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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2547
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"Who the hell are you, then? How did you get my number? Who told you that you could call me? Is this skind of telemarketing ad? I'm not interested in buying a car or a house, and I don't have children either. Piss off!" Wendy berated before slamming the phone down.

Leo and his assistant were left bewildered on the other end.

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"Umm..." The two of them exchanged bemused glances and did not expect Wendy to have such a fiery temper. They needed to confirm several pieces of information with her, so Leo had to dial her number again.

Wendy's tirade had left him somewhat peeved as it had been stsince anyone scolded him like that. "You are Miss Wendy, yes? Please hearout for a moment. I have simportant information to share with you." "Then just spit it out, for god's sake! You're wasting my time!" Wendy snapped.

Having taken a deep breath, Leo pressed on, "You've been served. We're filing a lawsuit against you for maliciously tarnishing my client's reputation online. A court summons will reach you within five days." With that, Leo swiftly ended the call before Wendy could retaliate or inquire further.

"Seriously? You're bluffing!" Wendy shot up from her bed in a panic. However, the line had gone dead, and all she heard was the dial tone.

"Who's trying to suehere? Why can't they tellto my face that I slandered someone online?!" As realization dawned on her, Wendy recalled that Melody was the only one she had ever crossed swords with. She knew right away that Melody was the culprit, and it had to be Melody who could not let her go.

She scoffed and paced back and forth on her bed. "And here I was considering letting you off the hook, but you played dirty by bringing in a lawyer. She's cut from the scloth as her mother-they're both evil women! Fine, if you want to play dirty, then don't blme for giving you a taste of your own medicine!" She glanced at her phone and decided not to reach out to Leo. She knew the day would cwhen she posted all that stuff online. Even if Melody did not press charges, Lucas could not have stood idly by while his woman was being targeted like that. Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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None of that bothered Wendy though. Since she was jobless and without a future, she had nothing to lose anymore.

At the very least, she aimed to drag Melody down with her.

She dialed a number on her phone and asked, "How's the preparations over there? It's almost tto make a move."

The voice on the other end hesitated, "Are you sure the timing is right? There will be lots of bodyguards after what happened."

"Tch!" Wendy scoffed impatiently. "I thought you had a good relationship with that man? hat man? Can you lure him N away from her for a minute or two? If you can't manage that, then why even bother teaming up with me?" X