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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2562
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Dougie's eyes darted around, and indeed, Melody's offer was very tempting to him. He would undoubtedly nod without hesitation if he could gain endless wealth and glory by letting her go. However, as Wendy pointed out, how would Melody fulfill her promises to Dougie if Lucas did not love her anymore? "If you don't believe me, you can take a look at the message Lucas just sent to me," Wendy said with a smirk. "I had to wait quite a while for him to reply to me. Hahaha! See for yourself." There was only one message in Wendy's inbox. It seemed as if Lucas truly did not love Melody anymore. Without her pretty face, she was of no more value to him.

"Oh dear. I've always said these kinds of men are unreliable. You even went public for him without hesitation to your fans. It's really not worth it. Men from such backgrounds are all notorious for playing around! "Oh, you really made a mistake this time. Why not just find an ordinary man? Why would you ever think a rich, powerful, and handsman like Lucas Rivera would fancy a two-bit actress like you?" Dougie seemed genuinely indignant on behalf of his favorite actress, while Melody felt a chill run down her spine.

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"I refuse to believe it. He couldn't have said that. He must still love me! Trust me, I can make all your wishes ctrue as long as you don't harm me!" Melody kept shifting her body, trying to distance herself from Dougie.

Wendy neither stopped Dougie nor said he could touch Melody. All she did was arrogantly enjoy Melody's distress.

Meanwhile, a group of people had entered the town. Upon seeing strangers, the town dog barked a couple of times, only to be scolded by its owner before quieting down again.

"Yes, it's that abandoned building over there. It was supposed to be turned into an agritourism spot for the town, but it never happened." Lucas's face darkened. He waved his hand, and a well-equipped team silently rushed towards the building, while the people inside remained unaware.

"Wendy, I beg you, just make him leave. I'll give you anything you want for the rest of your life!" Melody pleaded continuously, hoping to stir Wendy's conscience.

Melody had to constantly dodge Dougie's advances while pleading to the indifferent Wendy. She did not know if Lucas knew where she was or when he would arrive. She was drenched in sweat, but it was all cold sweat; she was truly terrified.

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"Please, I'm begging you!" Dougie beceven more excited at Melody's pleading. "Miss Wendy, can I finally make a move now? I've been waiting for ages." Search The Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Wendy had not had enough of seeing Melody's pitiful state; there was no way she would easily let Dougie do what he wanted. She thoroughly enjoyed Melody kneeling and begging before her. "Haha! I bet you never thought you'd end up like this, Melody!"

She pinched Melody's chin and lifted it up. "Would you still be so pleased with yourself if you had known back hen that you'd end up in my hands? Do you know how much I want to tear your face apart every tsee you and Lucas pretending to be affectionate in front of me? You're not worthy of him!"

Melody silently urged herself to remain calm. She just needed to m appear repentant in front of Wendy. Perhaps then she could have a way out. She had to delay as much as possible. "It's all my fault. But as you can see, Lucas doesn't loveat all. He hasn't even mentioned paying the ransom yet. I was deceived by him too." X