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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 11
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I look into Mason’s eyes before reaching down and taking his hand. This Alpha better know how to

dance, or he will not only embarrass himself in front of all his peers, but he’ll ‘accidentally’ get kicked in

his crotch. I love a good tango, but if your partner isn’ t any good, getting kicked is a definite possibility.

Since there are only five females, there isn’t a lot of concern about bumping into anyone. However, as

we walk out onto the dance floor, I see Seth asking Hana to dance as well. None of the male omegas will

know how to dance. It’s not something they are taught, mostly being the workers in the pack. And there

are those. ranked members who think dancing is a waste of time and energy. So, the fact that Alpha

Mason knows how to dance, let’s me know even more about this Alpha. And, of course, my brother is

adept at dancing.

I specifically chose this dance because it takes a higher level of practice and effort than most ranked

members are willing to exert to learn. As soon as we start, I realize my error. This man, who is radiating

raw masculinity, knows exactly how to dance a tango. This dance requires you to be physically close and

trust your partner. I can feel the heat of his body as I lean against him, flicking my leg around his as we

move through the dance. This tango has you moving fast and then slowing down, giving the impression

of a seduction as you go through the moves. Add to that the way our bodies connect and move together,

and I hear the jealous growls of the other males in the room.

Alpha Mason surprises me by lifting me and spinning me around. Thankfully, I’m well trained and I’m able

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to keep up. I’m ready when he spins me around his shoulders, holding me as I slide to the floor

for a half split. You’re supposed to be demure during this type of dancing, looking away from your

partner, but I’m caught in a trance as his intense gaze holds mine. As the song ends, he pulls on my arm,

easily lifting me off the floor and into his arms. My arms instinctively go around his neck as he catches

me, our lips only a breath away from each other.

I can feel rather than hear the pleased rumbling in his chest as I slide against him until my feet hit the

floor. He holds my gaze for another moment before stepping back and taking my hand pulling it to his lips

and kissing my knuckles as he holds my gaze.

“Thank you, Alpha Jara, for a very….intriguing dance.”

“Thank you, Alpha Mason.”

“Mason, Alpha. Please call me Mason.”

I raise my eyebrow at that. “Well, Mason,” I stress his name without the title, “if you’re okay with me not

letting you claim me, then you’re welcome to call me Jara.”

“Jara. I would be offended if you let,” he stresses the word, “me claim you. Only a worthy male deserves

an incredible woman such as yourself.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Alpha.”

He smiles again. “Mason. And its only flattery if it isn’t true.”

I’m caught in his gaze again, when I see his eyes flicker over my shoulder. He stands straight, squaring

his shoulders. I feel them before I hear them.

“Alpha Jara, would you do me the honor of dancing with me.”

“Alpha Jara, would you like to take a walk with me.”

Dividing iet

“Alpha Jara, Alpha Jara, Alpha Jara….”

Mason watches as I pull myself upright before turning to the group. “Gentlemen. I certainly cannot

entertain all of you at once. Do any of you know how to dance an Argentinian tango?”

Not surprisingly, no one immediately responds.

“I do not know the tango, Argentine or otherwise, Alpha, but if you would be interested, I do know how to


“Are you any good, Alpha….”

“Antonio. And I don’t know how good I am, but my mother taught me. She is from Cuba where is it said

that salsa dancing


I turn to Mason. While I feel a pull to him, it’s probably better if I distance myself from him. I have no

intention of being caught during my claim, and I don’t want to give him, or anyone, false hope.

“Mason, I’m sure I will see you again.”

“Jara, you can count on it.” He says, bowing his head to me before walking off the dance floor.

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I turn back to Alpha Antonio. He is actually a good dancer. The salsa is a fun and fast dance. So, while

there are moments where our bodies connect, he isn’t inappropriate or pushy. I decide that I actually like

this Alpha. Dammit, that’s two that I like.

The rest of the evening goes by. There are only a few ranked members that can actually dance or dance

in a way that I’m interested in dancing. I have no desire to slow dance so some male can rub his body

against me, or grope me, calling it dancing.

By the end of the evening, I realize Hana and I have basically danced with the same group of men.

There are only a handful of them that have warranted either of our attention.

I kept an eye on the others, noticing that Mignon was enjoying all the attention her claimants were giving

her. Layan seemed overwhelmed but Beta Elijah convinced her to dance with him and rather than having

her feel embarrassed at not knowing how to dance, he had her step on his feet as he moved them

around the dance floor. She seemed to really enjoy herself, laughing through most of the song. Beta

Elijah wasn’t inappropriate as I had seen some ranked members act when dancing with Annabel, and

she was able to relax and enjoy herself.

As Hana and I were driven back to our temporary housing, we compared notes and agreed that there

were five Alphas that weren’t terrible, Seth and Mason included, and another two Betas that we would be

willing to speak to again. Seven out of over two hundred, and one of those was my brother.

No wonder the female population was dying out at an alarming
