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A Replacement Bride

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

After Katherine had left, Beatrice said, "Joe, I never thought Miss Cornell would be so skilled in

medicine as to be able to treat your severe injuries. That being said, you really scared the hell out of

me this time. Could you stop doing such dangerous stuff from now on?" She looked at Joaquin bitterly,

only to be overwhelmed with resentment when she saw how his eyes were glued to the door. What is

so good about Katherine that makes Joe care so much about her? Could he have learned about what

happened five years ago? No, that's not possible. If Joaquin had learned about it, he wouldn't have

been so nice to me. Reassuring herself a little, she pouted her lips while acting like a spoiled child in

front of him.

Joaquin withdrew his gaze to look at Beatrice. This time, he no longer looked at her as tenderly as he

used to. Instead, he fixed her with a frosty, threatening stare.

Beatrice's heart jumped when she noticed the look in his eyes. Looking as pale as a sheet, she almost

failed to hold back her tears. "Joe, you—"

Joaquin didn't spare her feelings, though. He said straightforwardly, "Our mission was meticulously

planned this time so that no mistake could've happened, but our location was leaked. It was your

doing." He did mind what had happened five years ago, which was why he was especially kind and

tolerant toward Beatrice. However, the accident this time had cost the lives of two of Area Seven's

members; even he had nearly lost his life there. Furthermore, two other members of Area Seven were

crippled for life in the accident, and an even larger number of people were injured.

When Beatrice heard this, her eyes flickered for a moment. Not daring to meet the man's gaze, she

replied in an injured tone, "Joe, I thought you trusted me at least, but why would you have such a

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wrong idea about me after Katherine showed up? Did she say something to you?"

Joaquin replied, "She didn't say anything." Seeing how Beatrice was still trying to pass the buck to

Katherine at this very moment, he grew more and more disappointed. The Beatrice I remembered isn't

supposed to be like this. She was gentle, considerate, kind-hearted, and poised. And now? He felt that

the present Beatrice was really alien to him.

Beatrice's heart did a complete somersault when she saw the disappointed look in Joaquin's eyes.

Instinctively, she shifted all responsibility to Katherine, saying, "It wasn't me, Joe. How could I possibly

harm you? Someone must be trying to frame me for this in order to turn us against each other. It's got

to be Katherine. She's got to be the one! She wants to steal you away and strengthen her position as

your wife, which is why she's slung mud at me like this. Joe, you mustn't believe her!"

The look in Joaquin's eyes grew increasingly frosty. After closing his eyes wearily for a long time, he

finally said impassively, "Just go away. For the sake of what happened five years ago, I won't do

anything to you. I can ensure that you'll be well provided for for the rest of your life, but that's the most I

can do for you."

"Joe?" Beatrice's eyes popped in disbelief. Joaquin is actually going to give up on me? No, that's not

possible! She understood Joaquin's character better than anyone else did. He was good in everything,

only that he had a strong sense of responsibility. It was exactly for this reason that he had been nice to

her for five years because of the night they had spent together five years ago.

Everything she owned was thanks to Joaquin. And now, she was crippled in both legs and no longer

stood a chance of joining the research institute; even Theodore had given up on her after becoming

thoroughly disappointed with her. If she were to lose Joaquin, she'd really lose everything. Grabbing his

arm in a panic, she cried, "Joe, you can't do this to me. Now that I'm already in such a state, what

should I do in the future if you leave me?"

Joaquin ignored her cries with a frosty expression. "Please get out of here before I change my mind."

Beatrice pleaded with him for a while, but she instantly saw red when she saw that he no longer went

soft on her as he used to. Looking at him with a sinister expression, she swore bitterly, "I know why

you're doing this, Joaquin! It's just because you've fallen in love with Katherine, no? I admit that she's

prettier and more capable than me. Indeed, I'm no match for her; she's made so many achievements at

a young age. But what qualifies her to have so many achievements? Do you think she really is as pure

as you see? I'm telling you, she wouldn't even let go of my grandpa in order to be able to get ahead in

her career! She's a b*tch with no sense of shame!"

Joaquin's face darkened as he listened to her wilful slander on Katherine. He looked at her frostily

without speaking.

Seeing the change in his countenance, Beatrice felt more and more delighted. She continued, "What's

the matter? You don't believe me? My grandpa is the top scientist in the country. Do you really think it's

that easy to join his research institute? I only managed to join the research institute as a research

intern by taking advantage of his status. If I want to become a permanent researcher of the institute, I

still have to work hard for three to five years. Katherine is younger than me, so what qualifies her to join

the institute as a senior research fellow who is able to be on an equal footing with my grandpa? Isn't

that just because she is great in the sack and has an affair with him? Joaquin, you'll regret it sooner or

later!" With that, she turned her wheelchair around and left quickly.

Joaquin watched her leave with a scowl. After a long time, he finally released his grip on the sheets,

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which he had clutched and ripped up.

He was really afraid that he'd lose control of himself and kill Beatrice if he hadn't tried hard to restrain

himself. It really astonished him that Beatrice would actually be so vicious as to say such things.

Perhaps this was what she truly was? He had never tried to understand her over the past five years; he

just wanted to take care of her out of responsibility.

After Beatrice left, Ben finally sneaked in. Seeing Joaquin's sullen face, he gave a cough and said

gingerly, "Mr. Levisay."

"What's the matter?" Joaquin shot an impassive glance at him.

Ben hesitated for a moment. Then, he asked Joaquin, "So you actually know it's because of Beatrice

that the contents of our mission were leaked this time? Did you ever think about why she'd know the

place and contents of your mission?"

Joaquin explained, "I had a GPS installed on her phone back then to allow her to locate me at all times

in order to reassure her." Upon recalling this, he thought that he must've had rocks in his head at the

time. No wonder they say that lust can only dull your mind. He just wanted to make it up to Beatrice at

the time. She had just reached 20 years old, so it was normal for such a young lady to feel insecure

after such a thing had happened. She was always worried that he would leave her, so whenever she

couldn't reach him, she'd kick up a fuss or even threaten suicide. He had no choice but to install the

GPS on her phone in order to put her mind at rest, but little did he think that the GPS would actually

harm the lives of several of his comrades. "It's because of my negligence that our mission failed this

time," he said in a grave voice. Obviously, he was in a terrible mood right now.

Ben didn't want to rub Joaquin up the wrong way. Seeing the latter like this, he dared not say anything

else, so he quickly turned around and left.