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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31 Busted

Elle's breath hitched when she saw who was standing in front of her.

It was Giselle.

"Oh no! Not again!" She thought and bit her lower lip.

Elle faked a smile and walked towards Giselle who was giving her a suspicious look.

"We meet again.." Giselle smirked and Elle smiled more widely.

"And everytime we meet, you always here. Isn't it suspicious? And also it looks like you are coming

from uncle's room. Why is that?" Giselle asked and folded her hands under her chest.

Elle scoffed.

"Why would I come out from the governor's room? I just went to the restroom and it happens that the

route to it is the place. Do you have a problem with that?" Elle asked and rose her eye brows.

"No, but I have a problem with the lights also going off when you are here. You remember the other

time, right?" Giselle asked and Elle smirked.

"I don't think it's my fault for that. And moreover I don't I should be explaining myself to you.." Elle

winked at her and turned to walk away but her voice stopped her.

"Are you really that shameless?"

Elle shrugged and turned back

"Excuse me.." She said and Giselle scoffed.

"Don't act like you don't understand what I am saying?" Giselle told her.

"You want both brothers right? Both Jason and Tyson?" Giselle said and Elle smirked.

"Not my fault, they find me sexy. I mean who wouldn't. I'm not some plain Jane like you.." Elle winked

at her and Giselle clenched her fists angrily.

"Oh really! And I wouldn't be surprised if you got this character from your mum, who knows she might

be a slut instead..."

Elle's eyes reddened and she didn't know when she slapped her hard across the cheek.

Giselle gasped and held her right cheek.

"Don't you ever insult my mum! I won't tolerate any insults against her!" Elle yelled at her.

"How dare you try to hit me?!" Giselle said and tried to hit her also but then Elle held her hand and then

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slapped her with the other hand.

"Don't try messing with me.." She warned with a cold look and then released her hand. As she was

about to go, Giselle grabbed her hair from behind and started dragging it.

Meanwhile Jason and Tyson also walked in at that moment and when they saw what was happening,

they rushed to them.

Elle pushed Giselle off with ease and then grabbed her hair.

"I told you to never mess with me!" She yelled and tried to hit her again but Jason held her hand from



Damien walked into the room where the media team were in. He was putting on their uniform and also

had a fake Id as well. He had also successfully stopped the CCTV cameras from working when Elle

was infiltrating their house.

"Hey, John.." One of them called him and he looked up.

"We are going to collect our food, we will be back soon. When it's five minutes Tim's, please upload the

video of the governor and his charity works.." He said and Damien nodded.

They walked out and Damien smirked.

"Now it's the time to put our plans in motion.." He said and then brought out a flash.


"Wait, Elle.." He said and she hijacked her hand from him.

"Before you take your fiancee's side, ask her what she did?" Elle glared at Giselle who simply smirked.

"Ja.. Jason, I swear I didn't do anything. I saw coming out of uncle's room and I confronted her but she

slapped me immediately.." Giselle said and started shedding fake tears.

Elle scoffed.

"I don't think I should explain myself to anyone. Whatever you guys think of me, it's non of my

business.." Elle said.

"I don't care what's the beef between you both, but just don't cause a scene at the party.." Jason said

and looked at Elle whose hair was scattered all over her face.

"You don't need to explain to me cause I know exactly how Giselle is.." He muttered and Elle smiled a

little. Then Jason walked away.

"Baby, are you okay?" Tyson said and made to touch her hair but she put his hand down.

"I'm fine.." She added coldly and walked away also leaving Giselle and Tyson.

There was silence for a minute until Giselle spoke up.

"You should be careful of her, that snake is cunning..'

Tyson smirked and looked at her, giving a dangerous cold look.

"Don't you ever refer to her as a snake. She has a name and if you call her by that, it would be better

you don't say anything about her at all.."


Tyson turned to leave but then paused.

"Sister in law, I've always adored she respected you but don't you ever insult Elle again or I might lose

all the respect I have for you.." He said and walked away leaving Giselle stunned.

"They both are totally wiped by that scheming girl.." She said and sighed.


After Elle arranged her hair, she got back to her seat and sat on it. Her phone beeped again and she

smiled when she read the message.

"Pretty, wait for it.."

Elle smirked and looked up.

"This is just the beginning.." She muttered.

Lauren walked up to the stage and then took a mic.

"Thanks for joining us today to celebrate our great governor. So now, we want to show you all video

that's dedicated to the governor also.." She smiled.

"Okay, Media team, you can start now.." She said and then cand down.

The screen was blank at first and everyone watched keenly.

Even Elle's eyes were glued to the screen.

Then it started.

"Dedicated to Governor James Madison.."

A suspenseful song started playing in the background and then the video fully began.

"You pretend like you care about the people but you don't, you embezzled the funds of the people and

then stole the money meant for the orphanage homes, you gave them half and made them suffer.."

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Everyone gasped. James and Lauren were shocked to the core, even their sons were also surprised.

"What's it? Stop the video, right now!" James yelled and stood up. However the video continued.

"Have you forgotten the innocent lives you've killed, those you killed to attain their wealth and those

you killed because they found out something about you. Or have you forgotten the incident seven years

ago, could the fire that killed the famous reporter and her daughter just happen. It was definitely

plotted! All by you!"

Murmuring increased now and James held his aid stick trembling.

"You better confess before I have evidence to implicate you! This is warning!"

Then the video turned off.

James immediately ran to the stage and held the mic. Some people had already stood up preparing to

leave even the reporters were not spared also. They already began several pictures and videos of the


"My people, this is not true. You guys know this is very common in the political system. People defame

each other just to look right in front of the citizen.."

"I swear…"

As he was talking, a gunshot was heard and immediately every where scattered, people began to

scamper for safety.

Elle smirked as she watched.

"Mission accomplished!" She smiled but thrn someone grabbed her hand.

She turned back to see Jason glaring at her.

"You witch! It was all your plan, right?"

Elle's heart started racing.

"What do you mean?" She asked in fear.

"Do you think I'm a fool. I'm not. I know this all your plan. I had you investigated because you looked so

suspicious but just that I never you would do this. How dare you?!" He yelled angrily.

Elle's eyes widened and she shook her head.


"Now my dad was shot, I'll kill you!" He yelled with reddened eyes and then grabbed her neck roughly

and tightly, choking her while she gasped for breath.

"No.. no.. Ja..."

"Shut up! You devil! I'll kill you.."