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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 2549
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Wendy could not care less about being sued. At the very least, she would have accomplished her target of ensuring that those social media users would doubt her character. Even if the lawsuit succeeds, no one would fully trust Melody again. The seeds of doubt, once sowed, could never be removed.

"Hehe, I still got you in the end, Melody!" Thalia's anxiety manifested in her restless movements. Wendy's words continued to linger in her mind after jolting her awake like a shot of electricity. There should be no reason for her to hesitate anymore. Beatrice was unconscious, making it the perfect opportunity to act.

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Melody was bestowed with fand fortune after the successful movie roadshow, but above all, Melody had Lucas. It would be nigh impossible for Thalia to endure having to watch Melody replace her. "It's tfor you to suffer, Melody," Thalia muttered to herself with a bitter voice. "I'll let you have this fleeting moment of happiness with Lucas as compensation for what will soon happen to you." The next day, Beatrice was still unconscious, and Melody tended to her alone in the ward. As part of the plan that Melody and Lucas had earlier hashed out, Melody would care for Beatrice after finishing her work, while Lucas would take over from her once he was done with his.

Their shifts allowed Cedric a bit of respite from being confined to the hospital alongside Beatrice. He was old, after all, and letting him stay there would only worsen his health.

Thalia arrived with a fruit basket and expressed her desire to visit Beatrice. The sight of Beatrice's frail figure on the hospital bed brought about a stream of tears from Thalia, and she covered her mouth as if to stop herself from wailing. She seemed to be in sagony because of what happened.

However, Melody ignored her and continued to massage Beatrice's hands, knowing that there was no end to Thalia's .

"I'm sorry I couldn't control my emotions," Thalia sniffled, attempting to regain her composure. "I've known Grandma Beatrice for many years. Seeing her like this... It's heartbreaking." Search the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"You don't have to let your emotions get the better of you," Melody remarked. "The doctor assured us that it's just a matter of tbefore she recovers." Thalia, seemingly embarrassed by her crying, turned away to wipe her eyes. After setting down the fruit basket, she suggested to her, "You must be bored of caring for her all alone. Why don't I stay with you today until Lucas arrives?" Melody was unsurprised by Thalia's sudden offer. She had long expected that Thalia would find skind of excuse to stay there. After all, Thalia's intentions lay beyond visiting Beatrice-the main purpose was and always would be Lucas.

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"It must be hard on such a young and promising actress like you to remain cooped up here just to keep an unconscious old woman company," Thalia quipped as she cforward and started to massage Beatrice's arm like Melody was. Unfortunately, she was not as gentle and nimble as Melody, and Beatrice's arm soon turned red because of the excessive force.

"I don't quite understand what you Буди mean by that," Melody replied. The NO content is on novelenglish.net!

Thalia chuckled. "There's no need to pretend. As a woman, I understand how much value you place on your career. It must be frustrating to have ΕΠ to tend to Grandma Beatrice at the expense of focusing on the preparations for your meet-and-greet."

"Please don't presthings," Melody replied curtly. "Grandmam Beatrice is a very important person to me. You and I are not alike." X