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Strings of Fate

Chapter 127
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127- Calling and convincing Megan- It sort of does actually? Harry- Hold up, what am I missing, who is Shaun? Have I met Shaun? Is that the big guy who was guarding the door when we built a blanket fort Ry? Ryann- Nah that was Aaron, Shaun is far louder. Oooh we should totally find Aaron's soulmate next. I REALLY want to know who it will be. He's so... reserved. It would be fun to see someone break that calm.

Megan- I really can't picture it. And wait, weren't you all about not interfering? Ryann- Sure, but that doesn't mean I can't find out stuff. Just means I have to wait once I do know.

Amber- I know that feeling....

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Ryann- Poor thing.

Amber- It could be worse, the things I see are usually only a few days or weeks away, you could have to wait years to see the results of what you see.

Harry- Yeah no kidding, I don't have that kind of patience.

Megan-neither! Bellamy clears his throat to get my attention and I look up with a smile.

"Hmm?" "I was asking if you are planning to try to meditate smore or if you have other plans?" He asks apparently not for the first time. Oops. I can't repress a deep sigh.

"I don't know. I've been doing it for days now and I'm not making any progress. I have to be doing something wrong. This just isn't working, it's taking too long. We need to find her and we need to find the killers. Aside from the obvious issues of leaving a poor little e girl in the hands of psychos, there are a few practical issues to consider too. Like, I'm meant to be going back to work in just a few days. My leave is going to end and I don't have enough in the way 3/5 127- Calling and convincing of savings to take the tunpaid." I groan and bury my face in my hands. I want to go to work, but at the stit's not like I've missed it. Mostly, I need to work for the most basic reason. Money. Maybe it would be fine? I haven't received any more threatening letters and as far as I know, no one has attempted to get tohere. Maybe the psychos have moved on and aren't bothering withanymore. One look at Bellamy's face tellsthat his thoughts are not along the slines as mine and I sigh again. Okay, so maybe having the psycho murdering, kidnappers forget about whatever grudge they have againstis just wishful thinking. Still, I only have a few days of leave left. I'm running out of time! Bellamy's face hardens.

"You are not going back to work." He says firmly. I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" I question, giving him a chance to rephrase that statement into a request or suggestion. He doesn't take the hint.

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"You're not going. I can't let you. It isn't safe. I just can't do it." he insists.

"Bellamy, it's not your decision. I haven't made up my mind either way yet, but you have to know that you can't make the decision for me. Short of lockingin the hou I'm still my

own person, no matter how much you worry." Bellamy lookssomewhere betweex very anxious and mildly pissed off. He just stares atsilently, refusing to answer. I decide to cut him a BIT of a break.

"Look, I haven't made a decision yet. I know that it isn't safe and I do intend to take your feelings on the issue into account before I make up my mind. But I fully expect you to take mine into consideration too and to respect the choice I make. You are welcto try and convinceand to give your reasoning. If you can helpfind a way to manage everything without completely screwing my finances and living situation, then I am willing to think. about it. But for now, to end this conversation because you are clearly not in the right frof mind to discuss it. "I state firmly. I'm going