anything as soon as you saw me?"

"I—" Lisa tried to defend herself.

Katherine interrupted her, though. "Madam Sutton, don't deny it. A lot of people saw it at the time, and

the media was also present. I'm not the only person who heard and saw what you said and did." She

stared at Lisa seriously.

Lisa was inwardly frustrated. She had all the advantages at first, but Katherine put her at an absolute

disadvantage with just a few words! She didn't speak anymore, but it was evident from her expression

that Katherine wasn't lying.

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When Jorge saw this, he understood everything. He had always known the fact that Lisa disliked

Katherine and liked to pick on the latter. And now, Katherine had proven what she was capable of. If he

wanted to enjoy a comfortable life in the future, he naturally had to suck up to Katherine. Perhaps she'd

give the Cornell Group back to him when she felt like it.

As the idea occurred to him, his eyes lit up involuntarily, and he looked at Katherine in a much friendlier

way. Then, giving Lisa a vicious glare, he scolded grumpily, "Why didn't you tell me that you'd provoked

Kathy? You said those things just now on purpose to drive a wedge between my daughter and me,

didn't you?"

Enraged by Jorge's words, Lisa couldn't help but yell in a stern voice, "Jorge, you really are getting

senile! Katherine isn't as simple as you see. Did you forget how she broke my arm? She's fooling you!

If you believe her, you'll die sooner or later without knowing the reason!"

Unfortunately, Jorge was now preoccupied with how to get in Katherine's good books and get the

Cornell Group back, so it was impossible for him to listen to Lisa's words. The more Lisa behaved like

this, the more he believed that she was trying to drive a wedge between him and Katherine. "You don't

have to say anything. Get out of the Cornell Residence now! Lisa, I'm gonna divorce you!" he snarled

at Lisa to make her stop.

Lisa stared at him in disbelief for a long time before pointing at herself. "You want to divorce me? Jorge,

you actually want to divorce me now?"

Jorge's face was stony as he didn't even take another look at her. "It's best for everyone that we

separate amicably. Lisa, there are some things that you know very well in your heart, so I'm not gonna

talk more about them. Are you gonna leave by yourself, or do you want me to have someone send you


Lisa knew better than anyone else how heartless this man was. It wasn't like Elsie had treated him

badly back then, but he killed her nonetheless without batting an eyelid. At the end of the day, I'm no

different from Elsie in his eyes.