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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2548
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Wendy's words were harsh as if Thalia should shoulder all the blame. Thalia was understandably unhappy at the other end of the phone.

"You say that like it's an easy feat to accomplish. Do you think it's that easy to lure him away from that woman for a minute or two? Do you know how many bodyguards are around? They all had their eyes onafter that incident involving Beatrice! It's not easy forto do something like that at this point in time. If you fail, then I'll becthe prsuspect. I've already sacrificed a lot in case you didn't know." Wendy was irritated. "I never would've considered teaming up with you if you hadn't ctoand suggested that! If you're so indecisive and hesitant about this and that, I might as well just do everything alone!" She had made up her mind to ruin Melody's reputation either the next day or the day after next. When Thalia told her that it was not a good tto set things in motion, it was practically the sas pouring cold water on her plans. Search The FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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"I've told you a long tago that calmness is the key to achieving such a big-scale plan. You decided to make a move because you were too anxious. I never agreed to it, did I?" Wendy had been in a bad mood after being served by the lawyer, and that was further exacerbated by Thalia's scolding. Her face turned red, and her slender figure beceven shakier.

"Of course I'm anxious. She got a lawyer to servewith a lawsuit! You can take things slow because you're not the one being sued! If I go down, no one's going to be your scapegoat anymore!" Wendy sneered.

Thalia remained silent. They both knew very well that Thalia insisted on cooperating with her because she could then blWendy for everything if the incident cto light. Wendy's desire to destroy Melody was so strong that she did not care about being used by Thalia and eventually becoming a scapegoat.

"Okay, I'll leave it at that. If you can't handle it, just quit." Wendy was about to hang up when Thalia stopped her suddenly.

"Wait. Letthink it over again," Thalia said.

"What's there to think about? Her meet and greet is going to be held soon, and the roadshow for the movie is about to begin. She's going to becan instant hit soon.

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"You, on the other hand, have no one, no future, and no prospects. Don't you feel anything at all? I was supposed to have what she's having now! Melody robbedof everything. I'm only in this predicament because of her!" Thalia's hatred of Melody was equally as strong. Melody's presence had single-handedly shattered her years of friendship with Lucas. The hard work she put in and the restraint that she exerted over herself was thrown down the drain.

"I hate her just as much as you are! I'm asking you to wait because I need to think of a way to separate them!"

"Fine. I'll wait, but don't keepwaiting too long. Ti for me. Nthe content is on Noo running out novelenglish.net!

Wendy's hatred for Melody surged within as the call ended. It bectoo much to bear, and she made a wreck of her place by slammingm things from the bed to the floor. She then reached for her phone and started typing. [Here's a little nugget about Melody Sander before she becfamous: it's all thanks to the financial backer she had behind the scenes. Any guesses? Hint: it's not her current man.] The nastier the post, the more traction gained.

When Wendy saw the horde of social media users commenting on then past, the frustration she felt in her chest lessened only slightly. X