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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2041: quit the sect
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"Girl, the affairs of our sect have nothing to do with you. I advise you not to interfere."

The elder who looked a little younger at the back couldn't help it. This woman had been sowing discord from the very beginning.

Now this sentence is clearly intended to separate the emotion between them and nothingness.

"What do you mean by that? I'm just speaking fair. If you don't believe me, ask other people if this is the truth."

Bai Linger is not afraid at all. If these people are reasonable, no one can talk to her.

Bai Linger turned around and clapped her hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, come and judge. They didn't discipline their apprentices well. Now that something happened, they began to push the responsibility on to another person. They also said that I was provoking discord. You said I was upholding justice or provoking discord?!"

Bai Linger was originally beautiful, and some men couldn't help tilting the scales towards Bai Linger when they saw that they were naturally moved.

In addition, some sensible people felt that after hearing Bailinger's remarks, the Yuntian faction should not be.

"Girl, I think you're right. It's obvious that they didn't discipline themselves well. Now that something happens, they put all the blame on one person."

"It's just a child. How can I understand that these big ones are not well managed, and they start to be strangely small."Googlᴇ search N(o)vᴇl(ꜰ)ire.net

A group of people started to coax and help the void, and the void felt warm in his heart for a while, and glanced at Bailinger gratefully.

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It has been a long time since nothingness has experienced this kind of feeling. A long time ago, the elders had already begun to tilt the balance in their hearts toward his senior brother, and every time he only suffered a loss.

Over time, nothingness began to become silent, and he didn't like to talk anymore. He felt that as long as he was silent, there would be nothing else.

But now that nothingness has truly woken up, what if he becomes silent? Still no one listened to his words, and everyone still tilted the scales in their hearts toward his senior brother.

At this moment, nothingness began to think about whether it really makes sense to stay here.

Bai Linger saw through the nihilistic mind at a glance, and knew that her plan was about to succeed.

As time passed, the denunciations became louder and louder, as if they would drown the Yuntian faction with their own spit as long as they put the blame on nothingness.

The elders were not very good at this situation, so they had to touch their beards and start to sigh.

"You don't understand the seriousness of the matter at all, it's really disappointing us!"

At this time, the expression on Du Shan's face could hardly hold back, but he thought that if he showed a trace of scrutiny now, I am afraid that it would destroy his entire image, and instantly brought up his own image of affinity.

"Everyone doesn't understand the situation. Originally, my junior brothers had a bad impression of a Taoist friend, and it was because of my junior brother's encouragement that they challenged that Taoist friend."

"But because of this, my junior and junior brothers were all injured and their spiritual power was exhausted. And our elders are also very kind, but they just punished my junior and junior brothers for a month of confinement."

Originally, some people had already begun to shake when they heard these words, and even the trace of excitement in the words was reduced a lot.

However, who is Bailinger who does not achieve his goal, how can he be worried about his remarks, which once again provoked the anger of everyone.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by encouragement? They want to challenge my friends. Now that they are not as good as others, do they start to blame others?"

Bai Linger stirred up everyone's emotions again and again, and made everyone blame Yun Tianpai.

No matter how Du Dan appeases him next, he won't be able to appease everyone.

"Girl, I hope you don't confuse the audience anymore!"

This sentence is said on Bai Linger's body, it does not hurt or itch, and it does not have any effect at all. After all, Bai Linger has this idea in the beginning.

Besides, isn't there a saying that flies don't bite seamless eggs? Now that she has this hole, of course she has to make good use of it.

Upstairs, Du Yu has sorted out his mental methods, only to feel that his meridians have expanded a lot, and he can absorb a lot more spiritual power.

At about the same time, I thought about coming down to see what was going on, but as soon as I got out of my mind, I heard the noise outside, and there was only an ominous premonition in my heart.

After waiting until he understood the whole situation, Du Yu only felt that Bai Linger was too powerful. With just a few words, he aroused everyone's emotions and made Yuntian School become the target of public criticism.

At first, Du Yu was very optimistic about the second senior brother. After all, the other side was calm and calm, and he seemed to be a very upright person.

Now that the other party has been accused by everyone of the Yuntian faction, Du Yu will naturally come out and say a few words.

"Senior is right. It was you who had to challenge. Can you blame me? Or this little friend?"

Du Yu said this in his mouth, but in private he secretly transmitted a voice to nothingness.

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"I think you are a talented person, and you shouldn't be submerged in this kind of sect. You should go to a wider world, and I believe that after this time, you have also seen the true colors of your senior brothers, elders, and junior brothers."

The nothingness was very shocked at first, Du Yu could actually transmit sound, but after hearing Du Yu's words, he fell into deep thought.

In fact, Niu Wu wanted to see the outside world a long time ago, but their sect’s rules are that they cannot go out. Even if they want to go out, they must obtain permission, but obviously this permission is very difficult to obtain.

In addition, in the past few years, the various performances of his brothers and sisters have also made Niwu begin to feel disheartened.

Maybe he really should leave this sect.

"Elder brothers and sisters, I just thought about it, since the sect can't tolerate me so much, then I'll quit!"

The resoluteness of this sentence made Du Dan on the side open his eyes in disbelief.

Some elders were also stunned, they did not expect the other party to come here.

"What kind of **** are you talking about, but if you are fined for a month of confinement, you will leave the sect?"

"Yes, Elder, I have made up my mind. Since the sect can't tolerate me so much, I might as well leave."

At this time, the elder's face disappeared, and the gentleness he had before became serious, even with some sarcasm.

"You have to think about it, if you leave, you will never be able to come back!"

"Let me get away!"

This sentence was very loud, and it was introduced into everyone's ears.

At the same time, it also shows the determination of nothingness. *