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Her Sweet Revenge by Authorfavour

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33 Her huge plan

Elle sighed and breathed out in relief.

"Dam, are you stupid?' She yelled at him and he chuckled.

"How do you like the plan?" He asked and she smirked.

"It was sweet, very sweet.." She then smiled.

"I'm sure the governor didn't expect this at all.." Damien laughed.

"Of course, it was a huge blow to them. If you had seen the way he was panting and disregarding all

the allegations. It was so obvious he was scared..." She laughed again.

"I'm sure people will start to loose their trust in him. The news must have spread like wild fire.." Damien

said and Elle nodded.

"We need to find out what the next step is and thankfully, we had CCTV cameras inserted everywhere

and also the voice recorder..." Elle said and Damien smiled.

"Then, do you still need to pretend that you like Tyson, I mean, you can just cut off the act.." He said

and Elle shook her head.

"Nah, he's still useful. Very useful.." Elle smiled.


Damien forced out a smile and then nodded.


James got to his room and immediately he broke the flower vase into pieces.

"Aaaargh!" He yelled and crashed the tv too.

"Hunny!" Lauren screamed behind him and James sighed, breathing heavily.

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"I'm not going to let them ruin my career. All what I've worked for. How dare they?!" He yelled angrily

and Lauren sighed.

"I'm also confused. Who could be doing this to us? I really want to know? Who could it be? Why are

they hell bent on ruining us?' She asked and James sighed.

"It has to be someone who knows about all my secret, yes.." James mumbled.

"But who?" Lauren asked.

"All my friends and business partners are loyal to me. We have successfully built our empire together

and I don't think they will dare betray me except.." He paused and faced Lauren.

'Except Langford. He might be the one.." James said with widened eyes and Lauren shook her hear in


"Hun, what are you saying? Langford has been our family friend for years, he's your best friend and he

knows every damn thing about us, so how would he betray us? Why would he if he had not find so

years ago.." Lauren yelled at him and James ran his hands into his hair.

"Because he didn't have a reason then, but now he has one!" James replied her hotly and she sighed.

"We had a fight recently. He wants me to fund his election and he will be running for governor next

year…" James said and Lauren furrowed her brows.


"Langford did that?"

"Do you think I would lie about that? I just decided to keep it a secret from you since my birthday was



"Don't try to vouch for him. Langford has bitten more than he can chew…"

"Are you sure he did it?"

"Why are you defending him? I'm sure he did it. I clearly told him I can't fund his elections cause I want

to run as governor again!"

"But hun, you should aim higher. You have been governor here for seven years already. What more did

you want?"

"Gosh! Lauren, you talk as if you were not with me when all these happened. You clearly know I spent

the three years by luck. Martin died, I was the vice governor so I had to take over. And no! I'm still

going to run for governor.." James said and Lauren sighed.

"Okay, Hun. Just calm down and talk things over with Langford. He might…."

"I seriously don't understand why you are defending him. He clearly threatened to ruin me because I

refused to fund his elections. Isn't he content being the mayor? I helped him become the mayor and

this is how he rebels. I'm going to make him pay.." James said with a cold look and clenched fists.

"Hun, just calm down. Let's sort this carefully. First of all, have a meeting with them all and then clear

your name. I'm sure the public won't forget all what you have done for them just because of a stupid

rumor.." Lauren said and he nodded. Then she embraced him.

"Langford, how dare he? How dare he try to sabotage my husband? I don't think he can.." She thought.

"Or is he doing this because of me? That fool. I will not spare him.."


Elle and Damien smirked listening to their conversation and at the same time watching them.

"Wow! I knew they had connection also in politics. They can't only be the corrupt government officials!

Mayor John Langford is part of them and he is even James's best friend!"

"It's a beautiful connection.." She said with a smile.

"Incase you didn't know Damien, I met Mayor Lanford in Australia six months ago at ' the world's

business conference.."

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"And guess what?"

Damien looked at her keenly.

"That fool tried flirting with me at the party.."

Damien chuckled.

"Of course, who wouldn't. You are beautiful.." He said and Elle chuckled.

"I ignored him. But then, I think this is the right time.."

"What's your plan?" Damien asked.

"Kidnapping him.." She replied.


"Kidnap him..'

"Yeah, we have to make sure he's safe. I'm very sure James will be hellbent on killing him. But we can't

let that happen. He's the evidence and witness to James' evil doings, the evidence to my parents death

and both Kiera and I attempted murder. We need him!" Elle said.

"Okay, so how do we go about it?" He said. Elle smirked and then picked up her phone then she placed

a call to the governor. He picked at the second beep.

"Yes, Miss Brown.." His voice came.

"I'm really sorry, Governor. I just wanted to ask of how you were doing. I left the party hastily because

of the chaos. I'm sorry I couldn't stay.."

"No, it's nothing, Miss Browns. You had a right to save your life first. I don't blame you.." James replied.

"Just take good care of your health, governor..:

"Yes, thanks for your concern. Goodnight!" He said and hung up.

Elle smirked again.

"Have a good sleep when you can cause another chaotic event will hit you again and you won't be able

to handle it.."