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The Claiming by Cooper

Chapter 10
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After spending an hour with Beta Hana, I’m tempted to rethink my desire to enter her claiming. That is

until we nearly walk into Elijah and Jara. He is escorting her to dinner, just as I am escorting Hana,

although I doubt the reason he was chosen was the same.

Hana had come right out and asked if there was anyone in the room who did not intend to be in her

claiming. I was the only one to raise my hand and therefore, I was the only one that she spent any time

with during her social hour.

If I thought that Hana’s outfit tonight was meant to cause the males to drool with lust, Jara’s is downright

riot-inducing. I can’t help it as my eyes drift down her practically see-through dress. The nude color

underneath barely covers her and since it’s the same color as her skin, it’s nearly impossible to see

where her layer of material ends, and her actual skins begins. If these two don’t cause a rut, it’ll be a

fucking miracle.

And as I see the smug look on Jara’s face, the same one I saw on Hana’s when she walked into her

social gathering tonight, I know that’s exactly what they are hoping. They want us to kill each other off, so

they don’t have to go through their claiming. I make a mental note to never underestimate either of these


“Alpha Jara. You look….breath-taking. And since you seem to be dressed for dancing, may I put in my

request now for a dance?”

She takes a moment to look me over. “Alpha Mason, my brother spoke highly of you.” She turns to look

at Elijah. “Both of you.”

That surprises me, and I can see Elijah’s shock as it quickly crosses his face before being replaced with

his usual calm

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demeanor. I didn’t know Seth would speak highly of anyone wanting to claim his sister. I’m hopeful that

will give me an in with her.

“Your Beta also spoke highly of you during our conversation. So, I’ll save you a dance. Don’t disappoint

me, Alpha.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it….Alpha.” I say, making her lips twitch.

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She gestures for us to precede her into the room. The minute Hana and I walk in, the entire room goes

deathly quiet. I catch Seth’s eye and nod my head as Elijah and Jara step up beside us. When they do,

the animosity in the room ratchets up significantly. Not only were we given special attention during their

social gathering, but the two most eligible women in this year’s claiming are on our arms. Add to that,

they are dressed to cause pandemonium and chaos and it looks like their plan is working.

Seth walks over as the guards take a more protective stance around all the females.

“What the fuck are you wearing, Jara?” He asks quietly so only those of us in her immediate vicinity can


“It’s called a dress, Seth.”

I can see the muscle in his face ticking as he clenches his jaw.

“Is there a reason you chose this particular dress for tonight?”

“Of course, brother. I want these pompous, arrogant, haughty males to see what they are going to be

missing out on when they are unable to claim me. If they are incapable of maintaining a level of decorum

in a room with five females dressed for an evening out, then they are unworthy of me or any of us,

wouldn’t you agree?”

Goddess this woman will be the death of me. And given the atmosphere in the room, that may not even

be a figurative


Seth puts his hands on his hips, looking down a moment before shaking his head and sighing. “I love

you, Jara.”

“And I thank the goddess every day that you’re my brother, Seth.” She says, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

“Oh and speaking of, may I introduce you to Beta Hana.” Jara expertly steps away from Elijah, linking her

arm with her brother before turning toward us.

“Alpha Seth. Your sister speaks highly of you, and I can see that her praise is not unwarranted.”

“Beta Hana.” Seth says, taking her hand and kissing it. The look he gives her is just possessive enough

to have me stepping away, but not so possessive that Hana dismisses him.

Instead, I turn to Jara. “May I escort you to your table, Alpha Jara?”

“Yes, thank you Alpha Mason.” She turns and looks at Elijah. “Thank you again for the conversation,

Beta Elijah.” He nods, heading toward our assigned table. Since we were in the pool for the social

gatherings, we were not eligible for the pool of

individuals that get to have dinner with one of the contestants this evening.

I escort Jara to her table and before she sits, she turns to me. “I look forward to our dance later, Alpha

Mason.” I pull her seat out and wait while she sits, her guards coming to sit on either side of her.

“It will be my honor, Alpha Jara.” I notice the enraged looks the others at her table give me before I head

to my table. I’m not sure

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if she’s intentionally putting a target on my back, or if she really is interested in spending more time with

me. Either way, I’m getting more time with her than most.

I go sit beside Elijah. “So, you got to spend the entire hour with her?” I ask as soon as I sit down. I had

put us on the side of the table so we could watch both Hana and Jara during dinner.

“I did. She recognized that I was the one that started purring for Layan, and she came to thank me.

Afterward, we talked, and the hour went by very quickly.”

I turn and look at my Beta. “And you put in a good word for me? That was generous.”

“She knew us, knew I was your Beta.” I turn back and look at where Seth is sitting with Annabel.

“That must be because of Seth.”

“Maybe, but whatever he said, she knew both of our names and was comfortable enough to ignore

everyone else in our room for the entire hour.”


“And you?” He asks. “It seems like you and Beta Hana hit it off well.”

I snort. “She walked in asking if there was anyone in the room who wasn’t intending to claim her. I was

the only one that raised my hand. So, she spent the entire hour with me, ignoring everyone else.”

Elijah bursts out laughing at that. “They are both something else, aren’t they?”

“Definitely worthy mates.”

“Have you changed your mind about claiming Beta Hana?” He asks me. I know he’s hoping to not have

to compete against me.

“Honestly, I considered it until I saw Jara again. She’s the one for me. I want her.”

Over dinner, I notice Elijah watching Layan. I can tell he wants her. I’m not sure what the draw is. Maybe

because he’s a Beta, he doesn’t feel the need for as powerful a mate as I do. The girl is sweet, but not

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Luna material.

“Are you going to ask her to dance?”

“You know I am. Tonight may be my only night. Her lottery will be pulled tomorrow and if I’m not in it, I

won’t have another chance.”

After dinner, the tables are being moved aside and the live band they brought in gets set up while most

of us mill around, waiting for a chance to speak to one of the contestants. Because I’m watching Jara so

closely, I see when Typhon moves in on her.

I’m instantly moving toward her. She’s been very clear that she does not want him anywhere near her

and if I know Typhon, he’ll try to use his Alpha aura on her guards to get closer to her. Before I have a

chance to get to her, Seth is beside her.

“Typhon. I think my sister has been very clear about her feelings. for you. Get the fuck away from her.”

Seth says.

“Jara, don’t be like this. I just want to get to know you.”

“Funny, if you’d ever have allowed my sister to visit, or us to visit her, you wouldn’t need to get to know

me now, would you?”

I didn’t know he’d kept Mila away from them. He’s more of a prick

than I realized. Who keeps someone from their family? A murderer, I guess.

Just as he takes another step forward and Seth looks like he’s about to attack him, I step up on Jara’s

other side. “I believe everyone here is aware of Alpha Jara’s dislike of you Typhon. And if you need me

to remind you of Rule # 2, it is the female’s discretion to spend time with us, not the other way around.”

His lip curls in a snarl. “You can’t ignore me forever, Jara.” He says as he lets his gaze drift slowly down

her body before turning and walking away.

I can feel the tension in her body relaxing beside me.

“Are you okay, Jara?” Seth says, not looking at her. I can only imagine that he wants to pull her into a

hug, but it would make her look weak, and she can’t afford that in this environment. My

respect for Seth increases even more.

“Yes.” She says, just as quietly.

As the music starts to play, I have to smile. It’s perfect for an Argentinian Tango, and based on how Jara

is dressed, this is exactly the dance she was hoping for. I turn to stand in front of her, holding out my


“May I have this dance, Alpha Jara?”