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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124

Meanwhile, at the Cornell Residence, Lisa came downstairs while looking all dolled up. Seeing a

dispirited Jorge, she couldn't help but sneer. "What's the matter, Mr. Cornell? Don't you have dinner

parties every single day and a bunch of friends waiting to ask you out to dinner? Why are you still at

home at such an hour? Aren't you going out?"

Jorge was irked to see her in the first place, and it irritated him even more when he listened to her

sarcastic remarks. "Where are you going this time?"

"What does that have to do with you? That's none of your business." Lisa raised her chin haughtily

without giving a damn about him.

Jorge was as mad as hell, but he really could do nothing about her. Lisa's family still had some financial

resources, but the Cornell Group had gone bankrupt and been acquired now. Because of that, he felt

somewhat diffident in front of her.

Lisa rolled her eyes in disdain when she saw him like this. After pondering for a moment, she asked

him with a smile, "I hear that the Cornell Group has been acquired by a multinational consortium. Aren't

you curious about who the Cornell Group's new boss is?"

Jorge replied, "Whoever it is, it has nothing to do with me." At the moment, he didn't want to mention

the Cornell Group at all. He had put in so much effort back then to make the Cornell Group what it was

today. Who would've thought that he'd lose the company in just a few months? It made his heart bleed

to think about it now.

"You're not curious about it, but I am. As it happens, I'm going to the Cornell Group with someone

today. I guess you don't know about it, but the Cornell Group's new boss is throwing a cocktail party

today for the reopening of the company. Many distinguished notables of Hovington are invited to the

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party, so I'm gonna be there to watch the spectacle," Lisa said while stroking her hair with her right

hand. After that, she quickly left in high heels.

Now that the Cornells no longer had a car of their own, Lisa had no choice but to hail a cab to go


Two hours later, she finally arrived at the Cornell Group.

Her feelings were mixed as she looked at the building before her. She and Jorge had taken great pains

to kill Elsie back then before successfully having the Olsen Group to themselves and changing its

name to the Cornell Group. However, little did she think that the Cornell Group would end up falling into

someone else's hands in less than ten years after that.

After letting out a sigh of emotion, she proudly held her chin up and walked into the building.

There were many who attended the Cornell Group's party today. As soon as Lisa entered the hall, she

was startled by the noise that greeted her. She watched the lively scene of people coming and going,

especially when many of the guests were women from wealthy families with whom she had no

opportunity to come into contact in the past. The fact that the Cornell Group's new boss was able to

invite these people to the party showed that the former did have some powerful backing.

Following the crowd, Lisa sneaked into the party while trying to remain invisible as much as possible.

Luckily, there were only a handful of people who knew her in person. Moreover, she was now down and

out and had lost her former glory, so no one could recognize her from her haggard appearance.

Hiding in the crowd, she looked narrowly at the guests coming to the party while getting mad with


Just when she was about to ask the waiter for a glass of wine, she inadvertently caught sight of

Katherine's figure coming in through the entrance. Her countenance changed at once; she quickly

walked over and grabbed Katherine.

Now her amputated left hand would still ache dully whenever she thought of Katherine.

Katherine subconsciously tried to fight back after being grabbed all of a sudden. Before she could do

anything, she heard Lisa's angry voice ring in her ear. "If it isn't you, Katherine Cornell! Why are you


Dumbfounded, Katherine looked back at Lisa, who looked much older than she used to. She was

dressed to the nines, but it did little to conceal her haggard and aged looks. At this moment, she was

glaring at Katherine furiously, which made her look very ugly.

Katherine slipped her hand out of her grasp with little effort. Darting a look at the latter's amputated left

arm, she asked impassively, "Do you want to have your right arm cut off as well?"

Lisa shuddered violently; she couldn't help but take a few steps back while looking at Katherine with a

horrified expression. However, her fear didn't last long, for she soon plucked up her courage. There

were so many people here, and this was the party held by the new boss of the Cornell Group. Even if

Katherine had Joaquin backing her up, she wouldn't dare to openly hurt people on such an occasion.

Otherwise, she could forget about living in Hovington.

After summoning up her courage, she snarled at Katherine like an ass in a lion's skin, "Katherine! Don't

think you can scare me by saying this. Who do you think you are? Do you know what place this is? Do

you know what day it is today? What gives you the nerve to gatecrash the party as you please?"

The big commotion here drew the attention of many. Some who recognized Lisa and then saw

Katherine instantly had excitement written all over their faces as though they had smelled gossip.

Katherine looked at Lisa lazily while cocking an eyebrow. She asked nonchalantly, "Oh? Is that so? I

really have no idea that the Cornell Group's new boss is capable of such a thing. Is she that


Sensing many people's gaze upon her, Lisa subconsciously replied out of vanity, "Hmph! Now you're

scared, huh? Let me tell you frankly that the Cornell Group's new boss and I are very close. You'd

better be sensible and get out of here right now, or I'll make you pay for it!"

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However, as soon as she finished her sentence, she instantly regretted it. Today was a big day for the

Cornell Group, so the new boss was definitely here as well. If they found her bullying people in their

name here, they'd probably come out and clarify things.

"Since when are we so close that I'd let you bully people by flaunting your connection with me? Why

don't I know that?" Katherine looked at Lisa in amusement. She really found the latter laughable. Just

by what means did this woman manage to drive Elsie to her death and end up owning everything that

had belonged to the Olsens with Jorge?

Lisa couldn't believe her ears. "W-What did you say?"

The next instant, several men in suits quickly came over and stood in a straight row in front of

Katherine. Then, they said respectfully in chorus, "Greetings, Miss Cornell."

Katherine didn't even bother to look at Lisa, whose face was ashen with fright. "Today is the day the

Olsen Group resumes business, so don't let uninvited people in as they please. It'll be bad if the guests

are affected," she said, ordering these men to chase Lisa out of the party right away.

Lisa only felt cold all over as she was thrown out of the Olsen Group's premises. She looked up to

glance at the building before her, only to realize that the building had really had its sign replaced. This

was no longer the Cornell Group. Instead, its name had been changed back to the Olsen Group.

Katherine was coming back for revenge right from the start; she wanted to help Elsie take back

everything that belonged to her.

Lisa hailed a cab in a daze. When she returned home, she was still feeling cold all over, and her back

was covered in a cold sweat.

She wobbled into the house.

Seeing how she came back despondently after leaving for the party in high spirits, Jorge couldn't help

but mock, "What's the matter? Aren't you attending the Cornell Group's party? You came back so soon.

Don't tell me you were kicked out of the party?"

Lisa's glassy eyes finally regained their focus bit by bit. Looking at Jorge, she suddenly felt laughable.

"Jorge, how could you be gloating at me? Do you know who the new owner of the Cornell Group is?"