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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 It felt so real

"Now my dad was shot, I'll kill you!" He yelled with reddened eyes and then held neck roughly and

tightly, choking her.

"Ja.. Jason.." She called in muffled breaths.

"Ja.. son, your father is a monster! He.. ki.. killed my parents.." Elle struggled to say and Jason scoffed,

tightening his hands on his neck.


"As far as I'm concerned, your mum is still alive!" He yelled at her tightening his grip the more.

"Your parents killed my parents! They wiped out the Anderson's family and I'm the only one left, I'm the

only one who.. survived!"

Jason immediately left her when he heard that.


"What do you mean?" He asked.

"As far I'm concerned, Asanel and her parents died a long time ago and it was a fire accident.."

Elle glared at him angrily.

"Yes! And I'm Asanel! I'm Asanel Anderson!" She yelled and the remaining people turned to her.

Turns out the governor was only shot in the arm, he was beside Lauren who was holding unto him.

"What?! Are you nuts? Jason yelled. Even Tyson and Giselle were surprised.

"Do you remember what I told you before you left the country?"

"I told you your parents were evil! Remember! But you turned a blind eye to it. Your stupid step mother

set my house on fire and my mum lost her life. My face was badly burnt, that's why I had to change my


Everyone looked at her stunned.

"I almost lost my life and that of my baby!" She yelled again in tears and everyone's eyes widened

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except Lauren.


"What baby?!"

Elle smiled bitterly at Jason.

"I was pregnant, you fool. I got pregnant with your child!" She yelled again in tears and Jason's jaws


"W..what?" He whispered.

"And nod my daughter has ridiculous health issues because of it! I will not spare you guys.." Elle said

and then opened her bag, she hurriedly brought out a gun and everyone gasped.

In a few moments, guards has already surrounded her.

"Wait.." Jason said almost in tears.

"Dad, What's she saying?"

James only smirked and so did Lauren.

He then turned to the guards.


Jason's eyes widened and he immediately ran towards Elle and then blocked her with his body, thus

receiving a bullet in his arm.

Elle gasped and held him.

"I'm sorry Asanel, I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I'm really sorry.." He said and tears fell

from her eyes.

"I hope you forgive me!"

Elle hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry because I have to do this.." She smiled and then pushed him away gently.

She then pointed her gun at Lauren.

"I'll kill you first.." She yelled and then shot her. The bullet rammed into her head and she fell down

dead immediately. Tyson's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. He ran to his mum and held her cold

hands in his weeping butterfly. The governor just clenched his fists angrily.

Then she turned to the governor.

"I'll.. " She was about to talk when a bullet hit her in her right arm.

She smirked and then began shooting in different directions, the others immediately scampered for

safety but Elle had already gunned down almost all of the guards.

She sighted James and as she was about to shoot him, a gun shot was heard behind her. She gasped

and turned back to see Jason. He was coughing out blood. Then she saw a guard bringing down his

gun, he was trying to shoot her but Jason took the bullet yet again.

Angrily, she shot the guard multiple times and she ran towards Jason immediately, not only her, James

and Giselle did too.

She got him, then crouched before him in tears and then placed his head on her laps.

"Jason, please hang on there.."

"Please hang on there.." She cried bitterly.

"You still have to spend time with your daughter. Kiera always asks of you. You can't leave me when I

just found you!" She cried and Jason smiled.

"I'm glad that we have our daughter. She will continually remind you of our bond, our love.."

Elle shook her head in tears.

"I love you Jason, don't leave me please.." She cried.

"I love you too.." He said and then his eyes shut.

"NOOOOOO!" She yelled in tears.


"Elle.." A familiar voice called out her name. She turned to see Jason holding her hand.

She looked around. Every where was still chaotic. People were still running for safety.

"Elle, what are you thinking?" He snapped at her.

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"Let's get going.." He said and Elle rushed to him, pulling him into a tight hug confusing him.

"I'm so relieved.." She smiled and broke the hug.

"Where's the governor?" She asked.

"He's safe. The guards escorted him safely already.." Jason said.

"That's good.." She smirked.

"Every thing went according to plan, surely the people will start have doubts about him.." She thought.

"Let's hurry.." He said and they both walked off.



Elle got into the car and sighed.

"It's a relief. It felt so real! I thought I lost him again.." She said and held her chest.

"Gosh! The only thinking I liked about it was killing the stupid governor and his wife.." She said and

then her phone rang. She had expected it to be Damien but it was Kiera.

She smiled and answered the call.

"Baby.." She called.

"Mum, you lied again. You said you are coming soon but no! You haven't.." Kiera grouched and Elle


"I'm sorry baby. I've been caught up in work here. I will come back soon.."

"That's what you have been telling me but it's not true.." Kiera said.

"I've told grandma that we are coming to New Zealand soon, if you don't come.. " Kiera said and Elle


"Love you princess.." She said and hung up.

She smiled and her smiled faded when she remembered Jason.

"Why am I feeling so guilty?" She asked herself and she looked up. From the mirror, she saw someone

sitting at the back seat all dressed in black and her eyes widened.

"No need to fret, pretty. I heard everything.." The masculine's voice came.