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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 927
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Harper tried to look for traces using her spiritual power, which she used to make the incantations work, and the half of the Sacred
Seal she still had. It had already been seven years, and she wasn't confident at all that she would be able discover as to where it
was. She then decided that it wouldn't be bad to look for clues first.
'I've been very lucky, but not lucky enough,' she thought herself. Yes, there had been clues that kept her search going, but she
still saw some incomplete images. It was a man who destroyed the incantations with his blood. She was very familiar with his
Suddenly, Harper's eyes flew open. The incantations around her broke into a million pieces, like they did in the dream. Upon
seeing this, Kile immediately went to her side to help her up. "Harper, are you all right?" he asked with great concern.
With her hands on her chest and heaving somewhat heavily, Harper waved her hand and responded, "I'm fine, Kile. I'm just
having a little trouble breathing."
"Did you find any clues?" Kile asked cautiously. Harper looked a little pale, and by the looks of it, either because she was too
tired or because she was so frightened.
After a minute of silence, Harper took a deep breath and answered, "Rolando."
Kile's father, the emperor of the Wonder Kingdom, gasped in surprised. "How could that be possible? Rolando was only sixteen
years old seven years ago! How was he able to break into our Imperial Palace to steal the Sacred Seal?" he asked in disbelief.
"Blood," Harper said slowly. "Rolando's blood destroyed the incantations!"
"That's impossible! How could his blood destroy them?" What the emperor was hearing from Harper wasn't making any lick of
sense. For him, even seven years ago, no sixteen-year-old teenage would be able to sneak into his palace, let alone steal the
Sacred Seal! But if what Harper was saying was true, Rolando, even at that age, must have been incredibly powerful already.
Now, that begged the question: how powerful was Rolando now?
Only Harper knew how powerful Rolando really was: a match for Matthew, although his right hand had been crippled after saving
her life. What was bothering her at that moment, however, was the fact that Rolando was able to use his blood to break the
incantations. 'That only means he is very special, like me!"
"I need to go back to Dragon Pass right away," Harper said at once. "Your Majesty, thank you for taking me here."
The emperor just stared at Harper, wanting to find out more from her. "You..." he started. But after pausing for a while, he let her
go. "Forget it. Go, and make sure you take care of yourself."

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty. I'm going now," Harper said, leaving.
"Father, I'll walk her out." Kile followed her out of the palace. It never occurred to him that the Sacred Seal of the Wonder
Kingdom was stolen by Rolando. 'He truly is incredibly powerful,' he thought.
"Harper, how powerful is Rolando?"
"Very. The only way to describe it that he is a match for Matthew," Harper said slowly. "I know that they had dueled once, but at

that time, none of them gave it their best. If they did, nobody knows what's going to happen."
"If he's that powerful, how will you be able to take the Sacred Seal from him?" Kile asked with a worried face. Rolando certainly
wouldn't fall into the same trap again. Moreover, he had already taken advantage of Harper once by using the Heavenly Book. If
she wanted the half of the Sacred Seal that was with Rolando, he definitely would also want to have the half in her hands. "It's
not easy to get anything from him," Harper replied calmly. She didn't mind giving the Heavenly Books to Rolando since she
already had the contents of the books, but with the Sacred Seal, she knew she had to pay bigger price for it. "I don't want it," she
said at once, responding to the thought she had in her mind rather than Kile, who was with her. "What?" Kile responded back,
looking at Harper in confusion. "You don't want what?" "I don't need the Sacred Seal," Harper said calmly. "If getting the Sacred
Seal means I'm going against my initial wish, I'd rather give it up." "But you need that, don't you?" Kile was puzzled. During all
these years, she had been looking for the Sacred Seal and the Heavenly Book. But it was not easy to get either of them. Now,
she had known all the contents in the Heavenly Book There was only half Sacred Seal left. Why did she give up at this time?
"Rolando wouldn't allow me to take the Sacred Seal away," Harper said in a low voice. She didn't feel anything abnormal when
she released her spiritual power in the Great Jade Kingdom. It only meant Rolando gave her the Heavenly Book because knew
how to seal the power in the Sacred Seal. He would never give her the other half seal, and if she wanted it, the cost she needed
to pay would be out of her imagination. Kile never believed that Harper would give up so easily. So, he blurted out, "As far as I
am concerned, you won't give up easily."
Harper smiled and said, "Kile, I might not have admitted defeat before and would try every means to get what I want from
Rolando. But now, I won't do that, because I know what I want the most." "What is it?" Kile asked curiously. What she wanted.

most was the freedom of the Qin Clan, right?
"Man!" said Harper jokingly. "Of course, what I want most is man."
Kile raised his lips and pressed his fingers together like a sissy, asking proudly, "What do you think of me?"
"Good. But it's a pity that you are not my man." Harper smiled, covering her mouth with her hand. "I only want to be with
Matthew, and that's all I want. The rest are second to him."
"Why do you like that man?" Kile said indignantly. "Back then, when you commented on him, you just called him demon. Now
you married him."
Harper smiled slightly. "Things are always changing. I didn't expect that I would be with him."
Kile shrugged his shoulders and replied indifferently, "As long as you are happy, I don't mind. But what's going on between you
and Rolando? Why do I feel something weird between you two?"
"For him, I'm a useful person," Harper said nonchalantly. Rolando was a very rational man and knew very well what he wanted.
He would remember his mission even under the circumstance of being poisoned by aphrodisiac. A man like him was both cold
and frightening. The woman who loved him or the woman he loved deeply would eventually be the sacrifice of his ambition.
"You really think highly of him."
"He deserves it." Harper made the fair comments on Rolando. "As a competitor, he deserves respect."

"I thought you would like to tear him into pieces, but I didn't expect you to give him such a high comment." Kile couldn't see
through Harper at all. If he was used ruthlessly by someone, he certainly couldn't give such a reasonable comment. Harper
smiled and said, "Thank you, Kile. I'm leaving." "Let's go back to the Mountain Pass together. I'm worried about my sister if she
stays at the customs alone." Kile mounted his horse and followed Harper. "Why don't you say goodbye to your father?" Harper
"I don't need to say goodbye to anyone wherever I go. Besides, once I leave the city, the old man will know where I go and why I

need to go," Kile muttered. Although his father seemed to be indifferent to the world, his heart was actually dark and full of
"Kile." A voice came behind abruptly and stopped the two from leaving.
There was a hint of impatience in Kile's eyes. Yet, he turned his head and smiled brightly. "Hey, long time no see, brother. You
are still so noble. I feel ashamed in front of you and even dare not look straight at you."
The crown prince Magee was good-looking and noble. Harper had praised the royal family of the Wonder Kingdom more than
once. They were all good-looking men and women, and it was impossible to find an ugly face. Even the maids and eunuchs in
the palace were also quite good-looking.
"I've heard that you have returned to our capital. I thought you would stay a little longer this time. Why are you leaving so soon?"
Magee asked gently.
"Well, Father asked me to be the commander in chief of the Mountain Pass. As the prime minister of Great Jade Kingdom took
away the beauty that I like, I had a big fight with him. I came back to explain to Father why I fought against the Great Jade
Kingdom. After I finished explaining, I have to go back to the Mountain Pass,"
Kile grumbled. "Brother, you know what, Mountain Pass is a nasty place. There are no delicacies of every kind, no soft pillow and
comfortable bed. And the most frightening thing is that the women there are all stocky, ugly and terrifying. I was so scared at the
beginning that I didn't dare to go out for a few days."
"Really?" Obviously, Magee didn't believe it. He stared at Harper who was in men's clothes, but her outstanding appearance
couldn't be concealed. "This is..."
"My new favorite." Kile smiled broadly. "I bet my taste is not bad this time. I can't find a new favorite like him in the world."
"New favorite? A man?" Magee asked his brother, but he looked at Harper. Getting angry, Kile patted his horse to stand in front
of Harper and grumbled, "Brother, if anyone dares to take him away from me, I will fight back."
Magee smiled slowly. "I'm just curious. You used to be surrounded by beauties, but today you came with a handsome man. So I
paid attention to him for a few more second. Is he also going back to the Mountain Pass with you?"
"Of course," Kile said innocently. "Women at mountains are so rude. In order to make me feel better, I have to bring such a
gorgeous beauty with me. Otherwise, I won't be able to eat anything."
Magee had a meaningful smile on his face and said, "Well, in that case, I won't hold you up. Good bye."
"Okay. Let's go," Kile said indifferently and drove away with Harper. Magee stopped the horse and looked at the receding backs
of the two.
"Guards, see my younger brother off!" Magee sneered. "I've heard that the Mountain Pass is in turmoil and chaos. If he were
killed unfortunately, nobody would suspect me."
"Yes, Your Highness."