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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 117
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Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Hex Weapon
His Weapon
Jax POV:
Pulling up by the pack hospital Laurence opens the door and I jump out keeping Nova tight to my chest as I run to the waiting
“Put her down Alpha we’ve got her from here” she says calmly. Lowering her onto the bed gently I k*ss her forehead before they
wheel her to her assigned room. Rushing after her I’m quickly stopped by the Doctor.
“Alpha i know the need to be near our Luna is overwhelming right not but please let. us check her over and once we have done
our job you can be by her side” he says. holding his arms up to placate me.
Growling I try to push past him but Laurence holds me back, “the quicker they can
treat her the quicker you are there with her Alpha.
Gritting my teeth together I nod stiffly as Laurence pushes me back. “What
happened?” He asks.
“It was a trap” I growl.
“How?!” He exclaims looking shocked.
“They knew we were there, they went ahead with the meeting but there was a dark
we trailed
him. Next thing Charles steps out alone shortly followed by hundreds of rogues” I growl slamming a hand into the wall and
crumbling it.
witch there. We saw Charles and after Novas f*****g mother turned up v
“How did you get away?” Laurence asks slowly.
“Nova” I whisper before falling silent for a moment.
“She commanded them Laurence, I’ve never seen someone have enough power to
command that many before” I admit.
“You need to back up Alpha. First.. Novas mother?” He asks slowly.
“Peeled in on a motorbike, spoke to Charles then turned, saluted Nova and drove off” I
growl running a hand through my hair as I stress.

His Weapon
“What the f**k” he growls as I feel his worry for his Luna rise.
“She left and we followed Charles because it was too good of an opportunity to miss.
He f*****g spoke to us, he had the guts to try and make Nova feel guilty for separating her mum and her grandmother when he’s
kept her own mum away her entire life” I

say rolling my eyes. “Nova put him in his place don’t worry.”
“And Caroline?” He asks cautiously.
“Dead” I reply simply. “Killed in front of him before we sped out of there.”
“Good” he sighs.
“How is Charlie and the others? What happened?” I ask feeling guilty I hadn’t checked
before hand.
“They’d been knocked out, some kind of powder which put them to sleep” he says.
“No physical harm to any of them and they’re sleeping it off upstairs.”
“I think it was her mum” I say thoughtfully. “But I guess we will know more when they
“How strong exactly is our Luna..?” Laurence asks quietly.
“Incredibly” I murmur. “But that was too much for her, I gave her some of my strength,
I don’t even know how but I could feel it pulsing through the bond. As soon as
Caroline had been killed and the rogues retreated she fell.”
s**t he whispers.
“I knew she was fine, her breathing was steady and I could sense Kia sleeping but it was terrifying all the same” I admit quietly.
“I bet” he murmurs.
“I linked Alex and Kingsley despite them not being in our pack. I think her gifts are.

being shared with me but nowhere near as strongly” I tell him as he looks at me
“It fits with what Johnathon has told us” he says with a smile. “That’s a good thing, a bond of true power.” After that we sit in
thoughtful silence for a few moments before I hear the sound of rushing footsteps and turn to see Kingsley storming into the
hospital his aura pulsing uncontrollably and his face full of anger.
His Weapon
“How’s my daughter?” He demands as soon as he sees me stand.
“Being checked as we speak” I reply motioning to the room behind us.
Running a hand over his face in stress I grasp his arm in a show of support, “she’s getting the care she needs Kingsley” I say
calmly as he nods in acceptance. Pacing in front of us I can almost see his mind racing as he comprehends what exactly we
have just experienced.
“You saw Lizzie?” He asks eventually in a low voice, his eyes that are filled with paint searching mine for the truth.
“Yes” I say clearly holding his gaze. “We didn’t speak, she simply looked at Nova,
saluted her and then drove off.
“How..” he starts before clearing his throat, “how did she look?”
“Healthy” I admit slowly, “but cold. Her eyes showed no emotion, there was no lover there when she looked at her daughter.”
“That’s not my Lizzie” he whispers as a tear drops down his face. “She loved Nova,

she said she was life’s greatest blessing, even more so than me because she was a
product of the both of us.”
“I’m sorry Kingsley” I say quietly.
“I couldn’t sense her” he states. “There was no scent, Drake didn’t even react and we
were close enough to see the bike arrive that we would have known she was our
mate. Is there any chance you were wrong?” He asks desperately. Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Shaking my head reluctantly I reply, “we weren’t wrong Kingsley. She was Novas
mother, in fact she barely looked like she’d aged from that photo of when Nova was
born. But she showed no connection to Nova and Nova couldn’t sense the family
“Oh goddess what have I done” Kingsley so bs as he grasps his face. “What do I do?”
Seeing the Rogue King sitting there broken as silent so bs rack his b*dy I feel my heart clench for the pain Novas father is going
though, “we can’t give up Kingsley. You can’t
give up. But you need to know it’s going to be tough, she isn’t the same lady you left.
behind anymore.”

His Weapon
“I can’t lose her again” he says after a moment.
“We will do everything we can to get her back to you” Laurence says coming to sit beside him.
“Alpha..” he links me without looking up. “I’ve just had a h orrendous thought..”
“What now” I groan through the link.
“Do you think Charles loves his daughter?” He asks slowly.
“I’m not sure” I admit. Thinking for a moment I reply, “I think he loves the idea of her being part of the hunters and fighting for his
cause. But after everything he has put her through I’m not sure he loves her as a daughter.”
Freezing I realise where my Betas mind has gone I growl loudly in anger as I feel Zeus howl in my mind.
“Charles’s weapon is Novas mother” I growl, fur pric kling my skin and my eyes flashing as I fight to stay in control.
“What?” Kingsley asks looking confused.
“Nova will want to help her mother..what if that gets her killed? I don’t doubt for a second Charles would kill Lizzie..which would
kill you. f**k” I roar loudly as Laurence looks at me with panic for his Luna etched across his face.
“He’s going to use Lizzie to get you both” he snarls turning to Kingsley whose face drains of colour as he clutches the wall for
Feeling Zeus pushing forward he forces a shift as he shreds my clothes before howling in pain as he bounds from the hospital.
Hearing Laurence shift and follow he races towards the forest, rage flowing through his b*dy as the worry for his mate.
consumes him.
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