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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 250
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Castiel squirmed uncomfortably, but thankfully Jocelyn didn't take offense. It was just Melvin's glares toward Hermia that grew

more gloomy by the minute.

Sensing the oppressive mood, Yasmine clapped her hands to break the tension, "Let's get ready to wash up for the meal, folks. I'll

bring out the dishes from the kitchen."

With Yasmine's intervention, the atmosphere lightened a bit.

Calvin and Daisy beckoned everyone to the table.

Jocelyn, cradling little Euston in her arms, was nursing on the couch. Seeing that the others hadn't started eating yet, she said, "Go

ahead and eat. I'll join you once Euston's asleep. Don't wait for me."

"No worries," Yasmine chimed in, "You've got your hands full with the baby. We'd be heartless if we couldn't wait for a bit."

Jocelyn forced a smile, fully grasping the subtext in Yasmine’s words. With a helpless glance, she signaled Yasmine to ease up on

such comments.

Castiel stole a glance at Hermia, understanding her feelings but also genuinely grateful to Jocelyn for her dedication in helping with

the child.

Thankfully, the baby was usually fuss-free, often falling asleep right after feeding.

When the bottle was empty, Jocelyn removed it and carried Euston off to the bedroom. She returned after a short while.

"Let's dig in," Jocelyn urged as she sat down, feeling a bit embarrassed as everyone had been waiting for her.

"Absolutely, let's eat before the food gets cold," Daisy added, encouraging everyone to start.

The mood was relatively cheerful as everyone was safe and sound.

But Hermia's earlier words had left an uncomfortable impression, although everyone tried to be understanding. The meal

proceeded with a semblance of harmony.

After the meal, slounged in the living room to chat, while Hermia seemed out of spirits.

Castiel stood up, "We should head back."

"Are you leaving so soon?" Daisy suggested, trying to persuade them.

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Castiel glanced at Hermia, "We're all pretty beat. | think it's best we get srest."

Seeing Castiel's intent, Daisy didn't push further, "Alright, then. You know where to find us. Cover when you can, and I'll cook

up a feast."

"Thank you," Castiel said, truly appreciative.

He bid farewell to everyone and went to get Hermia.

Hermia, reluctant, eyed the direction of Jocelyn's bedroom, "Aren't we taking our son with us?"

A shadow crossed Castiel's face.

Understanding Hermia's point, Jocelyn quickly intervened, "Right, you should take the baby with you. Just give Euston a moment to

wake up properly, or he'll be fussy."

"Sure," Hermia agreed eagerly.

Castiel took a deep breath, softly reminding Hermia, "Bringing him back now might be too much for you. Why not rest up for a few

days, then cfor the baby?"

Hermia shook her head, "He's my son. | need to get used to having him around. It's an unavoidable adjustment for all of us."

Castiel frowned, displeased with Hermia's attitude today.

Jocelyn ignored Hermia's choice of words; she knew deep down that the child wasn't hers and that she was only babysitting

temporarily. The baby would eventually go back to his real parents.

Jocelyn was the only one unaffected by Hermia’s manner; others clearly took offense.

It was common knowledge that Euston wasn't Jocelyn's child, but Hermia's. Yet, Hermia's comments often insinuated as though

Jocelyn was hogging her baby, which made everyone uncomfortable.

As everyone awaited Euston's awakening, Jocelyn busied herself by packing the baby’s things. Melvin and Daisy helped.

"I can't stand the way Euston's mother talks," Daisy complained behind closed doors.

"It's her child; | can understand her feelings," Jocelyn responded.

"It is her child, but we're not clinging to it. The way she speaks, it's as if we're keeping the baby hostage," Daisy grumbled, clearly


"Let's not dwell on it, Mom," Jocelyn soothed her mother, "We just need to be more understanding."

"Hmph, it's just a baby, right? We'll have our own soon enough, won't we?" Daisy suddenly turned to Jocelyn, her gaze flicking

toward Melvin.

Jocelyn blushed, "Mom..."

Melvin seriously responded, "Daisy's right. We'll have our own kids."

Jocelyn glared at him for taking the bait.

Daisy's mood improved, and she packed Euston's clothes into a bag, "I'm just worried Euston might be a bit fussy over the next few


"That's a phase every parent and child must go through. Once they're accustomed to each other, it'll be fine. After all, there's a

special bond between mother and child," Jocelyn reassured.

Daisy dropped the subject; after all, it wasn't her grandchild.

Once everything was packed, Euston awoke, cooing in the bedroom.

Hermia made to rush in but Castiel held her back.

Jocelyn went in and brought the baby out, who was calm and content.

"Jocelyn, could | ask you one last favor?" Castiel hesitantly began.

Curiosity piqued, Jocelyn held the baby and asked, "What is it?"

"Would you mind staying at our place for a couple of days? I'm worried the baby might cry if you're not there," Castiel asked


Hermia's expression darkened, "Is that really necessary? By asking her to stay over, it's like treating her like a nanny. It doesn't

seem right."

That comment was hard for everyone to ignore.

Jocelyn's sympathy and understanding for Hermia seemed to evaporate in that instant.

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She took a deep breath and turned to Castiel. "You don't have to worry so much. Spend more twith him, and he'll get used to

you. If I go over there, | worry he'll just get more attached to me, and that's not going to help his relationship with Hermia."

"But..." Castiel still lacked confidence.

"It's alright," Jocelyn reassured him. "Speaking of which, | really need to swing by your place. | left sstuff there during my stay,

need to pick it up."

"I'll go with you," Melvin said, his voice icy.

If it weren't for the kid's sake, he would've booted Hermia out long ago.

What's the deal with that woman?

Castiel nodded eagerly in agreement.

Holding the child, Jocelyn asked Hermia, "Do you want to hold him?"

Of course, Hermia wanted to, but as soon as she approached Euston and reached out to take him, the child clung tightly to Jocelyn,

his whole body resisting.

Hermia's face turned pale, and she had to give up.

"Let's head back," Castiel couldn't bear to watch any longer.

Melvin glanced at Hermia with a cold eye, and then escorted Jocelyn downstairs.

As for Euston's belongings, Castiel took care of them.

Melvin drove, with Castiel in the passenger seat. In the back sat Jocelyn and Hermia, and aside from the child babbling with

Jocelyn, the atmosphere was anything but warm.

"Euston, cto Mommy," Hermia persisted, clapping her hands and trying to call Euston gently.

Euston just looked at her, then suddenly wrapped his arms around Jocelyn and called out, "Mommy."

Before, Jocelyn hadn't really minded, but now, in front of Hermia, being called 'mommy' by Euston felt awkward.

"Euston, honey, this is your mommy," Jocelyn corrected, holding Euston up and waving his little hand at Hermia, softly coaxing,

"This is your mommy."

Euston stared at Hermia, a look of unfamiliarity on his face, and definitely no smile.

Hermia tried to make the child laugh, but instead, he burst into tears and buried himself against Jocelyn.