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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 115
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Nova POV:
Jumping from the cars we jog to the tree line surrounding the areas outskirts. “Down there” Axel whispers to us from our viewing
point, pointing to a large building situated right in the middle of a business park.
“Just perfect” Jax mutters to himself as his eyes scan over the area. “Axel and Evan link Nova if needed,Alex you too. Stay in
contact he instructs before motioning for
everyone to get in position. Silently everyb*dy slinks away soon disappearing into the
quiet evening. Tapping my shoulder he gestures for us to head down, sticking to the
side of the buildings we hang back in the shaded areas.
“There are workers in the buildings either side of the factory” I link Jax, “when we get
to the car park we won’t be able to hide so let’s act like we belong there.”
“Take my hand” he instructs as we reach the car park. Holding his keys in his hand he
brings me in close and k*sses my head, if anyone was to look at us we would look like
a couple deep in conversation walking to our car.
“I’m almost expecting people in work outfits to come along. They are definitely clever
as to where they hold their meetings. Laurence is gathering all the information Evan
and your
dad’s scout teams collected, it’ll be ready for us to look at when we are back.
But many were like this” whispers in my ear as I smile up at him maintaining the
relaxed facade.
Whispering away to one another we casually make our way to a car parked alongside the garage, quickly ducking we take a
deep scent of the area and note nothing suspicious. “In here” I link him before darting to a door, “it’s unlocked” I say testing it
before it swings open silently and I slip inside. Soon Jaxs large form follows me noiselessly and we have a quick look around
finding the perfect vantage point by a
dust covered window.
“It stinks in here” Jax links me as he grimaces looking around at the machinery,
“sharpened senses are great at times but this burns my nose.”
“It’s awful” I link him back pulling a face.

Reaching for his watch in his pocket Jax links me, “meeting is in 25 minutes. Good timing.”
With a nod I take a seat and get as comfy as I can. Seeing a poster put up about 10m away I read “Private Investers Meeting
This Evening before pointing it out to Jax..
“They’ve had someone come today to put that up” he links me with a thoughtful. expression.
“It’s a good cover really, I should have asked for continual observation” I worry as I tap my knee anxiously. Seeing my movement

he reaches over and rests his hand over
“Relax, it could have been too risky I already thought about it he links throwing me at killer watt smile which makes my insides
melt whatever the situation. Nodding I lean my forehead against his and take a few deep breaths.
20minutes later we have a warrior named Charlie link us, “4 cars approaching from the north, each has 3/4 occupants.” Not a
minute later we have another warrior named Alexa link us repeating the same for the south.
Watching the vehicles pull into the car park Jax and I both crouch low being silent in our movements. The occupants step out
busy talking between themselves with a
couple looking around checking the area before they stride inside, the door unlocked.
“Not very secure” I link Jax with furrowed brows.
“They must not think they’re at much risk” he replies tracking each person as they
move inside. As more cars steadily arrive we watch as over the next 15 minutes
people make there way inside.
“Large black car arriving, I’m sensing something different” Charlie links us making us
look to each other with confusion.
“Different how? Jax responds.
“I can feel an energy coming from it” he responds sounding unsure of himself.

“Good work Charlie” I link him as we see a black car roll in. Feeling the air turn cold around me and my skin pri ckle I turn to Jax
with narrowed eyes. “Witch?” I ask him as he nods his head in agreement.

“I think so..but it doesn’t feel right he links me his eyes focused on the car parking. “We didn’t get this at the council building.”
The back doors swing open followed by a tall man with a head full of white hair, his
eyes dark and piercing standing out on his pale aging face. Standing straight and oozing confidence he stretches looking around.
“Charles” I growl through the link to Jax as I feel Kia bristle. I continue watching as another man walks round, even taller than my
grandfather and with an aura of power radiating from him. His eyes passing over the garage giving us a glimpse of his brilliant
purple iris.
“He’s a dark witch” Kia links Jax and I making us tense. “His aura screams danger.”
“Dark magic?” Jax links us, “f**k!”
“I thought that had been banned by the council a long time ago?” I ask with worry.
“It had” he growled. “s**t s**t s hit.”
Watching them stride in I feel Alex link me, “dark magic I can sense it from here.”
“I know” I snarl back as I feel Kia’s anger surge through me.
“We need to tell the elders as soon as we are back” Alex links me urgently as I pass the message on to Jax.
“We will” he agrees. “I estimated a total of 75/80 people enter. I doubt that’s their full
“I think it might be people from further afield” I voice. Seeing his eyes turn to me full of questions I continue, “think about it. He is
going to want as much support as

possible even with a dark witch. He’s not going to risk having everyone in the same.
place, he’s clearly too smart for that but this way he can recruit. Also I suspect more than one witch, this one seems to be farFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

more powerful than anything I felt at the
council building.”
“You could be right” Jax links with a groan. “Nova you know what this means?”
Looking at him with understanding he grimaces before clasping my hand tightly.
“War” I whisper.
“I think telling those other packs was a smart move” Alex suddenly links me as I can’t help but agree. “Ophelia is going to be
heartbroken” he tells me quietly.
“We won’t give up” I promise him before we sit back waiting for them to leave. Focusing on if I can hear anything I huff in anger
as I can’t make out a sound from inside the building.
“Can’t hear a thing” I link Jax in frustration.
“Neither can I he sighs. “I suspect that’s due to magic”
A short 45 minutes later they begin to trickle out and drive off. “Everyb*dy keep an eye on this black Range Rover” I order
through the link.
“Not a subtle car” Jax comments before stiffening as my grandfather strides out. Hearing the noise of a loud engine approach my
eyes shift to see a sleek black motorbike speed to a stop alongside where my grandfather is resting on his car. The
rider pulls the helmet off swiftly shaking out their long hair and climbing off smoothly before speaking to Charles for a few
moments in tones so low I barely hear anything
despite being so close..
“No” I whisper as my stomach drops. Watching in horror as my grandfather gets in
the car along with the witch and they drive off I hear Jax order through the link for Alex and my dad to trail him. The lady turns
gathering her hair ready to put the helmet
over before climbing on the bike.
Turning she keeps her head lowered before raising it slowly and looking directly at us. in the garage. Giving me a cold smile, her
hazel eyes icy and lacking life my surroundings fade away as I stand not dropping her eye contact.
Lifting her hand in a mocking salute she grins almost maniacally before putting her helmet on and roaring out the car park.
“Dad..the bike..” I link him whilst standing feeling lost.
“Who was it?” He asks.
“You couldn’t tell?” I ask.
“Who is it Nova?” He asks desperately. .

“Mum..” I so b out loud as Jas pulls me close and I hear Dad cry in my head.
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