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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 252
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Jocelyn shivered with a start, her hand unintentionally landing on the bare expanse of his chest.

She tried to retract immediately, but Melvin caught her hand, pressing it against his heart, where she could feel the steady drum of

his heartbeat and the rise and fall of his breaths.

"Let go..." Jocelyn tugged futilely at her trapped hand, her nervousness mounting by the second.

Melvin, his lips curling into a playful smirk, guided her hand over his chest. "If you want to touch, be bold about it. No need to be


Jocelyn thought she might just lose her mind.

Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment, akin to being caught in the middle of a daydream about someone. Even if this man was

an old flame, the current situation made her feel like a thief caught red-handed.

"lI wasn't..." Jocelyn stammered out an explanation, "I just wanted to check if you were hurt."

Her intentions were far from what he implied.

Had he not startled her, she wouldn't have done so.

Melvin's gaze fell to her flushed face and the earnestness of her words, and his smile deepened.

Finally, he released her hand. Jocelyn quickly hid it away, sitting up straight and looking ahead to the road.

"Fine, | accept your explanation," Melvin said casually as he buckled his seat belt and restarted the car.

Jocelyn was surprised by his briskness, sensing something was amiss.

"Your place or mine?" Melvin asked.

Before Jocelyn could respond, he continued, "Never mind, my place hasn't been lived in for a while. Let's have the help clean it up

before we return.”

Jocelyn assumed he meant they were heading to her place, but instead, he drove to a hotel.

"What are we doing here?" she asked, puzzled.

Melvin got out and caround to her side, opened the door, and pulled her out. Then he led her toward the hotel lobby.

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The manager greeted him with a respectful nod, "Mr. Martinez, welcback."

Melvin responded, "My room's still available, right?"

"Yes, your room is always ready for you. Just a moment, I'll get your key card," the manager said, quickly retrieving the card and

presenting it, "Shall | escort you up?"

"No, thanks." Melvin replied, taking the card.

"If you need anything, just call the front desk. Have a pleasant rest," the manager said, waiting until the elevator doors had closed

behind them before leaving.

Jocelyn's heart was in turmoil as she was led through the hotel by Melvin, who seemed closer than ever, their reflections nearly

touching in the mirrored walls.

"What's the reason for bringinghere?" she asked.

Melvin, teasing her discomfort, asked, "Don't you know?"

Her face heated, and she could hardly meet his gaze anymore.

It was odd. She had been intimate with him before without any shyness, but now, his suggestive words made her flush like an

inexperienced young girl.

"Jocelyn, you weren't like this before," Melvin whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her neck and sending her into further


Jocelyn tried to put sdistance between them, but his arm wrapped around her waist, refusing to let her go.

The more he spoke, the more she felt embarrassed.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened. Showing no signs of fatigue, Melvin led Jocelyn out and straight down the corridor to the


Once he swiped the card, he pushed open the door and pulled her inside before shutting it behind them.

Melvin guided her to the sofa, and she sat down. He was behaving too well, almost to the point of surprise for Jocelyn.

In the past, he would have pounced on her right by the door, unleashing his passion without restraint.

As Jocelyn was still pondering the change in Melvin, he lifted his shirt and slipped it off.

Her eyes widened.

As his fingers hooked into his waistband, Jocelyn panicked.

"What are you doing?"

"Just making it easier for you to check," Melvin said shamelessly as he dropped his pants as well.

Jocelyn's eyes bulged, her throat dry.

"There's no need for... you to get undressed for that," she stammered, her gaze darting away from his exposed figure.

Melvin approached, crouched before her and lifted her chin, "Jocelyn, since when did you becso bashful? My body is nothing

you haven't seen or touched before."

His voice was teasing yet seductive.

Jocelyn's face burned even brighter, especially with his earnest demeanor, making her feel like a woman well-versed in the ways of


"Could you... put your clothes back on before we continue?"

"For what?" Melvin's hands on either side of her, the desire in his eyes unmistakable.

Her lips were dry, and she licked them subconsciously, "I... want a drink of water."

Melvin raised his eyebrows but obediently fetched a glass for her. Instead of handing it to her, he took a sip himself.

Jocelyn could only watch, appalled at his audacity.

Melvin took another drink, then walked back over. He leaned down, lifting her chin, and before she could react, his lips met hers.

Jocelyn's mouth was sealed shut, but Melvin gently squeezed her jaw, coaxing her to open up. Water flowed into her mouth, and he

tilted her chin slightly, guiding the liquid down her throat.

She stared at him, eyes wide, and he returned the gaze with deep affection.

Once he pulled away, his voice was low, "Still thirsty?"

Jocelyn was at a loss for words.

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She would have found such a scene disgusting on TV, but experiencing it herself left her stunned and breathless, her mind blank.

After a moment, she shook her head in response to his question.

Melvin smiled, "Then, I'm going to kiss you."

Before Jocelyn could even register what was happening, Melvin's kiss had already descended upon her.

His lips danced tenderly and passionately over hers, savoring her softness incrementally, his palm pressing firmly against her back

and slowly wandering.

Their breaths intertwined, releasing the longing they had for each other bit by bit in this intimate moment.

Initially, Jocelyn had been a bundle of nerves, but now she was completely swept away by his gentleness.

The fact that they had made it to this point was nothing short of a miracle.

If it's love, then it should be deep and unabashed.

Who knows if the next lifetoffers another chance to meet? Missing out would be a lifelong regret, an irreplaceable loss.

As long as there is love, barring a tragic parting, what could possibly drive them apart?

Jocelyn surrendered to his tenderness, responding wholeheartedly to his ardor.

They rose and fell together tand again, one desperate to give all of themselves away, the other just as eager to lay bare their

soul in offering.





