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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2564
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Dougie's expression froze for a moment before he explained, "Of course I've thought about it. I'm here today precisely because of them. Miss Wendy said that she'll payten thousand dollars if I complete my task and give her the photos and video." He gestured with his fingers. "Do you know how long my family and I can live well with that amount? Of course you wouldn't. After all, big stars like you can just drop ten thousand dollars on a single piece of clothing. But it doesn't matter. Once I get this done, I'll get that money, and I believe my wife will be very happy when I bring back the money." Dougie reached for the rope on Melody's body, intending to pull her over. However, Melody-using all of her strength-kicked him hard in the stomach as he approached. Even so, the force of her kick was significantly diminished due to her being tied up.

"Hey, don't make this worse for yourself! I'm only being nice to you because you're my favorite actress. Did you really think I won't hit you? Damn it, you've bruised my stomach. I'm going to teach you a lesson!" Since Wendy had beaten up Melody before, Dougie felt no sympathy toward her. He viciously kicked Melody in the stomach.

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Melody curled up in pain, unable to even cry out for help. Even though she could not lift her head after being kicked, she would rather be beaten than r*ped.

She knew what Wendy was thinking; Wendy had always schemed to deal with her using such malicious methods.

'I never once thought of using such a malicious method to get revenge on Wendy, even when she bulliednonstop. All I ever thought of back then was to run away from that hellish home, so why is she doing this to me?' thought Melody.

Melody could not figure out an answer. 'Lucas, where are you? I'm in pain!' Lucas' brow furrowed. Everyone, including the townspeople, advised him not to go into the abandoned building. What if there were others lying in ambush inside? SeaR*ch the Find Nøvelwebsite on Google to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

As the company president of Rivera Group, his most important role was to remain in the rear and act as moral support for everyone else, but Lucas refused to listen to their advice.

"Hurry up! The longer we delay, the more likely something bad will happen." The team climbed over the wall from the outside while Lucas cautiously approached from the stairs. They had already learned that Wendy and Melody were both on the second floor Before reaching the stairs leading to the second floor, heard the muffled sounds of fists cas hitting flesh coming from upstairs.

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"You little b*tch, how dare you still act all haughty? Well, I'm going to beat you until you're not!" Just as Dougie was about to lay hands on Melody after untying her upper body, Melody unexpectedly straightened up and fiercely bit down on his ear.

Melody even tasted the metallic

tang of her own blood in her mouth, but she knew it was her last chance to fight back. It was not until Dougie pounded her head several times that here she finally let go. After she collapsed onto the bed, Dougie kicked her several times in frustration.

Dougie was infuriated and ashamed. He thought Melody would be easy to handle, but even after more than ten minutes had passed, he could not get minutes! near her. He felt that Melody had deeply humiliated his manhood, and he completely disregarded the fact that she had once been an actress he admired.

Lucas clenched his fists tightly, every sound echoing in his heart. He found it hard to stay calm, but to avoid m e aterting the enemy prematurely, he waited until the captain of the other team signaled to him that they could go in before rushing inside. Dougie, who was in the midst of kicking Melody, was startled when so many people rushed in.