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Strings of Fate

Chapter 128
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128- Emails and empathy Bellamy looks a little shell shocked. I think he still forgets sometimes that he can't just bossaround and stare atto getto cooperate like he does with everyone else. He doesn't MEAN to be bossy, it just comes naturally to him as a result of everyone expecting him to tell them what to do and then jumping at his orders. After a moment, his eyes drop to the ground and he groans out his frustration.

"I get it. I'll think on the issue. There's still a few days. A lot can change in a few days." He falls silent, then slowly, what I can only describe as a calculating expression slides into place.

"Actually, if we're changing the topic. I could use your help with something." Bellamy switches topics fast enough to givewhiplash.

"Sure, what do you want help with?" I agree, maybe a little too quickly. I'm still feeling a little bad for fighting him so hard when I know he is just worried about me. Bellamy stands from the couch, takes my hand and pullsup then leadsto his office.

"Well, since I've been filling the role of the female alpha as well as my own role, a lot of the Shifters have taken to emailingtheir issues, arguments and complaints. I was hoping you.

would helpgo through them?" He asks with a question in his voice.

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"Yeah, I can try and help. Why do they email them though? Are they all non-urgent or are they anonymous or something?" I don't really get it, emailing seems so impersonal which seems odd if they're asking him to mediate their personal issues. Bellamy just shrugs.

"I'm not sure, they just started doing it. I think Megan might have suggested it to someone. A lot of Shifters have been sort of forcing the job on her and when they didn't like her responses she of course told them to talk to me. But apparently not everyone is comfortable talking toin person? I guess I'm not as approachable. Or maybe they just assI don't have the time. I know emails aren't ideal, but this is what I've got right now." I scrunch up my face. I don't know, this just seems like the kind of task that should be taken care of face to face. It's always going to be hard to understand the intricacies of a situation when you can't see how people react and having to email back and forth to get more information if needed seems like it would drag things out. There must be much better systems than this. Bellamy notices my face and grins.

1/4 128- Emails and empathy "Hey, if you have a better plan, feel free to take over at any time." I roll my eyes.

"No one would listen to me, this is definitely stuck on you." Bellamy shakes his head.

"They will listen to you, eventually. If they don't, it's only because they don't know who you are yet. All the Shifters who know you well listen don't they?" He asks and I kind of stare at the floor awkwardly. He is right that they have been listening to what I ask lately. Still, if they aren't comfortable talking to Bellamy, why would they want to talk to a stranger like me? I point this out to Bellamy and he disagrees again.

"It's already started though, hasn't it? Shaun cto you for help getting Amber's number. He never would have askedsomething like that. You even noticed that he didn't want to ask in front of others and took him aside so that he would be more comfortable. I think you're a lot more approachable than you think. Not to mention you'll be particularly good at dealing with relationship issues should they arise." He winks atand I stare at him in disbelief.

"Knowing the ending doesn't makeany good at dealing with relationships. Look how badly I screwed up with us, at least at first." I point out.

"That was only because you were freaking out, and I think spart of you knew what you SHOULD have done. I probably overreacted a little too. I think you'll find it is much easier to give advice than it is to take it. Plus, in more formal issues or full on arguments, the Shifters HAVE to listen to us. So that helps too." I stare at him doubtfully but he ignores it.

"Con, csit withand we can go over a couple and see how you feel once you've tried. I know emails aren't great but at least it leaves tto think." He says optimistically. I think he is definitely trying to make the job sound easier than it is. Trying not to scareoff I guess. Or maybe trying to temptinto taking over would be more accurate.

Bellamy sits in his desk chair and wavesover. I stand by his side and he gestures forto perch myself on his lap. I raise an eyebrow.

"We're meant to be working, that does not seem like it would result in good work focus." I object. Bellamy just pullsdown and settlesonto his lap.

"Sure it will, I'm way more relaxed and focussed when I know exactly where you are. Besides, 2/4 128- Emails and empathy there are two of us, so twice the focus right?" I turn and give him a look that says I definitely think there is something dodgy in that logic, but he's already opening up his emails. He opens the first one and reads it out to me. It's written by one of the Shifter women, a mother who is concerned that her youngest son still seems to be having sdifficulties shifting back and forth. She insists that his older brother was completely comfortable with shifting by and she's worried that something is wrong. The kid is apparently six years old. Well, how the hell am I meant to help with that? I only know the basics about Shifters. How old SHOULD a kid be when they master shifting? I'm about to say as much but Bellamy predicts this ПЕ.

age "Don't stress about details like that. You can always learn that stuff, and in the meantyou have plenty of Shifters you trust well enough to ask for more information. In this case, most Shifter kids start changing from about the tthey learn to walk. They often will do it accidentally or partially even. By the tthey're about five or six it usually starts to level out and they get a bit more control over themselves." He explains.

"So this kid not having complete control at six is maybe a little late, but not super concerning?" I reason. Bellamy nods his agreement.

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"Yeah, that's what I'll tell her." He starts typing out an email.

*Good afternoon,

It is not out of the ordinary for a child to have sissues with control over their shift at that age and m children develop at different rates. I would not be particularly concerned at this time. * Bellamy pauses and letsread it.

"How's that?" He asks. I shake my head.

"It's kind of harsh." I confess. Bellamy tilts his head in confusion.

"How so? I'm telling her not to worry. It's meant to be reassuring." He asks.

"That's the problem. This woman has that had at least one other child. Shem KNOWS that this is within the range of normal, but she is still worried. Worried enough to try and reach out to 3/4 128- Emails and empathy

the Alpha for help. I guess your answer seems a little... dismissive of her concerns?" trespond. Bellamy contemplates my answer then slowly nods. guess I can understand that. What would you write then? Go ahead."