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The Strongest Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2042: handle
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This time, nothingness broke away from the Yuntian faction, and the elders directly blamed Bailinger for this reason.

"When we adopted you in nothingness, we hoped that you would study hard, not that you would shrink back when something happened."

What the leading elder said was very reasonable, but all of this felt very hypocritical in the eyes of nothingness.

Seeing the atmosphere, the people around knew that there would be a big drama, and they all gathered around.

Some people who have a good face sit and watch from a distance, but some who think it doesn't matter are watching closely, for fear of missing this good show.

Originally a small inn was crowded with these guests.

Bai Linger looked around for a week and didn't like the status quo.

Du Yu on the side clearly noticed Bai Linger's dislike.

He walked quietly to Bailinger's side, stretched out his hand and squeezed Bailinger's hand.

Although this action looks a bit ambiguous, it is very useful to stabilize the heart of Bailinger.

In a short period of time, although Du Yu could not have a deep understanding of Bailinger, he still had a thorough understanding of Bailinger's surface.

"Don't shoot first, if they do at this time, they will definitely use this as a handle."New ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄhapters are published on novelenglish.net . ꜰɪre.net

Du Yu squinted, and looked at the old men with a trace of viciousness in his eyes.

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He has experienced this feeling of being held on to the handle more than once.

After Bai Linger felt Du Yu squeeze her hand, she just frowned slightly, and there was no other action.

It's not that Bailinger has never met such a person before, but it's been too long and his memory is unclear, but the disgust in his heart is not forgotten at all.

"Elder, you have been biased from the beginning, always giving the good to the senior brother. The other junior brothers don't understand it. I know it's because they are small, but you always think that I am too small and I can ignore this kind of thing."

Nothingness stands straight, without a trace of decadence, nor a trace of sadness, at most it is just disappointment for the division.

But as long as you see the clasped hands on both sides of nothingness hanging on both sides, you know that the emotions in nothingness are not calm.

The disciples on the side also started to riot when they heard these words.

Each of them is guided by the dazzling senior brother, but at the same time ignores the senior brother, attracts all the attention, and gets all the benefits, and they always feel that this is what it should be.

Now being reminded by nothingness, everyone also remembered a lot of the past, and even some disciples have begun to count the past.

"Last time I went with the senior brother, and I brought something down the mountain. It was obviously the money I spent, but after going up, I didn't get a single reward. Instead, I gave all the rewards to the senior brother."

At that time, although the disciples were a little dissatisfied, they felt that Du Dan was what the senior brother deserved, so he didn't care. Looking back on it now, it really makes people feel disgusting.

Du Dan, who was on the side, began to panic gradually, and his eyes were a little erratic, so he could only stare at nothingness with gnashing teeth.

Next, other disciples began to talk about the past, each detailing how biased this sect was.

The people on the side felt embarrassed when they heard it. They all started to discuss it, and some people even advertised it everywhere.

This scene is obviously very unfavorable for the Yuntian faction.

But the leading elder still didn't care, as if it had nothing to do with him.

But some of the elders behind them couldn't hold their breath anymore. They were dignified elders, how could they allow some juniors to talk about them like this.

"What do you mean? Could it be our fault?! Du Dan is the senior brother of our sect. He deserves the best, and his qualifications and talents are also the best."

An elder who looked a little younger said righteously, as if this were the case.

Such a shameless attitude can be regarded as disgusting Du Yu and Bai Linger.

At this time, Bai Linger was someone Du Yu couldn't stop.

"Look at what you said, it's really funny. It's natural to be biased. According to you, shouldn't other people without talent live in this world?"

Bai Linger's sentence can be regarded as the center.

Many of the people present were ordinary people, and if they were not ordinary people, they would not have time to listen to them here.

So when Bailinger said this, they couldn't help but think of their untalented children, and they started to get angry.

Everyone present looked at the elders and disciples of the Yuntian faction with glaring eyes, and some people even picked up their sleeves and were ready to go up to fight at any time.

In the eyes of those elders, Bai Ling'er's appearance seemed to be arrogant, and the elder with a big temper couldn't help Bai Ling'er to smear them so casually.

"That's what it meant. If you don't have talent, why waste resources on you!"

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So sometimes it is said that getting angry easily is bad for a good thing. At this time, when this remark came out, it can be said that the people's anger has been ignited.

Even the other elders were eager to distance themselves from this person immediately.

Sure enough, others began to disagree.

"I didn't expect that your Yuntian faction prides itself on being a big sect and is independent of the world. I didn't expect that a child without talent in your eyes is not worthy of living in this world!"

"I knew that your Yunxian faction didn't match the surface and reality. I shouldn't have trusted you in the first place, and I shouldn't have helped you keep your secrets!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was a blast, and many people hurried to ask what the secret of this person was.

But that person started to panic when he found out that he had leaked his mouth, and looked at the elders of the Yuntian faction with flickering eyes.

And the leading elder, who had never changed his face at this time, changed his face after hearing this.

"Cough, it's what we did wrong. We will improve more in the future. That's it for now."

So eager to change the subject, it is obvious that he is trying to cover up something.

When Yun Tian Pai left, the man who had leaked his tongue disappeared, and everyone thought it was the man Yun Tian Pai took away.

The farce is over, and everyone else is gone.

"It seems that your Yuntian faction hasn't bought all of them."

Bai Ling'er glanced at nothingness delicately.

On the other hand, nothingness is a calm face, and does not care about this matter.

Du Yu patted Bailinger so that Bailinger has reached it, don't go too far, after all, the other party has just left his school.

Bai Linger shook her shoulders helplessly, then left and went back to the room.

After Du Yu took one last look at nothingness, he sighed and left. *