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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2040: mind
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Bai Linger walked to Du Yu's side, wiped his sweat for Du Yu, and looked intimate.

This made Du Yu a little uncomfortable, but he accepted it silently.

"Okay, since you can't beat it, let's just send your people back to the sect to heal their injuries, don't come out and be ashamed."

Bai Linger hugged Du Yu's arm, and after speaking, she pulled Du Yu and wanted to leave, but in the end she turned her head and continued.

"Don't think about confronting us head-on, and see if you can beat me. If you dare to shoot at Du Yu in private, don't blame me for being ruthless. After all, I'm the only one who can bully Du Yu."

I don't know why when Du Yu heard this sentence, he always felt a little complicated.

After the two returned to Bailinger's room, Bailinger's people also became serious, and there was no more chatty and casual look before.

"This time I'm all about testing your black gold that I saw before. I was wondering if you could do that exercise. It seems that the woman didn't treat you badly and gave you that exercise, but then I will What I want to give to you is similar to this one, but the place to use it is different."

Bai Linger said a lot in one breath, so she poured a glass of water when her head was a little thirsty.

After taking a sip, Bai Linger put her eyes on Du Yu.

Du Yu was a little dissatisfied with what Bailinger had done before, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything else.

And now Bailinger said that she was willing to teach herself a practice, so she didn't need to keep entangled in the previous things, and besides, it was not that she had never fought.

"Actually, it can't be said to be a practice method, it can only be said to be a mental method. It is to teach you how to better absorb the surrounding spiritual power."

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"If you learn this mental method, you will have enough spiritual power at any time, and you will not feel that your spiritual power is exhausted. Even if the spiritual power is used up, you will recover in the fastest time."This chapter is updated by novelenglish.net . Firᴇ.net

Du Yu had never encountered such a mentality before, and was very curious for a while.

And just listening to Bai Linger's introduction, he knew that this mental method was very beneficial to him.

"Don't be too happy, my mind is not like a book, but I want me to pour it into your mind, and you can slowly comprehend it yourself."

Bai Linger put her hand on Du Yu's forehead as she spoke.

Du Yu only felt that a burst of dense characters flashed into his mind, and when he recalled it again, those characters would appear clearly.

"Next, you can try this exercise for yourself. I won't bother you for now. I'll go out and help you see if there's anything wrong."

Du Yu nodded and watched Bai Linger go out.

Du Yu in the room practiced this mental method alone.

On the other hand, Yuan Hao returned to his room, not knowing what he was doing there.

Outside, Du Dan scolded his juniors and brothers fiercely downstairs.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen to your three junior brothers if you met a ruthless man today?"

"That woman turned out to be with Du Yu. Why do you still believe that woman? I think you are all confused."

At this time, someone jumped out and started to accuse the second senior brother. After all, the second senior brother was the master before.

One person jumped out to accuse, and the others jumped out too.

Now the second senior brother is caught in a dilemma. After all, he is indeed wrong in this matter, but before he said that sentence as if he was in a daze.

If you do something wrong, the second brother will never make excuses.

But Du Dan started a series of gentle rebukes for his image as a big brother.

"Junior brother, I know that you are jealous because of what happened before, so you did such absurd things, but you can't make fun of the lives of your junior brothers!"

As soon as Du's words came out, he completely portrayed the second senior brother as a villain with a narrow heart.

However, there were several elders present, and the second senior brother couldn't say anything, so he lowered his head and gritted his teeth to hide the resentment in his eyes.

"Xiwu, you are doing this wrong. Fortunately, the tour guide Du has a good temperament today. Otherwise, your junior brothers and sisters may die."

It was the leading elder who spoke, and nothingness was the real name of the second senior brother.

Because nothingness has no parents, it was picked up by the elders, so naturally, it has a random name.

"Elder, I don't know what's going on, but I suddenly felt a little stunned."

There is nothing to say about the fact that he did say this, but he couldn't fully admit the crime.

But in the eyes of everyone, these words of nothingness are just sophistry.

"Junior brother, you are lying too much, aren't you?"

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Although Du Dan's speech is very gentle and friendly, he can't hide the maliciousness in his words.

The elder who had been squinting opened his eyes.

"This matter is not a simple and trivial matter. We could have become friends with that fellow Daoist Du, but I'm afraid this matter will be rubbish."

The elder's words are very simple, that is, to severely punish nothingness.

At this time, Du Dan took up the image of his pro and elder brother and began to speak.

"Elder, I think there must be something strange about this matter, why don't we go back to confinement for a month with nothingness?"

There is no way that nothing can understand Du Shan's mind, it is obvious that he needs to put himself aside, so as not to compete with him for fame and fortune.

At this time, nothingness also knows that if he persists, it will not do him any good, so he might as well just forget about it.

"Elder, this matter is indeed my negligence. I am willing to go back and confine myself for a month."

The elder nodded while stroking his beard. After all, he also felt that this matter was strange.

Because the image of nothingness is usually silent, not talking, and no matter what, it will not be too impulsive. Now it seems that there must be other reasons for this impulsiveness, and the most suspicious of them is probably the woman.

Bai Linger, who had just come downstairs, just happened to see this scene.

"Why are you holding a review meeting? Who is reviewing? This young man?"

"What? You're starting to push mistakes onto others?"

"I said, can you not be so funny, you know that you will push the crime on others when something happens, why didn't you warn your own apprentices not to do this kind of thing!"

Bai Linger's mouth can be said to be eloquent, and the group of elders who directly blocked and Du Dan had nothing to say.

But the nothingness on the side doesn't accept this love. He feels that he has become like this now, and he can't get rid of this woman. *