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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 926
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"Here comes Prince Kile."
"He really does come when we're talking about him, huh? Let that rascal in," the emperor ordered, laughing.
"Father, good to see you! We haven't seen each other for days! Seems like you're as healthy as always. I am quite relieved," Kile
greeted as he bowed to his father with respect.
"Why are you talking like that? Are you trying to do something terrible?" The emperor knew Kile very well. He looked like a
playboy, but he saw everything more clearly than anyone else and preferred to be a fool in disguise.
"Father, you wronged me." Kile stepped forward and handed a cup of tea to the emperor. "I heard that you have a treasure?"
The emperor took a look at Kile indifferently and then looked at the young man following him. Since the young man came in, he
kept silent, but it appeared that he was not an ordinary person.
"Everyone, get out of here."
"Yes, Your Majesty." Lenard immediately drove everyone out of the Imperial Study and understood that the emperor wanted to
talk to Kile in private. But he felt very surprised. 'His majesty has a treasure? He has a lot of treasures. What does Prince Kile
want to get from His Majesty?'
"Who are you?" the emperor asked the young man directly.
Harper saluted with cupped hands. "I'm Harper Chu from the Bright Dynasty. Nice to meet you, Your Majesty."
"Harper Chu, Matthew Jun's wife." The emperor came to his senses in an instant. "Are you here to persuade me to work together
with the Bright Dynasty to resist the Great Jade Kingdom?"

"No, you are wrong." Harper shook her head. "I came here only for one thing, but I'm afraid it's not in your hands anymore."
The emperor, squinting slightly, asked, "One thing? What is it?" "Twenty years ago, you took it away from the Qin Clan," Harper
said word by word. The eyes of the emperor widened in shock, but he looked calm. "Are you from the Qin Clan?" Harper nodded
slowly. "I'm a descendant of the Qin Clan. I'm here today to ask you if the thing you took away has been lost.".

"Why do you say that?" The emperor was struck dumb with amazement. Why would Harper think that the Sacred Seal had been
lost? No one should know about it. "I can't feel its existence, which means it is no longer in the capital city of the Wonder
Kingdom. I heard that your kingdom once had a theft case. Has the stuff been stolen?" Harper asked unhurriedly. The emperor
sighed and responded after a long silence, "The Sacred Seal was stolen seven years ago. It was of great importance, so I chose
to keep it as a secret." "Do you know who stole it?" asked Harper. The emperor shook his head and said, "If I knew, I would have
found a way to grab it back. That man was so strong in martial arts that he broke into the Imperial Palace, went through various
traps, and took away the Sacred Seal that had been sealed in
the forbidden area."
Harper frowned. If the Sacred Seal was robbed away, looking for it would be like fishing for a needle in a haystack. "Can you
take me to the place where the Sacred Seal was sealed?"
"Sure. Come with me. Kile, you can as well join us."
"Yes, Father."
The emperor took them to an inner room of the Imperial Study. Then he opened a secret device under the soft couch. Not until
then did Kile find that there was a secret passage under the couch.
The emperor led them to walk down. "The secret passage was set in the Imperial Study, which was heavily guarded. That man

sneaked into the study and broke through the device to enter the secret passage, without disturbing anyone. Apparently, he is
very powerful. You must have known about the Qin Clan. I suspected that the people from the clan had stolen the Sacred Seal.
Therefore, I dared not investigate, nor dare I reveal it." "They will pay for it sooner or later," Harper said. Twenty years had
passed and she had deep animosity towards those who
ruined the Qin Clan. She would take revenge on them sooner or later. What was more, she had to get the Sacred Seal and find
the land where the ancestors of the Qin Clan lived to complete the baptism. Otherwise, she would die under the sufficient
spiritual power someday.

"You probably don't know how terrible those people are. If I were you, I would find a place to live peacefully. After all, it's not easy
for a member of the Qin Clan to survive."
Harper didn't answer that it was easy. The members of the Qin Clan couldn't live more than thirty years if they didn't receive the
baptism. Women would die when they gave birth, which meant that the whole Qin Clan would be wiped out sooner or later. They
didn't need anyone to do that. What she needed to do was solve the problem that all the clan members must be baptized, so that
they could live a normal life.
Harper carefully observed the devices in the secret passage and many complicated patterns on the wall. "These are
"Sure enough, you have the bloodline of the Qin Clan. You can even understand those incantations." The emperor glanced at
Harper. "The Sacred Seal contained a special power and must be sealed with the incantations in order not to be exposed and
perceived by somebody, but it was still found."
The emperor led them to a room, where it was empty, with complicated sealing incantations drawn. The stone table in the middle
was empty, so it must be the place where the Sacred Seal had been placed. Hesitating for a moment, Harper suddenly walked
into the center of the sealing incantations. She sat down, closed her eyes, and gathered all the spiritual power in her body. The
incantations, which had been depressed, unexpectedly lit up. All the incantations floated up and surrounded Harper to spin.
The emperor was shocked. "Hmm... what's going on?"