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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2563
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"Why can't you forgivejust once since I'm also a victim?" said Melody.

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"Huh! You're no victim. It was clearly you who seduced Lucas until he couldn't see straight. It's all because of your looks that he fell for you. Well, now that your face is ruined, it's only natural for him to leave you! Do you really think that highly of yourself? I've said it before that you don't deserve real love. Moreover, these are your mistakes. What does it have to do with me? Why should I forgive you? You need to know just how horrible life is. It's all retribution coming for you." Melody's voice trembled as she spoke, "Can't you just letgo? Aren't you afraid you won't be able to hold your head up high in the future?" Wendy burst into laughter. "What a joke! Do you think I care about those things anymore? I've put so much effort into bringing you here today, and I've long prepared to perish with you. Lettell you something, if I'm going down, then you're going down with me! Why? Because I hate you. I wish nothing more than to rip you apart! You're the reason my life is ruined! "Lucas wouldn't have asked his lawyers to go afterif you hadn't asked him to! The whole Inteknows I'm a scammer now. I've beca pariah, while you've beca rising star. I'd never let you live a happy life or beca big movie star!" Melody quickly explained, "I never told him to do such things. Moreover, aren't your actions today just confirming what those people online have been saying? Wendy, please letgo for the sake of our bonds. Only then can you possibly reconcile with the past. Why does it have to escalate to this?" "What is this bond you're talking about? Don't makelaugh. Accept your fate, Melody. Today marks the beginning of your downfall." Wendy beckoned with her finger, and Dougie immediately approached eagerly like a faithful dog. "What are your orders, Miss Wendy?" "Do you remember what I said before? Don't make it too horrible looking, and take a few photos forlater. I'm counting on you." Dougie nodded incessantly while stealing glances at Melody. He was practically drooling. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the job gets done." After that, Wendy did not spare Melody another glance. She picked up her phone and left the room, brimming with satisfaction. She could already envision the day when Melody's reputation would be ruined. The thought of those people's shock upon learning that the woman they supported was involved with a thug made her burst into laughter. S~Earch the FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"You owethis much, Melody." As Dougie watched Melody, who looked terrified and kept dodging, he rubbed his hands together and scratched his head awkwardly.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused, Miss Melody. If possible, I wouldn't want to be in such a rundown environment either. I have no choice but to follow Miss Wendy's order. Please bear with it,

and I promise I'll be gentle. Content I The content is on novelenglish.net!

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Melody curled up in the corner, desperately trying to loosen them ropes binding her hands and feet. However, despite rubbing her skin raw, she made no progress. Her voice continued to tremble.

"Your nis Dougie, right? You

already have a wife and kids, so why do something like this? Have you thought about how this will affect them if they find out about it?" X