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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 558
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"Master, are we still going to the imperial capital?" Samuel's voice was heard. They were planning to go

to the imperial capital in

order to seek for medical assistance, but at that point, it seemed like it would be all in vain.

"Yes, why not? Somehow, I always feel that this trip will give us unexpected outcomes," Felton

responded slowly.

With that, Samuel asked another question. "Master, is the medicine that young man gave us reliable?"

In fact, he was a bit

worried. On the way, they met a young man with teeth as white as snow and lips as red as cherries.

The stranger gave them a

bottle of medicine and a luxurious carriage without asking for anything in return. So Samuel felt that it

was like a pie falling from

the sky. For him, it was just too good to be true. How could a stranger be so generous and kind-hearted

to people he didn't even

know? That just didn't make any sense. From overthinking about the situation too much, Samuel was

actually feeling a little


"Don't worry about that. It's reliable. The medicine he gave us was actually better than the one I took

before. Besides, I smelt a

faint fragrance from his body. So I guess he must have been a physician for many years. But what I

couldn't understand was how

he could be with someone like that man? The physician looked to be talented and dignified so how

could he stay..." All of a

sudden, Felton fell silent while he was thinking out loud. He just couldn't imagine a situation where a

man was dating another

man. What was more, the other man was Matthew who had a beloved wife. Felton couldn't help but

wonder how would the

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young physician face Matthew's wife. That would be quite awkward.

Matthew, on the other hand, was not wasting any second of each day. He and Harper were on their

way back to the imperial

capital at a very quick pace. They kept on marching until they arrived at the small town which was only

thirty miles away from the

imperial capital. It was only then that they finally slowed down. Harper didn't even argue with Matthew

because she was too tired

from riding the horse for such a long time. The travel had already exhausted all of her energy and at

that point, she was already

dying for a good rest.

When Matthew finally noticed how tired she was, he decided that it was time for them to take a rest.

"Let's stop here and get some rest. Go prepare a carriage. We will continue our journey tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Highness," his servant responded at once. As soon as Harper entered the inn, she couldn't

wait to go into her room. So the moment she reached the designated room, she threw herself onto the

bed and immediately decided that she would not move from that comfortable position from then on.

After riding atop a horse for quite a few days, she couldn't even feel her body anymore.

"You should have a warm bath and eat something before you go to sleep," Matthew said while he

lightly pushed his wife. However, Harper just pulled the quilt higher to cover herself. When he saw that,

he couldn't do anything but sigh helplessly. When the waiter brought the bathtub and warm water in the

room, Matthew forcibly pulled the quilt off her, then warned her, "If you don't get up right now, I won't

mind bathing you myself." With such an excessive threat, Harper finally decided to do it herself. She

got up from the bed with great difficulty and made her way to the bathtub. Deep inside, she was still

very reluctant to do so because she felt so drained, both physically and mentally. Although most of the

time, it was Matthew who was technically riding the horse and she was just at his back, merely being

atop the horse for such a long time was rather exhausting for her. "I know you're really tired. But I still

remember that you were very generous when you gave them the carriage instead," Matthew

teasingly said while he looked at her shadow behind the screen. "Tomorrow, we'll reach the imperial

capital. Guess who we're

going to see first?"

"I don't know," Harper replied idly. Sinking her body into the warm water, she felt quite comfortable. It

made her so sleepy that

she almost fell asleep in the bathtub.

"Come on; take a guess. If you get it right, you're going to get a reward," Matthew urged her.

However, even after such a long time of waiting, Harper still wasn't responding. Having left with no

choice, Matthew turned

around and found that she had fallen asleep in the bathtub, her head laid calmly at the edge. Matthew

could only helplessly

shake his head while he looked at her. Then, he quickly took out a towel and dried her body. After he

was sure that she wouldn't get sick from being cold, he put her on the bed. She didn't even move or

wake up a little. So when he finally took a good look at her who was still soundly sleeping, he felt a little

sorry. "Your Highness," Barry called from outside of the room. Matthew carefully opened the door and

asked, "What is it?" "Prince Francis is awake. He was injured because he saved the emperor. Because

of this, the emperor became really fond of

him and would like to make him an official of the court." Barry explained everything in a calm tone.

Matthew furrowed his eyebrows and thought for a while. He then asked, "Have you found any

connection between the Scarlet

Devils and Francis?"

"I'm sorry but I didn't," Barry replied.

"That's not surprising. All the strongholds of the Scarlet Devils in the River City have been eliminated,

and they are not allowed to

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exist in the imperial capital anymore. By all means, try every single way to dig out all of the Scarlet

Devils' strongholds in the

imperial capital. In three days' time, I want all of them to disappear in the imperial capital," Matthew

stated. His voice was filled

with determination and resolve. One thing that he hated the most was whenever someone would try to

harm his beloved wife.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"By the way, how is the Bu Clan doing recently?" Matthew then asked.

"Lady Caroline got married already. The entire Bu Clan seems quite calm. But it seems like the

emperor is interested in having

Prince Francis associated with the Bu Clan," Barry replied in a strange tone. The Bu Clan had always

been loyal to the emperor.

But now, the emperor had been implying to associate Francis with the clan. It was obvious that the

emperor favored Francis very

much. However, since Felix had been the crown prince and had taken part in the court for many years,

Barry personally did not

think that Francis would be a match for Felix, even if the emperor were to support him with utmost


"Francis is really something, isn't he? Apparently, there's more to him than he let on," Matthew

commented with a sneer. He had

already noticed before that Francis was only pretending to be a weak and innocent man. Matthew

thought that the man did it for

two reasons. One, he wanted to win everyone's sympathy. And two, he wanted everyone to think that

he wasn't a threat. He

fooled everyone into thinking that he was naive about everything. In reality, Francis was well aware of

all the things that

mattered. Matthew wondered how many people in the kingdom were working for Francis. Even

Matthew had not figured it out

completely, not to mention Felix, who didn't seem like a formidable match for Francis.