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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 50
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Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Nova POV:
I must have dozed off on the drive home as next thing I know I have Jax gently
shaking me to let me know we have arrived.
“Feel better for some more sleep?” He asks gently.
“Yeah I do” I say stifling a yawn. “Sorry it’s been an eventful few days I think it’s just catching up with me.”
Casting his caring gaze on me he smiles softly, “I know love you don’t have to
apologise” he assures me.
“So what next?” I sigh as I turn my gaze to our packhouse.
“Talk to Laurence” he says simply as he leads me inside clasping my hand tightly in
his own. On the way to the office we stop and talk to pack members and ensure they
are feeling ok after recent events.
“I think we should hold that pack meeting this evening” I say to Jax as we reach the
top of the stairs.
“Already organised it” he says with a playful nudge.
“Good thinking” I wink as I walk through the door he holds open. As I take in the scene in front of me I can’t help but snort with
laughter, sitting with his feet on Jaxs
desk crossed legged and snoring is Laurence.
Still giggling I see Jax walk around and grab the glass of water off of the desk, “this will teach him” he mutters to himself before
standing next to Laurence and pouring
the water over his face.
“W..what?” Laurence splutters jumping up from the chair in shock before freezing as he sees us both.
“Sleeping on the job?” Jax growls.
With a gulp Laurence shakes his head slowly.
“You were” Jax says bluntly.
Suspicions .

“Sorry Alpha, I’ve had barely any sleep since the attack and I thought I’d just calm my
mind for a few moments, I didn’t mean to fall asleep” Laurence says apologetically casting his eyes down.
They pause for a moment with Jax studying him before he lets out a deep chuckle,
“as long as you’ve done the work I don’t give a s**t to be honest. I know you’ve been working hard I was just pulling your leg.”
“f*****g Alpha” Laurence mutters narrowing his eyes at his friend.
“Although if I ever catch you with you feet on my desk again we will have a problem”
Jax smirks before taking a seat and grabbing the paperwork in front of him.

“Fill me in then” he instructs Laurence as he’s back to his business self, shaking my
head at the two of them and sit myself down.
“Your parents have been staying in a family suite upstairs, they are happy to help
whilst you’re away. I’ve also managed to track the caddy that escaped when Alpha
Henry recused Flo” he starts.
“I didn’t realise the caddy had gotten away” I interject.
“It was left there, but since then it has been taken away” Laurence explains. “It was
actually a plan of mine, I thought if we left it then it may be taken and may lead us to
the hunters.”
“You know where it is?” I ask.
With a nod of his head he smiles knowingly, “warrior Elliot put a tracker on it before
leaving, I’ve been tracking it since. Nothing of note so far but I’m hoping in time we
will gain something from it.”
“Smart thinking I like it” I praise him.
“I try” he smirks before continuing, “Andrew is recovering well. He’s been awake since this morning and his wolf is healing him
well, his shoulder is taking a little more time due to the exposure to silver but it will heal he will just have a scar left.”

“That’s good to hear” Jax says with a nod of his head, “Caroline?”
“She’s still unconscious, the doctors asked if they could proceed with attempting to
wake her but I thought the both of you would like to be present so I have it scheduled
for this evening he explains. “Her room is guarded 24/7 and she’s stable.”
“Yes we want to be there Jax agrees with his Beta.
“How are Luca and Sophie?” I ask quickly.
“They’ve been enjoying spending time together, your sister is a quick learner and has gained confidence. I think she’s looking
forward to seeing you some more” Laurence says with a smile. “Luca has been a great help, he’s helped guard Caroline’s room
he has also spoken to Axton.”
“And?” Jax probes.
“He said no one from the escort reported being followed this morning or noticed anything out of the ordinary. I was there when
Luca spoke to him and he sounded genuinely surprised so I don’t think he had anything to do with it” Laurence says. ” Luca has
to return this evening he stayed to be able to see you both before leaving.”
“I thought that would be the case” I say quietly.
“So how do you think they knew we were getting Caroline?” Laurence asks with a
frown. “I don’t think the leak was on our end.”
“No I don’t think it was either, I’m going to have to speak to Axton when we visit the
council” Jax says.
“The council” I suddenly gasp

“What?” Jax asks with confusion.
“The council knew she was in the long term care unit at the White Mountain Pack, when my parents were killed the councilFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

visited due to it being hunters. They’re aware Caroline was kept there and they demanded we inform them of any changes, I
assume Axton will have had to inform them when she was being transferred here” I say with worry lacing my tone.
“You think it has something to do with the council?” Jax asks standing up as his eyes
“I think it’s a strong possibility. When I was speaking with Theo earlier I came to the realisation that although the council helped
me growing up due to them knowing I am a Guardian Wolf it was more like they tried to control me. They have shaped me
into the person I am today, I became an elite warrior at their suggestion, I became a
trained doctor at their suggestion, I even became Axtons chosen Luna at their
suggestion” I trail off. “I don’t know how they would react if I didn’t do what they
suggested because I never opposed them when it came to decisions like that.”
“Is this what you wanted to speak about earlier?” Jax asks softly.
“Yes” I breath. “I loved becoming a warrior and a doctor don’t get me wrong, but if it
hadn’t of been for the strong suggestions and help from the council I doubt that
would have been the route I would take. They pushed to keep Caroline with them but
I refused and the agreement was she could stay at the White Mountain Pack but like I
said, they had to be updated if anything changed.”
“You have valid doubts” Jax.confirms.
“Yes” I whisper, “I just don’t know if it’s the entirety of the council or if it’s the voices of
a few that have been directing decisions over the years.”.
Tapping his pen thoughtfully Jax looks out the window, after a moment he looks back.
at us, “I think you’re right.”
“Really?” I ask shocked. “You don’t think I’m being overly cautious?”
“I agree with Alpha” Laurence says quietly from beside me. “I didn’t know of the
influence they have had over your life until now but it doesn’t sound normal. Even
with you being a Guardian Wolf, they have led you in the direction they wanted..not what you wanted.”
“So what do we do? We have to go to them tomorrow” I fret.
“Nothing” Jax says sharply his Alpha aura bristling. “We can’t let them know we are suspecting them, this stays between us.
Laurence I have Axel and Evan coming to help you in our absence, I am leaving this pack in your hands..not Pa’s, yours. Do not
let him try dictate what is happening and do not let him question your decisions. We will be an hour and a half away.”
“Yes Boss” Laurence says with excitement, “I won’t let you down.”

“We know” I reply simply, “and we are going to get some answers.”
“Kingsley is here” Jax says standing up, “Laurence go meet him there shortly. Nova and I are just going to speak to my parents.
Time to get this over
Leay we will be
with” he finishes with a groan.
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