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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 251
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Everyone was surprised by Euston's aversion to Hermia's touch.

There would be skind of maternal connection, sinstinctive bond between them.

But not for Euston, who didn’t show any attachment to Hermia.

There he was, in Jocelyn's arms, bawling his eyes out and calling her "Mom". It was like a knife to Hermia's heart.

All the consoling words in the world seemed pale and feeble to Hermia.

Finally, they arrived at Castiel's mansion. When Jocelyn climbed out of the car, Euston clung to her tightly as if he knew he was

about to be handed over.

Jocelyn had a soft spot for Euston, having been the first to hold him.

"Castiel, take him," Jocelyn said, her voice laden with reluctance and concern for Euston's puffy, tear-swollen eyes. "I'll go pack my


Castiel reached out to take Euston, but the little boy just wouldn't budge.

If he forced it, Euston would only start wailing again.

Suddenly, Hermia snatched Euston away and stormed upstairs without a care for his crying, barking over her shoulder towards

Jocelyn, "Hurry up with your packing and leave!"

Euston's cries echoed through the mansion, leaving the three downstairs stunned by Hermia's reactions. Jocelyn was utterly


"Sorry, Jocelyn. I'll go check on them!" Castiel blurted, panic stricken.

As Castiel darted upstairs, Jocelyn's heart ached for Euston, but she felt helpless.

After all, Castiel and Hermia were the kid's real parents. What was she in comparison?

"We should go," Melvin said stone-faced, eager to leave.

Jocelyn sighed and nodded, heading upstairs to gather her belongings, which all fit into a small suitcase.

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As she emerged, the sound of Euston's heart-wrenching cries tightened her chest.

"Should we check on him?" Jocelyn couldn't help but feel concerned.

With suitcase in one hand and the other holding hers, Melvin was resolute, "No."

His indifference surprised her. "Aren't you worried?"

"They're his birth parents; we have no place worrying," Melvin said, leading her downstairs. "Sticking around only makes it harder

for the kid to let go. And Hermia will resent you even more."

The word "resent" hit Jocelyn hard.

She looked at Melvin incredulously. "Why would she? You're overthinking it, aren't you?"

Just because she had been taking care of Euston, even as a friend, Hermia shouldn't resent her.

"Why wouldn't she?" Melvin said as they descended the stairs. "To her, you've stolen her place."

Jocelyn narrowed her eyes, "Stolen what? A child calling out 'mom’' to whoever cares for him is natural. And why would | want to

steal her child?"

"I know you wouldn't, and so does Castiel. But she might not see it that way," Melvin said as they walked outside. "It's clear Hermia

isn't fond of us. We shouldn't worry anymore. The child is theirs; they won't harm him."

"We've done our duty. We've returned their son healthy and unharmed. Whatever happens now is their business, not ours," Melvin

added, knowing Jocelyn really cared for Euston, but their role was over.

Once outside, Jocelyn stopped by the car door, looking at Melvin with concern. "Did something happen?"

"Why do you ask so?" Melvin looked at her, puzzled.

"Ever since you got back, | feel like you've been holding something against Hermia," Jocelyn recalled the way Melvin looked at

Hermia, which was anything but friendly.

"Let's talk in the car," Melvin said, opening the door.

Jocelyn glanced back at the mansion. With the door closed, Euston's cries were muffled, leaving the air filled with nothing but the

sound of birds. She couldn't shake off the unease, hoping Euston would soon grow accustomed to his birth mother.

Once they were on the road, Melvin finally spoke up. "Hermia was tricked into going to the SouthMyst region. When we found

them, she was a mess, both mentally and emotionally. When Zachary's men almost got them out, Hermia blew their cover, getting

Zachary injured."

Jocelyn frowned, unable to imagine the suffocating desperation of that moment.

"If she'd been willing to leave, we could've been hsooner," Melvin said, his voice laced with disdain. "Castiel's just too damn

stubborn about her, almost got himself killed for her. Anyway, I'm fond of Euston. After all, he called'Dad' once. But as for

Castiel and Hermia, I've lost all sympathy."

Melvin made his feelings clear, noticing Jocelyn's shock. "I agreed to go for Euston's sake, and for you. Now we're even for the time

he inadvertently saved you. We owe them nothing now."

If anything, Castiel was the one in debt.

"I'm sorry," Jocelyn apologized sincerely.

If not for her, Zachary wouldn't get hurt and Melvin wouldn't have risked danger.

At the end of the day, it was her own selfishness that led to the current mess.

Melvin pulled the car over and turned earnestly towards her, unfastening his seat belt. "I'm not telling you this to get an apology. |

want you to understand that we don't owe them anything. There's no guilt to bear. The kid isn't ours, and no matter how much he

cries and fusses, it's none of our business now."

Melvin wrapped her hand in his, fatigue evident in his voice, his eyes slightly reddened and dry from the strain of it all. Despite the

toll it took on him, the sight of the woman he'd been missing seemed to brighten his world.

"Feeling tired, right?" Jocelyn sensed his weariness, intentionally avoiding the topic of Euston.

Melvin didn't pretend to be fine. He leaned back into the headrest and turned to look at her, slowly nodding, "Yeah."

"I'll drive," Jocelyn offered, trying to withdraw her hand, but Melvin held on tighter.

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Interlocking their fingers, Melvin closed his eyes. "Stay withfor a bit, just ten minutes."

Seeing his request, Jocelyn let him hold her hand while she leaned back and watched him.

He had lost weight and his skin had tanned a shade darker after being away for so long.

Zachary had been injured, and she couldn't imagine the effort and energy Melvin must have expended to bring them back. She

wondered about the difficulties he faced during the rescue.

Was he hurt, too?

Yasmine had assured her that he was fine, but there was still a nagging worry in her heart.

Unable to resist, she leaned in closer to him, her hand reaching for the hem of his shirt, pinching the fabric and slowly lifting it up.

His exposed abdomen was taut and sexy, with defined muscle lines segmenting his abs. But it was the glimpse of the adonis belt

peeking above his pants that made her heart skip a beat.

Forcing her gaze away from straying further down, she cautiously glanced at Melvin. He seemed to be still sleeping, so she grew

bolder, lifting the shirt higher to continue her inspection.

"Jocelyn, are you that eager?" A husky, amused voice cfrom above her head.





