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My Regreted Ex-Husbnad

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 Biff asked thoughtfully, “Don’t your cousin hate her a lot?” “That's right! But | don’t know what happened lately. He warnednot to offend her again.” Biff picked up the wine glass and said casually, “Maybe it's because she’s pregnant.” Cecil's eves widened, “Whiat! But she...” Biff whispered, “I've seen her at the hospital during her prenatal checkup before, and I've talked to her several times. She is very likely to be pregnant. Cecil, don’t make a fuss first. | know that she’s divorced with your cousin, so it’s still unclear whose child it is...” Biff spoke in a gentle tone, but the meaning of it was conveyed. Hatred instantly appeared in Cecil's eyes.

The shameless woman had been pestering Terrence lately. She suddenly appeared here today. She must want to use the child in her belly as a threat! She would never allow such a thing to happen in front of everyone. Force Terrence to marry her? No way! Cecil turned around angrily and went to Maddy.

Biff watched her leave and slowly drank the wine in the glass.

Meanwhile, Maddy was still waiting for news from Cassie. The panic and uneasiness in her heart grew stronger and stronger.

At this moment, someone shouted at her, “Chere and clean up this place.” Maddy looked over. It seemed that a child accidentally broke a wine glass while playing. The red wine was splattering everywhere on the floor.

“Why are you standing there? Do you know what kind of people are here today? If anyone slips, will you bear the responsibility?” “Maddy” Terrence’s voice cfrom the side.

The arrogant man completely changes his attitude. He stepped forward and greeted, “Young Master, I'm...” Terrence took a sideways glance at him. The gentleness in his eyes had long disappeared, and he pulled Maddy out of the lobby “Maddy, why are you here?” Terrence asked when they reached the pool.

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Maddy said, “There's something.” After a pause, she asked, “Are you getting engaged to Cecil?” Terrence smiled. “Nate told you?” As he spoke, lie looked elsewhere. After a long time, he said, “For ine, if | didn’t marry someone | like, then it doesn’t matter who I'm with.” Maddy did not know what to say, “Terence...” If he was engaged to someone else, she would sincerely give them her blessings from the perspective of a friend. However, she was too clear about what kind of person Cecil was. No matter what, she still hoped that Terrence would think about it.

Terrence saw this and said, “Maddy, don’t blyourself. | only found out last night that it wasn’t Cecil who insisted on getting engaged to me, but the Grant Family needed Levitan’s marriage this time.” Maddy suddenly couldn't say anything. Indeed, in a business partnership that cost a few hundred million, feelings were not important.

The wealthy family looked bright and dazzling. In fact, it was a place where dogs ate dogs.

“Maddy, | hope you can find someone you like in the future who also likes you.” They were like that before, but they just missed each other over and over again.

Terrence had been thinking about it a lot lately. If there was no Paris’ agreement back then, if they were not so calm and rational, and spoke out their hearts earlier, they might not have cto this situation.

After a long time, Maddy siniled faintly, “There will never be such a person.” Terrence was silent for a while before saying, “You and Nate...” “There's no possibility between us. It’s just that sof our debts haven't been settled yet. Once it’s settled clearly, we won't owe each other anymore. There won't be any contact in the future.” “That's good. Levitan’s family is much inore complicated than you thought. He's not a good match.” Terrence saw that he still had a lot to do tonight, so he did not stay here for too long Maddy did not want to go back to that suffocating place. She stood there and blew on the breeze, She looked at the glowing pool, completely unaware that the person she mentioned just now was staring at her not far away.

His expression was cold and quiet, and his cold face was covered by the night was no emotion.

| can’t believe she thinks that what she owescan be settled by money? After stime, Nate withdrew his cold gaze and turned around to leave.

At the stime, Maddy received a call from Cassie.

Cassie went to Mervin’s school. However, the school said that he didn’t report at all. She definitely didn’t believe it, so she asked everywhere.

Mervin was the state No.1, and he had the highest score in the school. Everyone knew him, but when she found the high-score rankings of the school, she realized that the number one score was the sas Mervin's, but that person was not Mervin at all.

The person in charge of the school rushed over upon hearing that. When they heard that she was here to look for Mervin, they instantly becquiet. They said that there was no such a person in the school, so they asked the security guards to escort her out.

Maddy held onto the phone and closed her eyes. She probably already knew what was going on.

On the other end of the phone, Cassie still hadn't figured out what was happening. “Maddy, what's going on? | couldn’t get to Mervin. What the school said was so confusing. | almost doubted if I've really made a mistake.” “I'll explain it to you when | get back.” Maddy pursed her lips and continued, “Go to the convenience store where Mervin worked before and see if he’s still there.” “Okay, I'll go over now.” After she hung up the phone, Maddy suddenly felt a little weak.

She never expected that Mervin would actually sell his admission letter. Does he know what this means to him...

At this moment, Maddy suddenly heard footsteps behind her. The wind around her turned cold. Her heart tightened and she was about to turn around when she felt someone hit her.

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irn aro omeo Va In front was a swimming pool that was rippled by the wind.

With a thud, Maddy felt water pouring into her ears and noses from all directions.

She reflexively wanted to struggle, but apart from water was still water, she could not catch anything else.

As her body gradually sank, Maddy gradually lost all strength. For sreason, she looked at the endless darkness in front of her and suddenly wanted to give up.

Sometimes, living was quite exhausting Nate had just walked out of the lobby when he heard a maid shouting behind him, “Someone fell into the water!” He stopped his steps. When he turned around, he realized that the person standing by the pool was gone.

Nate’s dark eyes constricted and he quickly turned back.

By the the reached the pool, the water had already calmed down.

Without any hesitation, he jumped into the water.

Maddy was unconscious. She felt someone hugging her and there was air being pushed into her mouth.