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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112 The Best Way to Her Heart Silas took a deep breath. He was surprised by the fact that he actually asked that unreliable man for

advice on pursuing Camila when he used to be extremely scornful toward the latter’s opinions on the

matter. “Alright, I don’t think your methods would be helpful for me.” More importantly, the relationship

between her and him weren’t at a stage where they could do much. She calls me Mr. Nolan all the time.

How am I supposed to become intimate with her? That night, Camila’s phone rang just as she entered

the house after picking her son up. She answered the call and was surprised to learn that it was Silas

on the other end. “Mr. Nolan.” The man’s clear voice came from the other end of the call. “Are you

home?” “Yes,” she said after a short pause of confusion. ” “Come on up!” he said, making his orders

concise. She didn’t seem to understand him. “What?” His chuckle was heard through the call as he

seemed to have achieved his intentions of surprising her. “One floor above your house.” She thought

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about the words that the mover had said back then. So, it was Silas indeed. “So, it really is you. Why

did you move here?” “You knew about it?” “I bumped into the workers from the moving company

yesterday and they said that the owner’s last name is Nolan.” “Well, I thought I’d be giving you guys a

surprise. Come on up and I’ll buy you dinner,” he said with a smile. She thought for a moment before

she agreed. “Alright.”

South had just placed his schoolbag in his study room when he faintly heard his mother calling out for a

‘Mr. Nolan’. Filled with curiosity, he stepped out and asked, “Who was that, Mommy?” “Uncle Silas

wants to treat us to dinner.” “Where?”

Camila laughed as she pointed a finger toward the ceiling. The young boy was extremely elated. “Let’s

hurry up then!” he said as he picked up his laptop and prepared to walk out. She pulled on him and

reminded, “Remember not to say anything that you aren’t supposed to say once we’re there.” “I got it,

Mommy.” South then tugged his mother’s arm as he said, “Hurry up, let’s go!”

Camila had expected a large crowd of people to be there since it was Silas’s housewarming. She even

thought that Landon might be there, at the very least, but she realized it was only her and her son once

he opened his house door, making her feel a little awkward. I knew that we shouldn’t have been too

excited to come. This little brat was the one who kept rushing me! “Do take a seat; I’m almost done.”

Silas entered the kitchen and brought some dishes out. She was surprised to see the layout of her

house being replicated in his house, making her feel almost as if she was in her own home. However,

she knew that she wasn’t when she saw him hustling around. She carefully walked over to him and

questioned, “Are the others… not here yet?” “There isn’t anyone else,” he explained as he looked up

after he placed the dishes on the table. Her lips twitched a little. Does that mean he only asked the two

of us to swing by? “Should we ask Landon to join us?” Silas paused for a moment before he calmly

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replied, “I asked him, but he had something else to do.” She mumbled something in response while

being in a daze as she felt a sense of relief filling her chest. I was merely overthinking it then. He did

ask other people to join, but they simply couldn’t make it as they were busy. Why was I thinking so

much about it? “Sit down.” Silas said as he watched Camila standing motionlessly. She nodded and

anxiously sat down. She was surprised to see the tasty-looking dishes on the table and asked, “Did

you… make all of these?” “I haven’t cooked in a while, so I don’t know how it tastes,” he said with a

nod. Her eyes were then filled with admiration. “You can even cook?” She was especially impressed by

men who could cook, possibly because she couldn’t do it herself. Silas secretly praised his smart

decisions once he saw the astonishment on her face. He had thought of asking someone else to

prepare the food, but he later decided to cook the dishes himself since it was the first time that he was

asking his future wife and his son over for dinner. Didn’t someone say that the best way to a man’s

heart is through his stomach? It seemed like the same was true for women.