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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54: Jara


When we get to the hospital, Elder Jason is there checking on the injured. We use the opportunity to get

permission from him for Mason to come inside my housing.

“I hope I don’t have to warn you both about marking and mating.”

“No, Elder Jason.” We both say. We both know it’s against the law and Mason wouldn’t be able to keep

me as a mate. Neither of us is willing to risk that.

After checking on the men in the hospital, making sure they are comfortable and don’t need anything, we

head back to the house.

When we get inside, I ask Mason if he wants anything to eat. I didn’t really eat much for dinner, even

though Mason sent some over for me. We dig around the kitchen and decide to make spaghetti. Mason

begins to brown some ground beef and sausage while I heat up some sauce and put water on to boil for

the pasta.

It’s nice, being domestic with Mason. It feels natural and I wrap my arms around him from behind, feeling

his hands cover mine. “Are you okay back there, beautiful?”

I hold on for another moment before letting him go. “I didn’t mean you had to stop.” He says, turning

toward me.

“This feels nice.” I say as he pulls me into his side and turns to look at the meat that’s cooking, holding

me with one arm while he mixes up the meat with the other. I dump the box of pasta into the boiling


“It really does. A glimpse of what our life will be like when I claim

you.” He says, smirking at me.

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I can’t help but smile back. As we’re cooking, I hear a howl of the


“Do you think Hana will be okay? I mean, those men who killed the others this morning, if I hadn’t known

that they had just been reassessed, I would be worried that they were going feral.”

“It’s not Hana you need to worry about, Jara. They won’t hurt her.” He says as he pours the sauce over

the meat. I dump the cooked pasta into the colander to drain the water and grab some dishes.

“But Layan…” I begin.

“That Alpha went feral. He should never have made it to the claiming. This group isn’t feral, Jara. They

are fighting to win her. It’s like Elder Jason said before. It’s survival of the fittest. I don’t agree with it, but

it is one way to ensure that only the strongest of our species survive.”

“But to what end?” I say as we carry our plates to the table.

“What do you mean?”

“If only the strongest survive, then we just re-evaluate what we define as strength. Our species isn’t

getting stronger with this process, it’s getting weaker because it’s the violent that survive and the kind,

more gentle werewolves that are dying, making us more vicious, not stronger.”

“That’s a good point, Jara. I’ve told Elder Jason that I plan to petition the Elder council when this is over.

So much of this

process needs to change.” He says.

“What did he say?”

“He told me to give him the petition and he’d push it through.” He says, smiling as he takes a bite of food.

“Mmm, this is good.” He says as he takes another bite.

“What do you think of the Elder Council?” I ask, taking a bite and realizing Mason is right. This is really


“I think they need a complete overhaul, with the possible exception of Elder Jason.”

“Is that possible?” I ask, wondering how you overthrow the people who make the rules in your society.

“I’ve been thinking about it. I think if enough Alphas push them, yes, we can overthrow them. They are

here to serve all

werewolves. I think they’ve forgotten that and become set in their ways. Maybe it’s time for new blood to

take over.”

“You planning to go into politics, Mason?”

He chuckles. “No. I have no interest. But others may. I think we, as the last of our species, should have a

say, a vote in who rules over us. It shouldn’t be just because you’ve reached a certain age. Just because

you’re old, it doesn’t mean you make good decisions.”

It’s a really good point. We could elect our Elder Council. Or perhaps, we rename them the Council, if

they aren’t a group of Elders.

“It’s a thought, anyway.” He says.

“It’s a good thought.”

He puts his fork down and gives me his full attention. I lower my fork, slowly chewing my food. “With you

by my side, Jara, I think we can do anything we put our minds to. I think we can make this

Dividing into pages now

change, make this process better for all of us. Make it better for women like Layan. Make it better for

men like the ones that were killed today just because they wanted a chance to catch their mate. I think,

you and I together, would be an unstoppable force.”

“Mmm, I like the sound of that Mason.”

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“Good, because I intend to make it a reality.”

We finish eating and wash up our plates. When we’re done, we walk into the living room and turn on the

tv. We kick off our shoes and Mason lays on the couch, patting his chest. “Come lay on me before I have

to leave.”

I tuck myself between Mason and the back of the couch, my head on his chest, listening to the steady

beat of his heart. He grabs the remote and finds a movie. He reaches up, running his fingers through my

hair and I feel my eyes begin to droop. It’s been a long, exhausting day and Mason is warm, safe and

comfortable. It doesn’t take long before I’m fast asleep in his arms.

I don’t know how long it is before I wake up, Mason carrying me to my room. He lays me down on the

bed, pulling the blankets over top of me.

“Don’t leave.” I mumble in my sleepy state.

“I can’t stay love. It’s late and if I don’t get back, every male there will know I spent the night with you.”

He kisses my forehead, then my nose, then my lips.

“But I want you to remember how much you want me to stay when you wake up after I claim you and I’m

lying beside you in this bed.”

My eyes are closed, but I know he can see the smile that spreads across my face. “Your mark on my


He slides his finger across my marking spot. “Right here.” My body shivers in anticipation.

“Soon, Mason.”

“Not soon enough, Jara. Sleep well, I’ll see you in a few hours.”

He kisses my lips again before I hear his footsteps walking out, my door closes quietly and soon after I

hear the front door closing. I’m still in Mason’s clothes from earlier, surrounded by his scent and I drift

back into blissful sleep.