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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 52
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David’s worries
Jax POV:
“How you doing son? My father asks In his deep voice as we enter.
“Better now” I say throwing a look at Nova as she purposefully avoids my gaze
making me chuckle.
“How are you dear?” My mum asks rushing to embrace Nova. “Your mum adores her”
Zeus informs me as if I hadn’t already figured that out.
“Good thank you Amelia, it’s nice to be home” Nova responds politely returning her hug. “How are you both?”
“Good considering the recent events” ma assures us with a warming smile.
“It’s nice to be back in the pack house” Pa agrees.
“I’m sorry we aren’t able to make those dinner plans I suggested but we will next week when we hopefully have more time” Nova
says giving my parents an apologetic look.
“We understand” ma says waving her off.
“I did actually have something I’d like to talk to you about Amelia” Nova starts looking nervous biting her lip slightly as I’ve
noticed she does when she’s unsure of what’s going to happen. “As you know my Luna ceremony needs organising, I’ve got
Naomi, Flo and Alice helping. Obviously Flo will do what she can but it could be a nice thing to help her as she recovers. But we
have a little to do over the next few weeks and I imagine I’m going to be very busy, I was wondering if you’d be willing to take
over the reigns a bit organising it for me?”
Seeing my mums eyes widen in excitement as she gasps I grin. “I would love to! Oh my goddess how exciting” she squeals.
“Thank you Nova, you have no idea how
much this means to me.”
Seeing the tears in my mums eyes I turn to Nova, “Genevieve wasn’t as keen for my mothers help” I explain quietly.
“What?” She asks looking confused, “but surely the previous Luna is the perfect
David’s wories
person to help. You had your own..I mean talk about first hand experience.”
Chuckling I agree, “well as long as it’s not going to be like the previous ceremony I’m
going to leave it to you ladies to organise.”
“What was it like?” Nova ask amused. Seeing my mum grimace I laugh.
“Tacky” mum says bluntly, “yet ridiculously expensive.”
“Ah” Nova chuckles not prying for more information, “well I would appreciate any help .

you can give.”
“I’ll start right away, we will have to find sometime and have a chat about it” my ma
“Well I’d like a white and green theme, warm lights not those awful bright white ones, and with food I’m not fussy. But I do love
cheesecake oh and I hate mango” Noval
says with a shrug.
“White and green?” I probe.
“Your eyes” Nova smiles, “my favourite part of you.”
“Not my bulging muscles and big c**k?” I link her bluntly making her throw me a sharp look.
“Those are just an added bonus” she replies playfully making me hide a laugh behind

a cough.
“That’s a great idea Nova, I’ll have a look and get some ideas for you” my mum says drawing her in for another hug as a large
smile stays plastered on her face.
“So as you know we are going to the council over the next few days” I start as the
atmosphere turns more serious, “whilst we are gone I’m leaving Laurence in charge.”
“Laurence?” My father asks confused.
“Yes” I say calmly. “He’s my Beta, he’s more than capable of the job and he has the
most understanding bar me of everything that is going on. He has Alpha blood in him
as well which makes him strong.”
“Better than the previous Alpha?” Pa asks in disbelief.
“Yes I believe he’s more suitable” I say calmly.
David’s woes
“Son have you thought this through?” Pa asks again.

Gritting my teeth my eyes flash with that of Zeus, “yes. I have, Lam the Alpha here father don’t question me”
“With all due respect David, you are retired. Laurence helps run this pack day in day out and it is his responsibility as Beta to
step up when required” Nova interjects.
“David they’re right. We stepped down and Jax is the Alpha now, we as parents. should help when necessary and offer any
support we can. Laurence is an excellent Beta, and may I point out you did the same at times during your time as Alpha” My ma
points out.
Nodding slowly he looks away with a pained expression on his face. “Ok Alpha” he says deliberately.
“I also have Axel and Evan returning this evening, in our absence the pack needs. added strength. It was a concern of mine with
Nova and myself being away from the grounds at the same time as my Ga mmas. They will be here until the weekend and then
will return back to Uncle Henry’s pack to finalise a few things before they come back permanently the following week” I inform my
Seeing my mother’s eyes widen in shock I turn and see my father glaring at me.
“What?” He growls with his eyes blazing.
“You heard me Pa” I say pinching the bridge of my nose.
“Do you really think that’s sensible?” He asks as my mum looks down at the ground hiding the hurt that crosses her face.
“Yes..I do” I reply sharply.
“They are..” he starts before I quickly interject.
“They are what father? Insolent? Unruly? Unfit to bear the responsibility of our family? “I ask frustrated.
“Yes!” My father exclaims angrily, “those boys need to learn responsibility and what it means to follow instructions. They were
careless and endangered others, what’s changed?”
David’s worens

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“Father that was 7 years ago..7!” I shout angrily.
“Jax?” I hear Nova ask quietly.
“They were teenagers Nova, they went out with a group of friends and ended up
spending time with 2 human girls. There was an attack and they shifted, in front of
the girls, to save them” I explain keeping my voice calm.

“They revealed us to humans” my father growls.
“It was either that or those girls got killed, what would you have done father?” I ask
heatedly stepping forward as my aura bristles. “They reacted and they bore the
consequence of their actions at the time. I would have done the same.”
“What happened to the girls?” Nova asks.
With a sigh I turn to her, “one had to go to a psych ward for a month. We paid for her
medical care and we explained everything, my brothers were not going to let the
rogues attack them, I mean goddess knows what they would have done they were
feral. The other girl spoke to her family and 3 months later she became a hunter.”
“But at the time Axel and Evan protected them?” Nova checks.
“Yes” I answer immediately.
“They exposed us and put a target on our pack, they should never have got involved”
my father growls.
“Would you stop father” I growl angrily, “they were young and they reacted as anyb*dy with Alpha blood should have. They
protected those who were weak and stopped them from suffering further.”
“I will not tolerate them coming home” my father says striding towards me.
“They are your son’s” I growl. “Why are you behaving like this? You saw them at Novast
party, you enjoyed spending time with them. Why can’t you just enjoy the chance you
have to work with your sons again?”
“Because I don’t trust them” he snaps.
“Is that why they went to Henry’s pack?” Nova asks quietly.
“Yes..it was father’s decision” I say throwing him a dirty look. “I attempted to bring
them home when I became Alpha but out of respect for our father they said they wanted to continue improving themselves to
make him proud.”
“David our sons are coming home, you need to put the past behind you” my mother
says grasping his arm gently.

“And what if the hunters got you?” My father asks in a strained voice, “I couldn’t go through that again and it could have
happened. All because of them.”
“Oh for Goddesses sake David. They are MY sons, I have been patient with you..with This situation regarding hunters and your
opinion on them because of what you have suffered before. BUT I will remind you for the final time, I am not your ex mate. I can
fight, and I would fight to my death to protect my family and my pack, I will not shy away from the danger the hunters show us”
my mother says fiercely. “It is time for our sons to come home, I want them home.”
“Amelia.” my father says brokenly.
“No. I am not discussing this with you further, get your head out of your ar se and look. at the bigger picture. We are stronger as
a family and they are coming home. If you do not accept that they have done everything they can to make you forgive them then.
that’s your issue, I miss my sons and I am proud of them” my mother says again ast
her eyes flash
“If it hadn’t been for Axels quick work we wouldn’t have located the vans that had
taken Flo, and if it wasn’t for Evans hard work training the warriors at Henry’s pack they wouldn’t have been so efficient in
recovering her” I say.
“Look father, I am the Alpha here. You either get on board or you go. I’m not arguing.
and this isn’t a discussion, I am telling you” I say with conviction stepping forward to glare at my father. “I will be in my office
when you’re ready to apologise and start acting like the Alpha you were.”
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