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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68 After stime, there seemed to be light in front of her, and she breathed in fresh air again, Nate patted her face, and his beautiful eyebrows frowned. “Maddy, wake up.” The person lying on the ground did not react at all.

He leaned down to listen to her breathing and pressed on lier chest. After Maddy coughed, Nate was about to press on her abdomen and let her vomit all the water, but Terrence, who rushed after hearing the news, suddenly caught his hand Nate said coldly, “Get lost.” Many people who heard the news have caround to watch. Terrence lipped tightly, didn’t explain, but said, “A doctor will csoon.” Nate shook his hand away. “Don’t makerepeat one more time. Get lost.” At this moment, someone held onto Nate's other hand gently. “I...I'm fine...” Nate lowered his gaze and saw that Maddy was awake. Her face was pale, and her eyebrows were slightly frowned It was hard to tell whether she felt uncomfortable.

After two seconds, Nate withdrew his gaze and withdrew his hand. He glanced at Terrence emotionlessly before getting up and leaving After he left, Terrence stepped forward and held Maddy in his arms. “Maddy, lettake you to the hospital” Terrence picked her up, and Zachariah rushed over froin the crowd and stopped her “Terrence, what are you doing?” “T’ll go to the hospital” “Wuch hospital are you going to? Don’t you know what kind of event is tonight!” Zachary glanced at the person in hus anns “Nate doesn’t care. Why do you care so much about it? Don’t forget what you promised your parents Lefore coming here Il tonight's incident were to be ruined, Grant Group woull be completely doomed!” Zachariah continued, “She’s awake, she should be fine All she needs to do is yo to the hospital for a checkup Leave her to me, I'll take good care of her, don’t worry” Zachariah ordered the bodyguard belund hun to uke Maddy over from Terrence Just as they were about to take themi away, Terrence’s voice rang out, “You're a mother too. You should be able to understand her feelings.” Zachariah’s body stiffened, “Terrence, what do you mean by that?” “It’s nothing. | can hand her over to you. But if the child in her belly disappears quietly, | will go against the Levitan Family and disagree to this marriage.” “She is pregnant, indeed! Terrence, you...” Terrence said, “The child isn’t mine. | just don’t want anything to happen to her.” Soon, the ambulance arrived at the entrance.

Terrence watched as Maddy got into the car and slowly withdrew his gaze.

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In the car.

Zachariah sat beside Maddy and couldn't help but bit her lip.

20 minutes ago, Cecil searched around the crowd but still couldn’t find Maddy. When Zachariah saw that she was furious, he went up to her and asked her what happened Cecil told Zachariah that Maddy faked her pregnancy and married into the Levitan Family. After the divorce, she got involved with Terrence again. Now, she actually wanted to repeat her tricks and use the child in her belly as a bargaining chip to ruin their engagement and marry into the Grant Family. She told Zachariah everything Zachariah was a few years older than Cecil. She wasn’t as impulsive as Cecil, she told Cecil to relieve and that tonight's engagement would be held as planned, and she would take care of the rest.

After comforting Cecil, Zachariah called a bodyguard and asked if anyone saw Terrence. The bodyguard said that he saw him and a woman walking toward the pool.

Zachariah suddenly had a plan. She had already calculated the tto rescue Maddy. She didn’t want Maddy’s life, but she just wanted the child in her belly to be dead.

However, this was a temporary plan, and there was no detailed planing at all. It was unexpected that Maddy would be seen by the maid when she fell into the water, and it was even more unexpected that Nate would appear so quickly Fortunately, Nate seemed to hate his ex-wife very much. He just rescued her and left.

Before Terrence said that, Zachariah even thought it over that, after she took Maddy to the hospital, she had her baby secretly removed from lier stomach, and then lied that the abortion was caused by falling into the water. It made perfect sense.

Unexpectedly, Terrence saw through her intentions...

Nate returned to his room, pulled off his tie, took off his damp shirt, and entered the bathroom.

When he was done with his clothes and cout, he saw Delbert waiting in the corridor.

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Nate asked indifferently, “What do you want?” Delbert looked at him. “Nate, | heard that Maddy fell into the water. How is she doing now?” “She’s awake. She won't die.” Delbert was a little awkward. He smiled and said, “Aren’t you going to see her?” Nate’s tone was cold. “I'm not a doctor. What's the use of looking at it?” “It’s different, after all,” Delbert sighed. “Nate, don’t do anything that you will regret.” “Regret? The last thing | regret in my life is meeting her.” Nate didn’t want to talk about this anymore. “I'll leave first.” All he needed to do in this kind of place was to show his face. If he stayed any longer, it would only be an act, and it would only make both parties feel disgusted.

“Nate.” Delbert’s voice cfrom behind. “Don’t worry. Even if Cecil and Terrence are engaged, it won't affect your position in Levitan Group.” Nate smirked. “Of course.” “Grant Family is nothing to him. It doesn’t matter that the old man wants to take advantage of the company” When the black Rolls-Royce slowly drove out of the carved-flower gate, Dex sneaked a few glances at Nate through the rearview mirror. However, he still wanted to say something but did not dare to speak.

Nate closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He rubbed the center of his eyebrows and said impatiently, “Just say it if you have something to say.” Dex sat down immediately and hesitated for a while before saying, “I heard that Jacobs... Someone saw you cout of the pool. Your whole body is soaked. The weather seems to be a little cold and it's easy to catch a cold. Do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?” Nate said coldly, “No need.” “Okay.” Dex did not dare to say another word. Along the way, it was quiet and silent.

By the tthe car was about to reach Star Residence, Nate slowly opened his eyes and placed his fingers on his temples. “Turn around” Dex did not hear it clearly. “What?” “My head hurts. Go to the hospital.” “Yes.” Sure enough, it was still that man who doesn’t speak what he thought.

In the hospital, Zachariah sent Maddy to the hospital and left.

By the tNate arrived, the doctor happened to send her to the ward and was reminding the nurse to be careful Nate stood at the door of the ward and didn’t go in. He just looked at it from afar, and there was no sign of emotion on his face.

Maddy was lying on the hospital bed. Her breathing was steady and her face was small, as if she had lost a lot of weight She said that she had gained a few pounds, but where the weight went.