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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 116
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What You Deserved
Jax POV:
Watching the bike peel away I grasp Nova into my chest before k*ssing her hard and
pulling her out of shocked state. “We need to act” I say. “I have Axel going to check
on Charles and his companion as well as Alexa and hers, they didn’t notify us of the bike approaching despite being ordered.”
“They’re not dead but something’s happened, their pack tether is there but faint.”
Nova mumbles her eyes dazed as she speaks absentmindedly whilst staring after her
disappearing mum. “We need to get them home asap” she whispers brokenly.
“My brothers will manage that, we are going to trail your grandfather” I order as we
begin to run back to the cars. “I know it’s shocking seeing your mum..like that. But we
can’t miss this opportunity” I grimace.
Hearing that Novas face sets in determination and pride swells inside me. “I know. I’ll
link Alex and we can follow him and Kingsley.”
“That’s my Luna” I say as we leap over the nearby fence and spring to the tree line.
Reaching the car we were using Nova jumps in the drivers seat making me hesitate
for a moment before shrugging it off and jumping in.
“Keys” she demands holding her hand out as I pass them over to her. “Alex can link
me it makes sense for me to drive.”
“I get it” I reassure her. “Just concentrate and be safe, can vurd
not link us all?”
Hearing that she c***s a brow at me and smirks, “I can drive. And no I don’t think so, it seems to just be something Kia can do.
Wait..you linked Alex and my dad?”
“I did..I’ve never been able to mindlink anyone outside the pack before so that’s new, I
also didn’t think about it. I’ve also never seen you drive” I laugh slightly nervously as the engine roars to life and she peels off
from where we were parked with a powerful
wheel spin.
“Well you’re about to” she replies back sassily as she throws the car round a corner
and floors it.
“It’s a good thing I trust you so much” I say as I clutch the handle, my knuckles turning
What You Deserved
white. Handling the car with ease she simply smirks at me as she concentrates on

following Alex’s instructions. After a few moments she slows down to a less noticeable speed and up ahead I spot the car Alex
and Kingsley are in.
“So your dad couldn’t sense your mum?” I check.
“No, and to be honest neither could I. I didn’t have that family tether with her as I do
with others” Nova admits. “But dad should have been able to detect his mates scent
easily especially after so long apart and the fact that he couldn’t means she has definitely been conditioned and exposed to all
sorts of magic. Drake can’t have
sensed her.”
“I wonder how she knew we were there” I wonder.
“I don’t think anyone else did” Nova says watching Alex’s car carefully. “No one else. showed any sign of having an elevated
heart rate or paid too much attention to the
“Maybe she feels the family bond with you still” I suggest.
“I thought that” she admits, “but why didn’t she tell her father.”
“She is still bonded to your dad, you’re her daughter. Maybe despite being conditioned
a small part of her still wants to keep you safe” I say quietly.
“Maybe” she murmurs. “But she looked cold, there was no love in her eyes, no
“No there wasn’t” I agree sadly.
Seeing Alex’s car start to slow down ahead of us after driving down a country lane for
a few minutes he pulls to a stop. We quickly park behind him before he jumps out. running to the car.
“I have no idea where they went” he says frantically looking around.
“How?” I ask in anger.

“They literally disappeared” he says looking around lost. “f**k” he shouts slamming a fist on our bonnet and denting it in the

“I can’t scent anything” Nova says looking around also. Jumping out I take a deep. breath and growl as neither can I.
What You Deserved
“Where have they gone?” I growl.
“Not far” a voice calls out before Charles steps out of the shadows of the looming.
“Charles” Nova growls loudly.
“Athena” he says with a sardonic smile. “It’s about time I met my granddaughter.”
Nova stays silent before taking a menacing step forward then abruptly halting.
“What the f**k” she whispers as she hears the same as me.
“Who is with you?” She calls as I c**k my head listening to the hundreds of heartbeats.
growing in volume.
Charles simply looks at her for a moment as the heartbeats continue to grow closer before slowly raising his hand and hundreds
of pairs of red eyes snap open as rogues slowly slink forward from the forest behind him.
“The witch has masked their scent” I growl in fury. “It’s a set up.”
“Oh that it is dear Alpha® Charles chuckles slowly. “You think I didn’t
that garage?”
now you were in
“How?” I shout.
“I’m sure you know I have more than just human supporters now” Charles says.
casually stepping forward. Hearing Theo pull up behind us before leaping from the
car I grin.
“You might, but we have something you want” I smirk. “Or rather someone..”
“Caroline” he says calmly.

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“Theo get her” I order as Kingsley finally eases himself out of the car.
“Ah..a family reunion” Charles calls spreading his arms wide. “It’s about time.”
Kingsley comes to stand beside us staying silent as his eyes focus on Charles’s every move. Hearing Theo drag Caroline to us I
grin as Charles’s face momentarily slips into
one of concern.
“Give her to me and just this once I’ll let you go” Charles says quietly as we all listen to
his every word.
“Send the rogues away then I say just as calmly.
“You know I can’t do that until I have Caroline Alpha” he says raising a brow at me.
*Charles you really went to risk it all for her?” Kingsley says with a cold chuckle. “You’ve not cared for where she has been for
the last 19 months...why now?”
“Oh she stayed there because I wanted her to be, she always knew that would be the case’ Charles laughs throwing his head
back. “But now Athena and you have been brought together I think it’s time Caroline came home.”
“He knew only my dad could have identified Caroline, he must have known with the tracker as soon as we moved her that
something was up” Nova links me without taking her eyes off of Charles.
“And if we say no?” I ask Charles without moving an inch.
“Then these rogues will attack you, and I can assure you that even with two Guardian Wolves you won’t stand a chance” he says
coldly gesturing as the rogues continue to advance to alongside him.
“There’s hundreds of them” Alex says aghast. “There is 10 of us..”
“I know” I say silently cursing.
“Don’t let him take Caroline” Nova links me before speaking up and stepping forward
once more.

“No” she says simply as Charles’s face hardens and his eyes narrow.
“No?” He repeats.
“No” she confirms, “you will not get Caroline.”
“And why is that?” He asks amused.
“How about because of the damage and torment you have caused my biological
parents, the fact you hurt someone I consider a sister, you wanted me dead when I

was only a baby” Nova snarls fury clear in her eyes. “I could list so many reasons
“You would hurt your own mother by stopping her from seeing her mother after
almost 2 years apart?’ Charles asks baiting Nova.
What You Deserved
Laughing lifelessly Nova shakes her head. “What a hypocrite you are Charles.
Because of you my mother was killed, her heart ripped from her chest before I could. even say goodbye. So your attempt at
making me feel guilty will not work.”
With that Charles’s eyes brighten, “oh Athena, your mother is very much alive. It thought you’d realise.”
“I saw her..but at this point she is no more than someone I share blood with, I have spent no more than 2 weeks with her
because of you. 2 weeks I don’t remember” she growls. “The lady I saw today was no mother of mine, but the one that for 23
years. cared for me, loved me and eventually died for me.. that lady I do consider my mother, and I will never get her back” she
says in a broken whisper as I feel her loss seep through the bond.
“So you aren’t thankful for what my daughter did for you?” Charles asks.
“Of course I am, she saved my life. But I am certain that lady who I saw today is nothing like who she used to be, she isn’t
someone I can call my mother” Nova says. calmly despite the strong waves of anguish and heartbreak I feel from her at those
words. “So your attempt to guilt me like I said, will not work.”
Shooting her dad a look I see the unspoken communication between then before
Charles roars “ATTACKKK!” And the rogues spring into action.
No sooner than they start Nova stands proud and releases her full aura, “STOP” she
commands freezing all the rogues as they physically can not move. Gaping we all
stand astounded at Novas show of power.
“She won’t hold that for long” Zeus says worriedly.

“How..?” Charles asks in shock.
“Jax take Caroline, Alex, Theo and the warriors ready the cars. Dad..you know what to
do” she links us all and we quickly do as she orders.
“Because Charles, you have greatly underestimated me” she snarls looking him clearly in the eye. Seeing her b*dy start to shake
from the power of her command as
her strength begins to fade I pass Caroline to a waiting Kingsley and step forward to
provide Nova my strength. Grasping her shoulders with my hands I hold her up and
k*ss her head softly.
15 Pont
What You Deserved
“I’m here” I whisper in her ear as I feel my strength pulse down the bond.
“You have made me experience loss like no other, I lost the only parents who were there for me growing up because you ripped
my biological ones away from me..so now it’s your turn to suffer” she managed to shout just loud enough for Charles to hear as
his face contorts to panic.
“CAROLINE” he screams as we turn to a waiting Kingsley and he slits her throat with one extended claw.
“You got what you deserved you b***h he whispers into her ear as blood spurts from her, the life quickly fading from her eyes.
Seeing Alex, Theo and a warrior fling the doors open Kingsley drops Caroline’s b*dy and with a cold accomplished smirk he
jumps into my car.
With a final push Nova holds her head high and calls “ROGUES. RETREAT!” With that they step back and begin to disappear
from view before her eyes roll back and she slumps to the grounds.
“Nova..NOVA” I cry as I lift her to the car and slam the door behind me. Hearing her
breathing steady but faint I sense Kia sleeping and turn as the cars pull away leaving
a lone stranded Charles in the middle of the forest line.
“Floor it” I instruct as I see the witch step out beside him. “We need to go..NOW” I roar as we speed away leaving them in the
“Theo call Laurence, have the pack hospital ready for Nova. She’s used too much
strength” I link quietly as I hold her close to me.
“Yes Alpha” he replies instantly.
Seeing Kingsleys eyes on Nova in the mirror I shake my head at him, “I don’t know
how she did that but because of her we lived.”
“She’s incredible” he whispers. .

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