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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 50
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The next few days go by in a blur. I move my social gatherings outside as the sounds from inside the

claiming territory are starting to come more frequently. The howling, growling and yelping can now be

heard at all hours of the day and night. We continue to watch, but no one exits the claiming territory. I’m

not sure if Annabel is giving them a good run, or if Alpha Antonio is eliminating his competition Possibly


I’ve noticed a change in Mason While he makes a point to brush against me every chance he gets,

letting me know that he meant. what he said the other night, something else is going on. When he walks

me back at night, he’s been tight lipped about it, saying that he’ll tell me when he can.

“I’m not keeping secrets from your Jara. But there are too many. ears in this place. I need to be careful.”

He said to me last night.

I’ve also noticed the way Typhon leers at me from a distance. Since my social gatherings are outside, he

can easily find a way to watch me, even though he isn’t able to join in. It’s creepy and makes the hair on

the back of my neck stand on end.

One evening, when Mason is walking me home, he suddenly turns to me, taking me in his arms and

kissing me deeply. I hear a snarl nearby and move to pull away, but he holds me against him.

“Typhon.” He whispers against my lips, and I begin to return the kiss ardently, leaning into Mason and

moaning loudly. It isn’t long before I hear crashing through the bushes as Typhon leaves us.

“What a p*ick.” I say when we finally pull apart.

“I’ve noticed he’s got you on edge. Want me to kiss you during your social gatherings?”

I look up at him and can see the glint of challenge in his eyes. “The easy answer is yes, I’d love to feel

those warm lips on me at all hours of the day. The harder answer is no. I’ve heard the rumblings about

you already. I don’t want to make it worse.”

“Let’s go with the easy answer. I like it better.” He says before kissing me again.

The next day, I realize he wasn’t joking. I’m in the middle of one of my social gatherings, one that Mason

isn’t in, I can feel Typhon’s eyes on me, making me irritable.

“Alpha Jara.” Mason calls to me from the edge of the social gathering. It’s been sectioned off so those in

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the gathering are clearly identified for the guards.

Mason beckons me with his finger, crooking it at me. I narrow my eyes at him. He wouldn’t.

I walk over to him and, yep, he would. He doesn’t even pretend to make it subtle. He dips me in a way

that puts his kiss on full display for Alpha Typhon. His mouth taking mine in a possessive kiss. My arms

wrap around him, and I kiss him back. If he’s willing to put the target on his back, I’m not going to make it

seem like I’m unwilling.

When we hear the snarl and the banging around inside the main house, he lifts me back up.

“You are very naughty, Alpha.” I say to him, c*cking an eyebrow at the smug look on his face.

“I just want to make sure you’re able to fully enjoy your social gatherings, Jara.”

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The next day, when I spot Typhon glaring at me, I see Mason moving in the direction of my social

gathering. “Excuse me a moment.” I say to my group, walking over to Mason. Typhon begins snarling

before Mason takes me in his arms. But it doesn’t stop him, he makes the same show of dipping me and

kissing me in front of Typhon and everyone.

When the banging begins again, he lifts me back up. Just as he does, we hear the howl of victory coming

from inside the claiming territory.

As one, we turn and wait. It’s only about 10 minutes before a very pleased Alpha Antonio comes walking

out with Annabel in hist arms. Hana and I rush up to him.

“She gave me a good run.” He says, smiling down at his unconscious mate.

I reach out to her, pulling the hair from her face. “She looks a little undernourished.” I say, looking up at


“I don’t think she’s a good hunter. That or she’s uncomfortable eating raw meat in her wolf form. I’ll make

sure she gets some food in her when she wakes.”

I feel Elder Jason stepping up behind me. Alpha Antonio visibly tenses, not liking a male near his

vulnerable mate. Elder Jason stops several steps away.

“Alpha Jara, are you comfortable that the Omega Annabel…”

“Luna Annabel.” Alpha Antonio corrects the Elder.

Elder Jason inclines his head. “Are you comfortable that Luna Annabel has been marked appropriately

and has not been put in

any danger?”

I look at the mark on her neck. It was clearly made in human form.

“Yes, Elder. Alpha Antonio agrees that Annabel needs to eat when she wakes. I would suggest again that

they be allowed to move to the female’s housing so Alpha Antonio doesn’t feel threatened by the large

number of unmated wolves in the main house.”

“I think that is a very good idea.”

As we’ve been talking, several wolves have walked out of the claiming territory.

“Alpha Antonio, is there any clean up required for this claim?” Elder Jason asks if he killed any wolves

before claiming Annabel.

“Not because of me. Some are injured, of course, but I didn’t kill anyone, and I didn’t see any dead

bodies in my hunt for Annabel.”

“Very well. You may move to the female’s housing and into Luna Annabel’s room.” He says before

turning to Hana.

“If there is no clean up required, you will enter the claiming territory tomorrow.”

I can feel the tension in Hana. Her claim will be over three times the size of the others.

“Elder Jason, may we cancel the social gatherings for the evening? If Beta Hana is going into the

claiming territory tomorrow, I’d like to spend one more evening with her, a girl’s night, if you will.”

He looks at Hana a moment, recognizing her rising fear. “Yes, Alpha Jara. I think that would be a good

idea. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Elder. I think we have enough food to feed two Alphas, a Luna and a Beta. But, if not, I’ll let

you know.”

We turn, and I wrap my arm around Hana’s waist. “It will be okay.” I whisper to her as we lead Alpha

Antonio to our housing.

Similar to Beta Asher, when Alpha Antonio enters Annabel’s room, his eyes roll back into his head, and

he takes a deep breath of her


“I’ll have food sent up and lots of water. Please, make sure she eats before you complete your mate

bond.” I tell him, turning to leave.

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“I’m not sure she’ll be ready for that yet.” He says, looking at me. “I’ Il give her whatever time she needs

to feel comfortable.” He looks back at his new mate, his eyes full of love.

“I didn’t expect her to make me work so hard for her. She was incredible. She’ll make one hell of a Luna.”

“That she will.” I say, closing the door behind me.

When I get to the kitchen, I see that Hana has already begun putting food together for Annabel and

Alpha Antonio. I see her hands shaking and walk to her, pulling her into a hug.

“It will be okay.”

She nods, but I understand her fear. We both saw how Layan came out of the territory, broken and


“Remember what my father said, if you can’t make it out, make sure you choose your mate. I don’t know

if you still feel strongly toward Seth, but I know he’ll be a good mate to you.”

“I want it to be Seth.” She looks at me and smiles. “It would make

us sisters through marriage.” I smile at that.

“Yes, it would.”

Her smile drops as she continues. “But there are so many. Seventy-five.”

“I know.”

That night instead of a movie night, we strategize over how to best try to make it out of the claiming

territory unmarked. When we finish, we turn on a movie, eating pizza and popcorn, and drinking sodas.

Early on, we heard Alpha Antonio take the food into the room and a bit later, we heard the showers

going. Late into the night and early morning, I heard the sounds I’ve come to understand. The sounds of

a mate bond being completed.

The next morning, I walk Hana to the edge of the claiming territory. “Remember what we discussed.” I

say to her.

“I will.” I hold her tightly until she pulls away.

“You can do this.” She nods, before turning to the claiming territory.

The gun goes off and I watch as she jogs into the territory. I realize, this is the last time I’ll be watching

someone go into the territory. Next time, it will be me entering. I get a sick feeling in my stomach at the

thought. Hana was worried about seventy-five, I’ll have nearly 200.

I turn, seeing Seth standing as close as he can get to the claiming territory along with several other

ranked members that are in Hana’ s lottery. They are listening for Hana.

I walk up beside Seth, leaning in. “You better claim her.”

“I intend to, Jara.” He says and I nod before walking away.