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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 Mason


I help Elder Jason prepare the funerals for the ten claimants. I don’ t know if it was Jara’s command or if

the others were just lucky, but the ones that were alive when the medics got here all survived their

surgeries. Jara has spent the day at the hospital ensuring the survivors know she’s there and helping

them as best she can.

“This is exactly what I was talking about the other day, Elder Jason. Ten senseless deaths and for what?”

I say as we build the ten pyres. I pause, wiping the sweat off my face. I’m not the only one out here.

Many others are here. Several packs lost pack members this morning. Not surprisingly, Typhon isn’t

here. I wonder if he’ll even show up tonight for the services.

“This isn’t survival of the fittest.” I say, continuing my train of thought as we work. “If it was, we wouldn’t

be pitting omegas against ranked members, warriors against Alphas. It’s unfair to the weaker members

of the packs. How is it fair to these men, who were here for a good reason, just wanting to find their

mate? They didn’t even stand a chance.”

“I’m aware, Alpha, but my hands are tied. At least this year. I just have to hope that enough of you

survive and change can be made before next year’s claiming.”

“Oh, I plan to not only survive, but to walk out of the claiming territory with my mate in my arms and my

mark on her neck. When I do, you can expect that together, we’ll bring about that change.”

Elder Jason looks at the others around us who I know are listening. I don’t care. I don’t care if every one

of them thinks they will claim Jara. They won’t. I won’t allow it. She’s mine.

“Bold words, Alpha.”

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“What kind of Alpha would I be if I wasn’t bold, Elder.”

We finish building the pyres and lay the dead, now wrapped in their shroud, on them. Throughout out the

day we’ve heard more sounds coming from the claiming territory. I can only hope that Elijah and my other

pack mates are safe. I haven’t felt any of their tethers snap, but it hasn’t even been 12 hours and it’s

already blood bath.

When we’re done, I head inside and shower, changing into something more somber. I’ve made sure that

Jara was sent food today, but I haven’t eaten more than a quick sandwich that I grabbed off a tray and

ate on my way outside. I’m famished.

When I get downstairs, I get some food before heading out. When I get there, I see that Jara is already

there. She must have found a place to shower, as she isn’t covered in blood, but she’s wearing the

clothes I brought her earlier. They are too big on her, the shirt falling to her mid-thigh, the sweatpants

look rolled up around the waist and the ankles but she’s still having to hold them up. I can tell from here

that she doesn’t care. She’s still in mourning for the ones we lost today, angry for the ones in the


I move to stand beside Jara, hoping she’ll let me give her support, hoping she’ll lean on me. She’s a

strong woman, but she’s hurting. It takes everything in me to not pull her into my chest and wrap my

arms around her. Instead, I brush my fingers against hers. She immediately takes my hand, gripping it as

if I’m her lifeline.

Most of the males from Jara’s claiming are here, Typhon the notable exception. I think one of the dead

pack members is his and he can’t even be bothered to be here to send him off properly.

Elder Jason gets up on the stage in front of the pyres. He

announces the names of those that died this morning and the

packs that they are from. When he’s done, he asks if anyone would like to say anything. A couple people

get up and speak about their friends or pack mates. When it’s done, Elder Jason lights the pyres, one

after another.

As we watch the fires take hold, Jara lifts her head to the sky and howls a sad and mournful howl. The

sound of it slices through me, making my heart ache. Many of the males here lift their heads and answer

her howl. From inside the claiming territory, several others answer as well.

We wait until the fires die down, watching the fiery ashes drift into the night sky. The mournful howls of

those inside the claiming territory continue. It’s almost as if they have stopped fighting for a little while to

give homage to their dead pack mates. I hope that’s what it is. I hope that this isn’t because a large

number of the claimants were killed today.

“I can hear Seth.” Jara says, leaning against me.

I wrap my arm around her. “Were any of them from your pack?” I ask. I know one of the ones in the

hospital is from Seth’s pack, Jara had recognized him.

“No, thankfully. But he still mourns their death, just as you and I do.”

“Do you want me to walk you back?” I ask her as the others move to go back inside.

She doesn’t say anything for a moment. Then she turns to me, and I can see the tears in her eyes. “I’m

afraid, Mason. What if this is you? I don’t know how…” Her voice breaks and I pull her against


“Shhh. I told you, I’m not planning on dying.” I don’t want her to

know that Typhon has given an Alpha command to his pack to kill

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“But I don’t want to make it worse for you, Mason. I don’t want everyone to turn against you. You can’t

fight them all.”

“Well, I know my pack and Seth’s won’t turn on me. What’s left of Alpha Antonio’s pack won’t either.

There are a couple others.”

She scoffs. “That’s not even half of the claimants, Mason.”

I take her face in my hands. “Do you trust me, Jara.”

“Of course, Mason.”

“Then trust me that I won’t let anyone keep me from you. If you want, you can give me your Alpha

command to not die. Apparently, it works really well.”

I smile when she chuckles. But that doesn’t stop the tear that leaks out of her eye and slides down her

face before dripping onto my hand. I reach over and kiss the side of her eye where the tear fell. “Enough

of that. I will okay. I’m a lot stronger than most of the Alphas here. Most aren’t true Alphas, you know

that. Antonio is gone, Seth isn’t in your claiming, I think there are only two others.”

She nods, putting her forehead against my chest. “Swear to me that you won’t die, Mason.”

I kiss the top of her head. “I swear.” We stand there for a moment. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.”

“It’s so lonely there now. So quiet. The guards are fine, but they have a job to do.”

“Maybe the guards will let me walk you inside.” I say, looking at Luke, her guard.

“I’ll need to get permission.” He says.

“While Luke gets permission from Elder Jason, do you mind if we go check on the guys in the hospital?”

“I think that’s a great idea.” We turn and head to the hospital.