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Triplets’ Mighty Mom

Chapter 113
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Chapter 113 Get a Boyfriend Who Can Cook

“Quickly give it a try and let me know if it’s tasty.” Camila nodded as her eyes glanced at the dishes that

were arranged neatly on the dining table, which looked too good to be eaten. She hesitantly picked up

a piece of the braised fish, which had been placed right in front of her. As she tasted it, the flavor was

perfect as that piece of fish melted into her taste buds when it met her tongue. It tasted better than it

looked. “Why didn’t you tell me that you’re very good at cooking?” She was impressed that he was able

to prepare such a delicious meal, making him a genius. Silas smiled at her sudden praise of him. “I’m

happy that you like it.” He then said to South, “South, do you want some crawfish?” South nodded. He

no longer felt burdened to order Silas around since the man was his Daddy!

Silas wore a pair of gloves and began to skillfully remove the shell. After a few seconds, he placed a

fully unshelled piece of crawfish meat on South’s plate. “Here you are.”

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Then, he immediately picked up another and quickly removed the shell before placing it on Camila’s

plate. “You should try it too.” “Thanks, but I’ll help myself.” “It’s fine. You two are in charge of eating

today.” Camila gave a stiff smile as her heart was caught in her throat. Where is Silas going with this?

He noticed that she was a little uncomfortable and asked, “Wine?”

She looked up and before she was able to reject him, he had already risen to his full height and headed

toward the wine rack. He retrieved a bottle and smiled at it while he said, “I know you can hold your

liquor. You don’t need to drive tonight, so you’ll be fine even if you drink a little.” Silas opened the bottle

and poured her a glass and one for himself. Soon after, he filled South’s glass with fruit juice. Upon

raising his glass, Silas said, “From now on, we’ll be neighbors. I’m looking forward to it!” “Same here,”

Camila replied out of courtesy. She raised her glass in response and took a sip.

South drained his glass of fruit juice before picking a piece of chicken wing with his chopsticks. He

proudly thought to himself that his Daddy was doing a good job.

“Why did you decide to move here?” Camila finally asked the question that gnawed at her the moment

she arrived.

Silas looked at her as his mind immediately answered, Of course, it’s because you’re here. However,

after glancing at South sideway, his expression was calm, albeit what he answered was different. “I

always come here every year to stay for a short period of time. It’s a lot quieter here compared to the

villa; there is less crowd here.”

Camila nodded understandingly and proceeded to tease him. “Are they obstructing your meditating

sessions?” Silas laughed. “I’m not there yet. I just don’t like to be monitored by others!”

Camila was surprised. “Monitored? Are you being monitored?”

Silas became hesitant as he wasn’t sure on how to explain his situation without it being extremely too

shocking to her ears. So, he only brushed it off in agreement and scooped a bowl of soup for her.

Camila suddenly recalled something that Old Man Nolan had told her, feeling the need to avoid

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sensitive topics and decided to steer clear of it. “I’ve always thought that a young master from a

wealthy family like you would be leading an easy life and have everything prepared for him. I didn’t

expect you to know how to cook!” “I was left to be on my own at a young age and had to do everything

for myself, so I learned the basic skill of cooking,” Silas explained. She raised an eyebrow in confusion

and was skeptical. How could a rich Young Master like him be left alone as a child? However, she was

afraid of overstepping her boundaries, so she didn’t ask further. “Sometimes, relying on yourself is

better than being spoon-fed all the time. When I was younger, my mother never asked me for help with

anything. It was only when I was a grownup that I knew how that had ruined me.” Silas smiled. “How

does it matter? South is doing so well under your care.” Camila pursed her lips. “He definitely doesn’t

think like you since he’s always complaining about my food.” “Mommy, you can just get a boyfriend who

can cook.” Camila blushed at the sound of her son’s remark. This cheeky little boy is up to his antics

again! She cast a menacing glare at the little boy. Silas giggled. “South is right! Nowadays, boyfriends

are the ones who cook. All your problems are solved if you get a boyfriend.”