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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 51
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Jax POV:
Walking down the corridor behind Nova I stare unashamedly at her swaying hips
which captivate my attention. I suddenly pull Nova into me and turn her so she’s got her back against the wall.
“Jax” she gasps as I press my b*dy against hers.
“Hmm?” I hum as I lean my head into the curve of her neck and inhale a breath of her intoxicating scent, feeling my b*dy relax I
start to drop feathery k*sses on her neck
around her mark making her squirm against me.
“Jaxxx” she moans breathily before pushing her hands against my chest making met pause and look at her, “your parents?” She
asks with a quirked brow as she looks at
me with dark eyes.
“Can wait a few minutes” I growl against her, “I want my mate.” Hearing her breath
hitch I flash her a smile as I know I’ve got her, capturing her lips in my own heated
ones I k*ss her passionately expressing my need for her.
Feeling her lift a leg up I reach my hand down and grasp her bum guiding her leg around me before lifting her so she can do the
same with her other leg caging my in between her strong thighs. Groaning against her as I feel her warm core press against my
growing bulge I nibble on her lower lip making her press into me more as I
feel her need grow through the bond. Kissing her plump lips I shift slightly grazing my bulge across her core behind her panties,
“f**k” she whispers before grinding herself against me as she tangles her hands in my hair. Reaching a hand between us I graze
her hardened n*****s over her thin summer dress making her moan into my mouth.”
You want me” I breath against her lips.
“Always” she whispers making me grin.
Trailing my hands down I lift her dress and shift her panties to one side giving me access to her warm core. Slipping a finger
through her folds I breathe deeply as the scent of her arousal hits my nostrils making my hard shaft twitch uncomfortably in my
trousers. “So wet for me” I whisper before plunging a finger into her making her gasp as she arches into me.
“Oh y..yes Jaxx” she moans as I slip a second finger in stretching her tight walls.

hand as Rubbing my thumb over her swollen cli t has her grinding her hips into my continue to plunge my fingers into her. “That’s
it babe, ride my hand” I instruct huskily as my lust filled eyes meet hers.
Seeing her flushed cheeks has me hardening even further before she reaches her hand down to slip under my shirt lightly
scratching my toned muscles. “That feels so good” she moans as she tilts her head back in pleasure, reaching forward I suck her

mark lightly which tips her over the edge. Feeling her walls tighten around my fingers. as her juices run I look into her eyes as
they glaze over in silent pleasure.
Hearing a noise from our right we both freeze before turning to look, “it’s an Omega. cleaning round the corner” I whisper before I
hold her tight against me and push ust through a door slightly down the corridor bringing us into an empty guest room.
“Better” I smirk as I stand holding her inside the door.
“That was risky” she giggles still coming down from her high.
“I’m not done yet” I growl before dropping her down and claiming her lips once again. Feeling her hands snake down to my
trousers I buck my hips as her hands graze my
bulge, making quick work of my buttons she pulls my trousers down followed swiftly by my briefs freeing my hard shaft.
“So big” she growls appreciatively as her big eyes look down and focus on my shaft. resting against her stomach before she
grasps it and starts pumping it slowly. Hearing those words has me twitching in her hand as I growl before turning her round
quickly so she rests her hands on the wall in front of her. Grasping her hips I pull them. open and watch as she naturally arches
her back in anticipation of what’s to come. Stepping forward I press my shaft between her thighs coating it in her juices as I
reach round and knead one of her round breasts.
“You’re stunning” I rasp before pulling back and surging forward plunging my shaft
deep into her heat feeling her walls tighten to accommodate me. Hearing her sigh in
satisfaction I grin before holding her hips steady and pounding into her at a relentless
“Oh goddess Jax YESSS” she screams before pushing her hips back into me, “harder” .

she pants breathlessly knowing I need to release some pent up frustration. Grunting
in response I slam into her increasing my speed making her a moaning mess before me, moving one of my arms I spread her
cheeks before taking a finger and lightly tracing her tight second hole. Hearing a loud gasp as she bucks against me I slowly
push my finger in making her tremble in pleasure, “oh Jax..f uck that feels good” she whispers. Slowly pushing my finger in and
out I watch eagerly as she moves to meet me with each thrust. Starting to feel her walls tighten as she tilts her head back I
reach my other hand round and grasp her neck gently forcing her to look at me with
hooded eyes.
“Goddess you’re everything” I pant before she shudders around me as pleasure racks through her b*dy making her eyes flutter
close. Feeling her walls grasp my c**k as I release my finger to hold her hip and steady her I groan loudly as my balls tighten and
she milks me for rope after rope of my c*m.
Steadying my breathing I hold her up as I feel her b*dy relax, reluctantly pulling out of
her I k*ss the back of her shoulders. “Let me get a cloth” I whisper still admiring her
round toned bum on show with her dress pushed up around her waist.

Walking back out of the bathroom after washing my hands I gently clean her off before spinning her round and k*ssing her gently
pouring my love for her through the
“I promise, when this is over I’ll make sure to worship your b*dy at every opportunity” I say looking her in the eye as I cradle her
flushed cheek. Feeling her stiffen I frown
“Don’t say things like that unless you want to go again” she says in a strained voice.
Smirking I wink at her, “oh really?”
“Really” she laughs whilst caressing my shoulders. “I love you” she says with a soft

“I love you” I promise..
“Feel better?” She asks me with a giggle.
“Very much so” I grin.
“Hmm well I’m glad to have helped...Alpha” she whispers flirtatiously. Tracing her
swollen bottom lip with my thumb she captures it in her mouth and sucks gently

looking up at me through her lashes.
“That’s not fair” I mumble as I feel my member twitch again.
With a pop she releases it with a giggle, “later” she winks before walking to the door. Before opening it I quietly start to ask “have
you ever..” before trailing off unsure how.
to ask.
“Ever had anyone near my bum?” She asks with a laugh as she swings the door open.
Grimacing as I don’t know if I regret asking I nod slowly “No...never” she says shaking her head as I grin knowing that’s mine
and mine only.
“Good” I growl in her ear as I pass her. “Neither have i” I throw back over my shoulder
as she shakes her head in amusement.
“We should probably wash” she says after a minute of walking.
“Why?” I ask.
“We’re going to meet your parents” she says with a frown.
“So” I reply with a shrug, “they were newly mated once. I was conceived the night they marked they can’t blo ody talk.”
“Oh..well when you put it that way” she laughs as I wrap an arm around her.
“Plus I like showing off you’re mine” I whisper in her ear making her blush.
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