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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51: Mason


I had spoken to Elder Jason about bringing Typhon’s pack members into my pack. He had wanted the

entire story, and when I explained what they had said, he had snarled like I had.

We had come up with a plan. On the night before I enter Jara’s claim, I will invoke any member of

Typhon’s pack into my pack. They had agreed to back out and they wouldn’t have to worry about dealing

with Typhon as he’d be entering the territory the next morning.

Elder Jason assured me that he would make sure the pack

members that transitioned to my pack were sent home while we are in the claiming territory. That way

there can be no

repercussions from Typhon. I called my G*mma and let him know to expect several new pack members

in the next week.

I had also told Elder Jason of my plan to p*ss Typhon off. “Are you sure you want to do that? He’s clearly

planning to kill you already. There is no rule against it in the claimings. There will be no punishment for

him if he does kill you.” He had asked me.

“I’m sure. He needs to realize that he doesn’t get to try and intimidate others without consequences.”

“If Alpha Jara is agreeable, then it’s your skin that’s on the line.”

I had smiled at Elder Jason. “I think she’ll be agreeable.” And, of course, she was. Anything to pi*s

Typhon off.

I wasn’t quite prepared for my body’s response when she began moaning loudly the first time. I’ve had

multiple dreams about that sound since then. I’ll be glad when Elijah is in the claiming territory,

so I don’t have to wait for the shower to be free every morning. I wake up so hard it’s painful.

We all watch as Alpha Antonio carries Annabel out of the claiming territory. I feel a moment of jealousy

that he had it so easy. Twenty claimants and him the only Alpha. I’ll have nearly 200, with multiple Alphas

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chasing after Jara.

I’m impressed when every wolf comes out of the claiming territory. Some look a little beaten, but none

are dead. It’s a testament to what a good Alpha Antonio is. He defeated them without killing them.

I think several of us can smell Beta Hana’s fear the next morning. Her claiming is the largest in a very

long time. It’s not nearly as large as Jara’s will be, but it’s much larger than normal. I watch Jara talking

to her and hugging her before she enters the claiming territory. Then I watch Jara go to Seth and say

something to him. He only turns for a moment to respond to Jara, before focusing back on the territory.

I wonder if I’ll be the same. In a week or less, it will be Jara entering the claiming territory. Will my wolf’s

desire for our mate be so strong that I’ll sit outside for 24 hours listening for her? I’ll know soon enough.

I watch as she makes her way to the main house. I’m following behind her, keeping an eye on her, when

her attention suddenly snaps back to reality. I see her looking around and when she spots me, she stops

walking and smiles, waiting for me to catch up to her.

“Having breakfast with us this morning?” I ask her as we begin moving inside the main house.

“Yes. After tomorrow, everyone here will be here for me. I may as

well begin eating with all of you. My house will most likely be empty, unless Alpha Antonio and Luna

Annabel decide to stay.”

Just as she finishes saying it, we hear several people

congratulating what can only be Antonio and Annabel. Jara’s feet begin to move faster, wanting to see

the happy couple.

When we arrive in the dining hall, I see them sitting together. Alpha Antonio has taken a protective

stance with Annabel, his arm around the back of her chair, his body leaning toward hers. But even from

here, I can smell his scent on her. Jara and I walk over.

“Congratulations, Alpha Antonio, Luna Annabel.” I say, inclining my head at them. Annabel blushes

prettily. “Thank you, Alpha Mason. Will you and Alpha Jara join us?” She asks.

Jara moves to sit across from Annabel, but I look at Alpha Antonio, getting his approval before sitting

down. I understand how protective an Alpha can be with their new mate. I expect I’ll feel the same about

Jara when I claim her. I wonder if she’ll allow it.

The thought makes me smile and I look over at her before grabbing some food. “What?” She whispers to


“Nothing.” I reply just as quietly.

She looks at me a moment before turning her attention back to Annabel and Antonio. “That’s quite a

mark you’re sporting, Annabel.” Jara says to her teasingly, making her blush an even brighter shade of

red. Alpha Antonio leans over, nuzzling her hair with his nose before kissing the side of her head.

“My mark looks beautiful on her neck.” Alpha Antonio says possessively.

“And her mark looks just as good on your neck.” Jara says to him, earning a smug smile from Annabel.

Antonio looks at Annabel. “It is my honor to wear her mark.” He says and I’m pretty sure poor Annabel is

going to burst into flames of embarrassment at any moment.

“And your scent is now mixed with hers.” I say, knowing that it will help him relax. He looks at me and I

can see understanding cross between us. I’m not after your mate, the one I want is right beside me. I

watch as he relaxes slightly. But there are still hundreds of unmated wolves in this room.

“Is Beta Hana alright?” Annabel asks Jara.

“She is.” I see her look at me from the corner of her eye. “We came up with a strategy for our claimings

last night.”

I turn my attention to Jara. “Care to share?”

“Nope, you’ll just have to be the intelligent Alpha I know you are and find me.” She says, popping a

strawberry into her mouth and smirking at me.

I know my eyes darken. I desperately want to lean in and take that sassy mouth of hers in a kiss, licking

the taste of strawberries off her lips. I watch as her eyes widen, noticing my response to her. I’ m not sure

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how long we stare at each other, but it’s Alpha Antonio who clears his throat and brings us back to the

here and now.

Annabel is smiling at us, and Alpha Antonio gives me a knowing look.

“How long will you be staying?” I ask them.

“We’re leaving today.” Alpha Antonio answers. “Annabel wanted to be here to support Beta Hana as she

entered the claiming territory, but there are too many unmated males here.” He says, looking around. I

watch as Annabel puts her hand on his leg, pulling his attention back to her. They share a gentle look of


something that makes my heart ache wanting that in my life.

“Then we wish you well.” Jara says to them. “I know you’ll make an excellent Luna, Annabel.”

“Thank you, Alpha Jara. I can’t wait to see where you end up. Maybe our packs will be close together

and we can still see each other?”

“I would like that.” Jara tells her.

“Are you done eating, love?” Antonio asks Annabel.

“Yes. I’m ready if you are.”

“Let’s head home. I want to have time to show you around your new pack and we still need to call your

family and give them the happy news.”

“Yes.” She says as they stand. Jara and I stand as well, walking around the table. Jara hugs Annabel as I

shake hands with Antonio. “Congratulations again.”

He looks from me to Jara. “Good luck to you.”

“Thank you.”

I nod my head at Annabel and Antonio does the same with Jara.

“Have a safe trip.” Jara tells them.

We walk them outside, watching as Antonio walks to his car, tucking Annabel into the passenger seat

before moving around to the driver’s side. He waves once more before pulling out and heading to his

pack with his new mate.

I hope that in two weeks or less, that will be me with Jara.